
How to get eclipse Helios to recognise HTML5 elements

Hi all I have spent some time googling this but to no avail. If anyone could point me in the right direction of some resources on getting my eclipse bundle recognising the new HTML5 tags that would be greatly appreciated. I am getting annoyed with all these little warning signs. I am using Eclipse for PHP Developers Version: Helios Re...

Native Drag and Drop check for dropped item's id

I would like to check to see if an item with id === itemId is dropped on a droppable element, using native Drag and Drop. function dragDrop(itemId){ var droppable = document.querySelector('#droppableElement'); addEvent(droppable, 'drop', function(e){ if (e.preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); ...

Merging pixels to minimize paint operations on Html canvas

Hi I'm painting an image onto a canvas (html5) and I want to reduce the number of fillRect calls I'm making in the hope of making the process more efficient. Note: I'm calling canvas.fillRect to paint individual pixels and pixels can be 1x1 or other size rectangle depending on resolution I'm painting in (So I know that they are not call...

What are the best books for learning HTML 5, CSS, and PHP?

Possible Duplicates: List of freely available programming books What is a good HTML5 book? What are the best books for learning HTML 5, CSS, and PHP. I am trying to learn as fast as possible and as best as possible. Would books would you recommend for a complete beginner? I have a book on html but it's like 4 years old befor...

HTML5 - Read the Clipboard?

Hi, with HTML5 u can drag files into to Browser. Is it possible to read the Clipboard too (without using Java) ? Thanks in advance! Peter ...

html5 video and firefox

So, I created a nice little html5 video player with a playlist and some jQuery transitions between the playlist view and the video view. It works great in Chrome/Safari. However, firefox is a different story. All the jQuery business works just fine; however, the videos do not display. Rather, I am left with a grey-x. I've tried switching...

HTML5 canvas advanced framework

Hi, I need HTML5 canvas framework to do: draw object (e.g. rectangle) on onmouseover event of the object change color/border style on click do some js action thx EDIT: I have finally decided to use raphaeljs (alternative would be dojo). This framework is awesome. (It doesn't need HTML5 canvas and uses SVG) ...

Determining HTML5 database memory usage

I'm adding sqlite support to a my Google Chrome extension, to store historical data. When creating the database, it is required to set the maximum size (I used 5MB, as suggested in many examples) I'd like to know how much memory I'm really using (for example after adding 1000 records), to have an idea of when the 5MB limit will be reac...

Javascript events responsiveness over a <canvas> element

I am writing an html5 app which manipulates video on a canvas. I am also showing a custom (self-drawn) mouse cursor over it. To update my app I am calling the setInterval function to draw stuff to the canvas. As I am manipulating video I need: Very high refresh rates + Lot's of processor time to draw. (~50ms per frame). My draw functi...

Opera error in html5 : data-xxxx custom tag problem rewritting

Hi again , i come now cause Opera is giving me more job than what a think , the problem is the next : $('.colourbox').click( function() { $('.colourbox').css('border-color','#a3a3a3'); $('.colourbox').attr('data-selected','no'); $('.colourbox').children().css('border-color','transparent'); $(this).css('border-color','#22...

How do I play 2 videos in HTML5 back to back

Hi I wish to use html5 to play 2 different videos back to back. Is there a way to do this within the html5 or do I have to take a javascript route & if so can anyone make any suggestions Thanks ...

Bind dropdown to local (browser) database with HTML5/jQuery/ASP.NET

Hi, So I know how to store and retrieve data in a local database (Chrome). My function to retrieve data is function SelectHandler(transaction, results) { for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) { var row = results.rows.item(i); var customer = new Object(); = row['id']; customer.fna...

WebSockets... Are they unsafe?

I was working on HTML5 and I came across this site It is a very very cool site, but then I noticed the relative ease with which people could crash the site because they could overload the sending message scheme... Also I saw a butt load of javascript injection hacks being done on it, by various users and that g...

Problems styling HTML5 semantic elements such as <section>, <nav> and <article>

So I'm working on some HTML5 code using HAML and SASS. I currently have a DIV with id "restaurant-info" HAML: #restaurant-info %header#restaurant-header %h2 Bob's Country Bunker %nav#restaurant-tabs ...etc... SASS: #restaurant-info { background: #F00; } In Firefox this is creating the following HTML: <div id='restau...

Does HTML5 localStorage have an expiry date?

If I add some data to the browser's local storage, does it expire naturally? I'm thinking of storing some data with HTML 5 local storage, but the nature of it means it would expire after a few weeks. So I'm wondering if there is a method to check if the data needs updating? Or simply update the data every few weeks. ...

Hit testing pseudo 3d space

So I am writing a little mini pseudo 3d engine for the canvas element in html5. In the code below I am drawing a bunch of squares with varying positions and rotations (rotation around the z axis, so no deformation) Now I want to be able to tell which square the user clicks on. In the objects array the items are supported by the z posi...

Passing canvas data through ajax

Hi, I have an application to save the canvas data instantaneously to server. My requirement is to export the canvas data on every second, save it to the server through ajax and import the same data to another canvas in another browser through ajax. I am using Jquery for ajax. I used the following code to pass the data function sendCan...

How important is it to support old browsers?

Just read an interesting article by yahoo's Nicholas C. Zakas: What’s a web browser? How do you best balance implementing new technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 while keeping support for browsers like i.e 6, is it a practical approach to day to day web development where deadlines must be met? ...

Post Binary Sting to Django app using HTML 5

Hi all - I read in a file via HTML5 FileReader and jQuery like so: holder.ondrop = function(e) { this.className = ''; e.preventDefault(); var file = e.dataTransfer.files[0], reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(event) { $.ajax({ url:"/path/to/upload", type: "POST", ...

Changing the "placeholder" attribute of HTML5 input elements dynamically using Javascript

I'm trying to dynamically update the HTML5 placeholder attribute of a text field using jQuery. $("textarea").attr("placeholder", "New placeholder text"); From Firebug, I can observe that the placeholder attribute is indeed changing. But in the rendered textarea element, it stays the same. Any suggestions? ...