
Which MIME type should I use to serve XHTML5 to IE7 and IE8?

I want to use XHTML5 but apparently they two browsers don't accept the application/xhtml+xml MIME type. I read that they will accept text/xml (or application/xml not sure) but it is kind of hackish. So I was wondering if I should just serve HTML5 to IE7 and IE8? Please don't go on talking about XHTML vs HTML advantages. I know. ...

what technology combination should I use to make a video player with custom User Interface in the new HTML 5

I am trying to do something simple for now. I am making a video player for autistic kids. The idea being: a video player runs on a tablet (ipad / android). A tap (anywhere on the screen) toggles the video state between play/pause. For now, I'm trying to get it to just work on a chrome/firefox browser + PC combination. I have been readin...

HTML5 - best way to render an elliptic arc

I'm using HTML 5 to render elliptic pie charts per section; using a path that starts from the centre, out to the edge, across it's arc and back to the centre which is then filled. If they were perfectly circular I could use the arc or arcTo path functions, but because they're elliptical the outer curves will always have a variable radiu...

Is there something wrong with my video code?

<div id="div1" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> <video width="320" height="240" controls="controls"> <source src="C:\Users\Trent Terrill\Desktop\Website Stuff\Media\video.ogg" type="video/ogg"/> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> </div> It won't work in any browser. ...

How to POST files from HTML5 Drag-Drop to a Rails 3 App & Paperclip?

I'm trying to get some html5 drag-and-drop functionality in a Rails 3 app with Paperclip. So, basically: One or more files are dragged and dropped onto a DIV Files are POST'ed to a Rails action (together or one at a time) Rails action saves each files as a new attachment in Paperclip Right now the only way I can get this working is b...

Why is IE9 displaying my HTML5 block level elements as inline?

Guys, Isn't HTML5 is supposed to work in IE9? It’s not working as expected for me. Here is my HTML5 code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Dripel - Welcome </title> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <![endif]--> </head> <body> <header>W...

Drawing a SVG file on a HTML5 canvas

Is there a default way of drawing an SVG file onto a HTML5 canvas? Google Chrome supports loading the SVG as an image (and simply using drawImage), but the developer console does warn that resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml. I know that a possibility would be to convert the SVG to canvas commands ...

HTML5 FileApi + FileReader - Feed <object> with SWF

Hello, I want to use the HTML5 FileApi to read a SWF to an OBJECT (or embed, if it's better to do?). My current code crashes on Chrome/Iron (the only stable browser which also supports the xmlhttprequest v2 FormData). I got it to read image data into a on-the-fly created IMG. But the object one crashes the current tab in the browser. ...

HTML5 video works in Firefox but not IE

Hi. The HTML5 video player (JW Player) on this page works fine in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, but not IE: If you scroll through the carousel component, you'll notice the video's width gets "crushed" on IE and the text next to it, visible on the other browsers, isn't displayed. The video slides are 1 and 5 in the...

Read csv file client side

Hi, I have to read the first couple of lines of a csv file client side to present the user with a preview before uploading a large file. I'm using c# with ASP.Net (VS2010) Does anyone know how this can be done? Also that it works in all browsers!?! (It's not possible to use activeX or so, we do not want our clients to install somethi...

Center and pin to bottom of parent

Hey all, quick question regarding CSS. On my website, I'd like it if the navbar was centered, and pinned to the bottom of the header (the bottom of the gradient). I cannot figure out how to do this. The site doesn't support IE... Yet. ...

New CSS3 selectors doesn't work for me?

Ok, I have code like this: <div id="header"> (yeah, have to use div instead of header tag, don't ask me why) <a href="link"><img src="image1.png" alt="image1" /></a> <a href="link"><img src="image2.png" alt="image2" /></a> <a href="link"><img src="image3.png" alt="image3" /></a> </div> And I want to select the first ima...

prototype a div into a input

Html5 allow me to do this DropDivContainer.addEventListener("drop", handleDrop, false); Then do something like handleDrop = function(event){dt = event.dataTransfer}; But can the DropDivContainer be made to select a file, like a html4 input? <INPUT TYPE=file NAME="html_file"/> I would like to prevent the use of a hidden InputCont...

When talking about the interactive nature of HTML5, you're really talking about HTML, Javascript, and CSS, right?

I'm about to begin building a highly interactive and dynamic website that could be implemented beautifully using Flash. For many reasons, I'd like to ditch Flash and build the site using the least common denominators (HTML, CSS, and JS) across the big platforms. I'm trying to understand the interactive nature of HTML5 that people speak...

Where could some html tags be neccessary?

I was walking through the new html 5 features and I saw and tried a lot of new tags to see what kind of affect they have on the browser but honestly I didn't see much difference. So lets talk about <time> tag as an example : If you write down <time>10:00</time> obviously it shows 10:00 on the page but I mean I was expecting some...

Is html5 and css3 far enough along to create a web app in it completely and there would be a userbase?

I want to create a web app with a desired release date of fall-winter 2011. I love the capabilities of html5 and css3 and was wondering if I developed it in that completely if there would be a userbase for the app. ...

Force reload/prevent cache of Web Workers

I've noticed that most browsers (Chrome in particular) seem to cache web worker scripts even after you force the page to reload (SHIFT+F5, etc). The only reliable way I've found to force the cache to update is to type the worker script's path into the address bar and force reload it separately. Obviously this is a royal pain when trying...

javascript not working with HTML5

I started to implement some new html5 features (standards, nothing fancy) in my project. Just the standard header, footer, aside, ect. For some reason a javascript code that I used on a past project doesn't work now and I can't figure out what the problem is. I compared the code (html/javascript) with my new project and the past project...

HTML5 + CSS and setting the width of <HEADER>

I got the following css: div#header, header { height: 88px; width: 100%; background-image: url('/images/header.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; } And the following HTML: <header></header> <div id="header"></div> The second HTML-line does exactly what I want it to do. However, the first html-line (< header >)...

How do I display 2 sections side-by-side?

I have following HTML code: <section class="indent-1"> <!-- Section 1 --> <section> <div>Some content</div> <div>Some more</div> </section> <!-- Section 2 --> <section> <div>Some content</div> <div>Some more</div> </section> </section> And I'd like to display Section 1 on the ...