I have been experimenting HTML5 canvas by coding basic mind-mapping application. I have tried to find out if there is any javascript API used for managing object in canvas like collision detection between images or shapes.
I think it is not a good idea to write my own since there might be some good API around.
Anyone have clue or some in...
I'm trying to detect the HTML5 Drag And Drop support in javascript.
Modernizr seems to not handle this test case.
Any idea ?
Hi all,
I've created an editable div, and I want to replace smiley signs with smiley images.
But whenever I replace a string with a dom element (<img> or <span> or whatever..), the div stops being editable (i.e. I can see the caret when I click on text, but can add no characters to it).
What's going on? (I'm doing this in Safari)
My application is based on client-server architecture . It is a E-Learning Application. I am using ruby on rails server, javascript,canvas,SVG element . I have an idea of an interface to allow the teacher to build any type of animation for students using Cake javascript API . I wanted to save the animation build using the canvas element ...
While working on a project to make our site HTML 5 friendly, we were eager to embrace the new method for Cross Domain requests (no more posting through hidden iframes!!!). Using the Access Control specification we begin setting up some tests to verify the behaviour of various browsers.
The current Rails RESTful architecture relies on t...
The HTML5 spec mentions an UndoManager that can be used to query the previous state of a document that's been edited by a user ( http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#undomanager ). Do any browsers support this? Is there any hope of browsers ever supporting it?
Recent study many websites are using geo-location technology on their Websites.
I'm planning to implement one website which can be detect the web visitor more accurate. An found that Mozilla is using some kind of detect MAC address technology in their Geo-Location web service. Is it violate some privacy issue?
I believe most of Geo-loc...
What's the best framework (sort of jquery, extjs, etc like) to use if I'd like to intensively use all the freshest technologies of the HTML5 stack provided by modern browsers (Firefox 3.6+ (Minefield especially), Safari 4+, Chrome 4+) and have absolutely no need to support any legacy browsers (incl. no need in IE support at all, no need ...
A recent article on HTML5 says, the proposed recommendation date is 2022 and the candidate recommendation date is 2012. I would like to know what is the difference between the
"proposed recommendation" and the "candidate recommendation"?
I am a designer whose main marketing strategy is multi browser compatibility. I assure my clients that the site will work even in IE6 (!).
Of late i have been pondering over the question of moving to HTML 5. The reason behind my apprehension is that IE6 is still a major player in terms of market share and i don't want to lose it.
Is t...
Is there a set of open standards technologies that I can use to achieve the same way of development as in Flex and Sivlerlight? I am talking about componentization, separation of concerns, rich graphics, states and effects . Please point out some tutorials and other resources if possible.
P.S. I KNOW that this is technically possible, s...
How do I include the 'autofocus' attribute on an HTML5 form using the text_field form helper in ruby?
e.g. <%= f.text_field :email %>
Where does autofocus go?
On the Mozilla website, there’s a page showing (apparently) live download statistics for Firefox: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/stats/
How are they performing their request to get the live stats data? I can not see a constant connection in Firebug.
How is this working?
I'm using the following HTML5 to display video, but only the controls show up in Chrome. Works fine in Safari and Firefox:
<video width="720" height="480" controls="controls" preload="preload">
<source src="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-content/uploads/Reel.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs=theora,vorbis" >
<source src="<?php bloginfo...
I have a lighttpd server running locally. If I load a static file on the server (through an html5 audio tag), it plays and seeks fine.
However, seeking doesn't work when running a dev server (web.py/CherryPy) or if I return the bytes via a defined action url instead of as a static file. It won't load the duration either.
According to t...
can I implement an HTML5 site with drupal?
If yes, how? And which version of drupal I need?
Thanks in advance,
We have a VoIP application imVOX, and we are looking at various ways of expanding our reach. Part of that is writing an HTML5 application, but it requires the use of audio input from the browser (and also push to talk buttons from the browser, even if another app is focused).
On the audio side, with HTML5 is there any way of taking aud...
I am about to use Ajax for a web dashboard w. real-time updates, planning on using Ajax but i hear websocket might be a good way to go.
Websocket or Ajax?
(cometd & jetty is also an option)
After some grueling debugging, I think I have found a bug in the iPad Safari's implementation of canvas.drawImage(). Specifically this overload:
void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
When slicing an image and scaling it down, i...
I'm using jQuery tools for an overlay. Inside the overlay I have an HTML5 video. However, when I close the overlay, the video keeps playing. Any idea how I might get the video to stop when I close the overlay? Here's the code I have:
$("img[rel]").overlay({ onClose: function() { <stop the video somehow> }, mask: { color: '#000', opacity...