
Executing command line code in an ant build file

How can I execute following command line code in an ant build file? cd backend/doctrine/ export PC_ZEND_ENV=testing php doctrine migrations:migrate << EOF y EOF The solution With the feedback I've got I figured out the following working exec command. <exec dir="backend/doctrine" executable="php"> <env key="PC...

rsync failing in Hudson

I am running this from a Hudson job: rsync -auz --include="*/" --include="/builds/" --exclude='*' /var/lib/hudson/jobs/ backup@backup:/var/data/backup/build/`hostname` and getting this error: rsync: Failed to exec ssh: Permission denied (13) rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(83) [sender=2.6.8] rsync: writefd_...

Can a Hudson job poll a SCM without pulling code down?

I have a job that I want to run every time a commit is made to a repository. I want to avoid pulling this code down, I only want the notification build trigger. So, is there either a way to not pull down certain repositories in your SCM upon a build or a way to poll things that aren't in the SCM for a build? ...

How to use lcov test coverage tool with Hudson continuous integration?

In my environment developers use lcov from command line when working with source code's module tests. I would like to know if there is a way to easily add reports from lcov to Hudson's builds? I would ease and automate the whole procedure of gathering test source code coverage. ...

Hudson plugin for trend of timings of all jobs in a view

Is there a Hudson plugin which would allow me to create a "trend" graph for build times for all jobs/projects in a view? ...

Open source ALM software stack

I was looking at open source ALM tools and discovered an interesting project called jabox. Jabox is a new project designed to support Maven builds and new projects are setup with pre-configured POMs supporting the following suite of tools: What makes Jabox unique is that it contains embedded editions of the following tools: Subve...

Bash script to kill and restart Hudson

I am a novice at Bash scripting but I'm a quick learner. Usually. I'm trying to write a script to kill and restart an instance of Hudson--it needs to be restarted to pick up changes in environment variables. What I have so far: #!/bin/bash h=`pgrep -f hudson` if test "$h" != ""; then kill $h while [ "$h" != "" ]; do sleep 1 ...

Release problems with Nexus + Maven + Hudson

When using the release plug-in for Maven on Hudson(1.368), I am getting an error that my distributionManagement section is missing during the deployment phase to our Nexus Maven Repository Manager. If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings. It is ...

Hudson - Maven 3 - unable to build

I am having problems building a maven 3 pom: [seam] $ /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java -cp /home/walterjwhite/.hudson/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven-agent-1.372.jar:/opt/apache/maven/3.0.beta.1/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.2.3.jar hudson.maven.agent.Main /opt/apache/maven/3.0.beta.1 /opt/apache/tomcat/6.0.29/webapps/hudson/WEB...

How can I build a version tagged in Mercurial with Hudson?

I'm using Hudson to build my project from my Mercurial repository. There are two jobs: One builds the tip, the other should build the latest release. When I tag a release and then use that tag in the field "branch", I get this error: [workspace] $ hg update --clean --rev Release_1_2_beta1 abort: unknown revision 'Release_1_2_beta1'! W...

Get Javascript test output into hudson

Hi, I'm writing an automation program for a Web Application. I am accessing the Web Application through a javascript API and have wrapper functions with custom assertions that currently just write output to a table in an HTML page. Now I need to get the data output into my hudson ( automation, where I have a...

Hudson -- pulling source from multiple version control systems

I want to create a new hudson job that pulls sources from two version control system cvs and svn. Is this possible. I dont want to move from cvs stuff to svn, because we will soon be moving to git. suggestions? ...

hudson + git + maven

I will be moving to git for my version control soon. My continuous build system is Hudson and I use maven to build my artifacts. Anyone have a best practice for setting up git to work best with these other tools. recommendations on how packages and plugins should be managed in git to most easily pull down into Hudson would also be ap...

Hudson git error ssh

If there is anyone that can help me understand why this git repo isn't cloning that would be amazing. I runt the same command from the terminal it works. I hoping to find out where I can put the password so the server can authenticate the connection. Please and thank you. ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' : Could not clone ...

What do divide into different jobs when files created in job A are needed in job B? (Example is building a .NET application using MSBuild)

Hi! I'm thinking about the best way to structure jobs in Hudson, and what to divide into jobs. I'll use a .NET application as an example as that is what I am working on now, but I think a lot of the ideas are generic. These are the steps which I want to perform, without thinking about dividing things into jobs but still thinking about ...

Why won't my NAnt builds run in Hudson?

My NAnt builds run fine locally on a developer machine, and locally on the command line of the Hudson server, but they will not run in my configured Hudson project. The console output when I run a Build via the Hudson web UI is similar to the following : Started by user anonymous [workspace] $ sh -xe C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\hudson81043...

Add a code branch to a single workspace in Hudson

Does anyone know how to add a subversion branch to hudson and have it build the whole branch? It seems that I would have to make a workspace for each branch/app. So could I just add the branch to a workspace and have hudson build each directory? Hope this isnt a stupid question. This is a java enviroment so mostly maven and ant builds. ...

Simple Maven2 Classpath Issue

I have a straightforward Maven2/Spring project. Locally in Intellij all the tests run fine, however on the build server (Hudson), the application context won't start because test-context.xml can't be found on the classpath. New to this...any ideas? Assuming this is something obvious... Project dir structure: -src --java --resources -t...

How to Detect Conflict/Overwritten Files in Hudson or Cruise Control

Hi, Lets say two front end developers are working on the same file just for changing a css propery without knowing each other.They both work in their own branch in the source control. First developer's css changed file deployed to the test system, and it is still in test phase. Before the first developer's change is approved and deplo...

Using multiple Classes with Maven/Hudson and TestNG

We use several testing classes within one test folder. When I run mvn test, all tests are run and I can see the output in the shell. But the resulting testng-results.xml only has the results of the last class which was tested in it. This isn't too bad for me, but our hudson server only displays these last results and only marks a build a...