
Problem with Hudson + Git + Gitosis on windows

I have git and gitosis running smoothly on windows with msysgit (with OpenSSH), and I would now like Hudson to start using git. So, I have ensured that the hudson windows service is running as the hudson user, and I have added the hudson user through gitosis-admin. I also have unixutils, and they are in the windows path. But, Hudson ...

Last Successful Artifacts List

I would like to create an archive of the *.jar files in hudson. Currently it does not list the *.jar files created by the build. Is there an addon for this, or is there setup required, if so where? Here is what I would like it to look like. Here is what i currently have. edit: also do i need to play with include sets in order to get ...

Hudson FileSet includes

Can anyone explain how the FileSet includes work in hudson? Maybe with a simple example. What if i want the archiver to list all the *.jar in my workspace for the various builds. Any ideas? ...

Hudson Git Plugin not working on windows

I have msysgit installed with OpenSSH option. In Git bash, I can run ssh-agent, and it manages the passphrase for my ssh key. Is it possible for the Hudson Git plugin to use ssh-agent? Currently, it hangs when trying to clone, no doubt waiting for the passphrase to be entered. Thanks! ...

Hudson git plugin won't clone repo on Linux

Alright, so I'm having some issues with my repo on github being cloned on my Hudson server which is running Fedora 8. The output is the usual error output when an error is encountered with git: Started by user anonymous Checkout:workspace / /home/tomcat/.hudson/jobs/CIExample/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@3861e6 Using strateg...

Hudson and SVN repo

I am using hudson as my continuous integration tool. I need to download from my svn a zip file. It gives me the following error -- /somedir/*.zip refers to a file, not a directory! I know that. Is it not possible to check out a zip file. Once that is done I would like to run a script that extracts it, and sets up a directory struct...

JBoss Cluster setup with Hudson?

I want to have a Hudson setup that has two cluster nodes with JBoss. There is already a test machine with Hudson and it is running the nightly build and tests. At the moment the application is deployed on the Hudson box. There are couple options in my mind. One could be to use SCPplugin for Hudson to copy the ear file over from master t...

List of Slaves connected to master - Hudson

Is there a way to find it programatically? I need this as part of an automated run; So this would be very helpful if there is an existing remote API call which can give this. ...

Hudson to send alerts about its own problems

Hudson is a great tool, and the emails it sends about failing builds are a great help. However, it can only do this if Hudson itself is in a working condition. It is able to report problems with its own executors like low disk space, unsynced clocks etc. on the web interface, just as it reports build problems, but I couldn't find an opti...

Creating custom history view in Hudson.

I'm trying to create a custom history view in Hudson so that if someone clicks on history for a given test it will be filtered by some attribute, however I'm unable to find the appropriate extension point to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Change Ruby Environment in Hudson

I'm trying to point the Hudson app at the test environment in my MySQL database with Rails. Do I need to change the environment variable RUBY_ENV? If so, where do I implement this? ...

Hudson on Windows not detecting CVS checkins

I'm getting odd behaviour from my Hudson setup on Windows when monitoring a CVS repository; access is via extssh. After checking in a change to the repository, if I run "cvs status filename.ext" against the changed file in Hudson's working copy, I can see that the repository has a newer revision. However, Hudson (which is set to poll t...

issues trying to run GUI C# tests with Gallio.echo test runner remotely

I have a set of C# tests that start up and test a GUI. I user the Gallio.echo CLI to run these tests. Running on Windows server 2003 Hudson master is running on Ubuntu the 2003 box is a hudson slave I can run my tests with gallio.echo locally on my 2003 machine. However, I have a Hudson job that tries to run these tests and it fails, pr...

Hudson, setting a customized view as default

I made a very nice customized view for my various hudson jobs. I was wondering if it is possible to set a default hudson view so I when go to hudson it gives me my very nice customized view with build history, and pie and bar graphs. Just makes it easier since I open and work with it everyday. It could cut crucial seconds off my develo...

Capturing the Unique Maven SNAPSHOT build number

I am looking for a way to capture the unique SNAPSHOT build number that was generated during the 'mvn deploy' phase of the build. I would like to be able to pass this version (during a Hudson build) to another process used for deploying to an application server. The key here is being able to capture the exact Maven SNAPSHOT build numbe...

In hudson job builds, how do i change to other users?

I try using su - user from the execute shell. But it doesn't seen to work. Any advise? ...

Why is PHPUnit in Hudson CI using my localhost path AND my actual filepath?

EDIT 3: Solved. See below. EDIT 2: I think Chadwick's on the right track with his comment. Hudson/PHPUnit is taking the localhost (the Hudson workspace) AND my local file structure and using both to run the unit tests. So it's redeclaring everything that was already declared. Why is this happening and how can I change it? I've since re...

Hudson keeps failing with Phing AND Ant. Any hints?

Let's just skip right to the good stuff... errors I'm getting from the console when running Ant: phpunit: [exec] PHPUnit 3.2.16 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Class /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests could not be found in /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests.php. [exec] Result:...

Hudson CI server and git plugin: Why do I get ERROR: Nothing to do?

I'm trying to get hudson setup on a Debian server to build a rails project, and its constantly falling over at the first hurdle. I get the following sequence of messages everytime I try to run a build: Started by user anonymous Checkout:workspace / /var/lib/hudson/jobs/myproject/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@2d61100c Using s...

How can I get SCP and ftp (from command line, not plugin) working within hudson

I am running hudson CI server on a win32 machine. After the build succeeds I want the exe created to be put on a public website. The hudon plugins for SCP and ftp were not working the way I wanted (mostly because it chooses some odd directories for where to place them) so I made my own script for a command line scp that hudson calls. ...