
Hudson -- windows slave running a shell script.

I am trying to run a shell script lets call it on my windows slave machine. I have installed msys. I can run the script from cmd with the following call. C:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe -e -x "C:\path\to\" Now in my build pre-build code I run that very same line from within hudson I get the following response. AllocationBase 0x7...

How do I run a VB6 project within Hudson?

Rather than build a whole project group (several DLLs and an executable) I want to run the group from the command line like this: VB6 /runexit project It eliminates the compile step and keeps the registry clean. I can setup a Hudson job which gets the latest code from source control and runs the command line. The problem I've run into...

Relative path to server in NetBeans possible?

We use NetBeans 6.7.1 to develop Web Apps and deploy to Tomcat 6. Because we have customized Tomcat (slightly now, possibly more in the future), we keep both our NetBeans projects and Tomcat under source code control (svn). We've been careful to make all jar file references using relative paths. This makes the entire working directory ...

Can I re-order build queue on hudson ci?

TeamCity has a very easy interface to re-order the build queue. Simply drag and drop. Is there any way to re-order or prioritise build queue on hudson ci servers? ...

hudson -- weekend builds vs. continuous builds (short time)

I have Hudson to run builds as soon as changes have been made to any of the repositories. There are some builds that I want to run once a week during the weekends, but with more special tests which take longer and I wouldn't want to run every time there is a change in one of the source repositories. Is there a way to pick and choose w...

Hudson fails with error "No space left on device" though there is enough space on the system

Hi, Hudson is repeatedly failing after building few projects with following stack trace with error "No space left on device", though there is enough space on disk. There are no limits of quotas on any folder. Below is output of different system commands. Here is key system information: Hudson ver. 1.361 executable-war /opt/hudson/hudso...

Hudson context url

How can I change Hudson context url and access it something like http://localhost:8080/hudson instead of http://localhost:8080/? I'm using hudson standalone and is runing as a service on a fedora virtual machine. ...

Stop build when no changes from last build in HUDSON

HI. I'm new in hudson, and I have a quite silly question. When Hudson detect that there are no changes since the last build, does not stop the build? why? I made a test job with a shell step command and always executes the command, have been changes in the repository or not. How I can stop the build if no changes in the repository? Tha...

How do I remove the -C parameter from cvs update in a Hudson build

Hi, I can't find where I can configure the parameters that hudson uses in CVS checkout and update. I have a situation where I modify build properties file locally before I kick off a hudson build. However because the cvs update contains a '-C' it overwrites my local changes. Do you know of a way where I can remove this? Any help mu...

hudson lastest builds being pushed to updatesite

I was wondering if there was a plugin or best practice for pushing the latest successful build of a hudson job. To a developer update site. This is particularly useful for the manual testers as well as getting to them the most up to date version of the product. Any comments and help is as always appreciated. xoxo, Gossip Girl. ps....

Setting hudson to operate on current user/root level On Ubuntu?

Hello guys I have an Ubunto system with hudson running as a daemon with an init (start/stop) script. Unfortunately every time I'm trying to run a build, hudson fails to access the pom file, since hudson is running under hudson user, rather then the current user logged into ububntu that has full root rights and can run build. I tried add...

hudson git https password, how do I specify it?

When using the hudson git plugin with https, how to I specify a password? ...

Hudson build freezes after writing 60K to disk

Environment: WinXP SP3 Git: Hudson 1.367 Git server on local network with Gitosis and GitWeb We are preparing to migrate from SVN to Git and have lots of working builds using SVN. Initial attempt at a Hudson Git build used the Git plugin. I start the build and it would get to the git clone phase. Exactly 60k of ...

Compiler warnings plugin: Fileset excludes

We are using Hudson as our build machine and I am trying to configure the excludes fileset for the Compilier Warnings plugin. Hudson parses the build log to determine warnings/errors and our Clover scripts output duplicates of real warnings. As documented by Hudson you can configure an ANT fileset to exclude certain warnings: Warnin...

Getting the list of files changed from a commit in perforce

Hi, Is there a way, in Hudson, of getting the list of files from a p4 change list and passing it to an ant build script ? ...

Build fail success environment variable

I was hoping to know if there is a way to run a particular script, if and only if the build is successful. So if the build fails the script doesn't run. Please and thank you. ...

Where to place the scripts

I have written several scripts for my hudson builds. I have place them in the workspace of the particular job i am working on. I was hoping to know where the best place to put the scripts. Is somewhere in the file system then best place? What if we move build machines? Does hudson designate a place for scripts? Please and thank you. ...

Label Clearcase View from Hudson

Is there any way to label a paticular Clearcase view through the Hudson tool itself? (i.e. with Perforce there is an option to "Label This Build"). ...

Prevent Hudson from polling/building during certain hours

Hello - We use SCM polling to initiate builds on our instance of Hudson. This works great for most of our cases, but I need to prevent Hudson from building during certain hours. I've tried to configure the project's Schedule (under Build Triggers) in Hudson by setting it to: 0-15 * * * 16-23 * * * Which I thought meant that Hudson w...

Run White UI Tests using Hudson CI

I have Hudson CI installed on a linux vm and a slave on windows 7 vm. I have a project running on the slave and it has some unit tests using the Project White Automated UI testing framework. All of those tests involve launching the application first in order to perform tasks like clicking on a button. Problem Hudson builds the proje...