
build svn revision in hudson

I have configured a build parameter in Hudson for the revision number. I would like to set a default value so that SVN head is built when the revision number is not specified/changed. HEAD does not seem to be working. This is my subversion repository configured in hudson: http://my_svn_location/trunk@${revision} I see the following ...

Hudson + Poll SCM - build upstream projects first?

We have a bunch of maven2 projects in Hudson, all set to Poll SCM at the same time. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be an order in the way it polls and builds the projects. Ideally it would check the upstream projects first. I could set the poll SCM schedule to account for this, but this seems error-prone as new projects are a...

Passing extra parameters to release:prepare, but not to release:perform

When preparing the release of a Maven 2 project which includes a GWT module, mvn -B release:prepare release:perform builds the GWT module twice, which takes up most of the time of the build. Running a full GWT build is not necessary when executing release:prepare, a validate-only build is enough. This would be achieved by specifying the...

Is there a plugin for listing subversion tags in Hudson?

In Hudson we have a job that deploys a specified subversion tag to a server. This tag is currently entered in a text field, but since that is just a typing mistake waiting to happen, we would like that text field to be replaced by a drop down list with the currently available tags. That is, we would like Hudson to go to <subversion repo ...

Installing hudson slave on windows xp

I am trying to install a slave on windows xp on a different machine from the master. I tried clicking on new node and it only give me the option of choosing dumb slave. Is it supposed to be like that? Anyway, I fill out the node name as "Test" and i select launch using jnlp and i hit save. Now when I click on that node i download the...

Cofiguration Rmetrics with Rcov in hudson error

When I attempt to save a job that runs code coverage tests and is configured to publish an rcov report I get the error message listed below and the changes I made aren't saved. This problem cropped up with Hudson version 1.362 and exists in 1.363. If I uncheck the "Publish coverage report" checkbox the job can be saved. Status Code: 500...

Maven release plugin - how to set svn:ignores

I have a maven project which generates files which are ignored in Eclipse by the global setting (Team -> Ignored Resources) and therefore are not going into svn. If I want to release the project on our build server with hudson it fails as it says that the local copy has local changes (the generated files). How to I tell maven there to i...

Why can't I run my Perl job in Hudson?

I tried to do this in Hudson but: I have a script in Perl on my server (windows): lets say: d\util\ I want to have it running in Hudson. so I go to Hudson, create new job, go to: Build Execute Windows batch command and add: perl.exe d\util\ I got this error: 'perl.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,...

How can I search for a string in a log and only fail if I find it in Hudson?

My build and deploy step creates some logs. I would like to search the logs for and fail the build if I see certain strings. A good log looks like log stuff step 1: SUCCESS step 2: SUCCESS A log with failures would look like log stuff step 1: SUCCESS step 2: FAIL My check is grep FAIL /path/to/build.log if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then e...

What pattern do you use for executing generic steps on a pool of machines

I'm trying to figure out how to model my build process in hudson. At present most of our hudson builds are somewhat hard coded in that the build process is series of steps and we have one process per branch. I have another build system that has many active branches and each build has a series of integration tests which require a suit o...

How can I copy & paste, or duplicate, an existing project?

I've got an existing Hudson project that is configured and working. I need to duplicate the project so that I can have the original and then change the new one so that it points to a different source control. I don't want to manually recreate the build. How can i "copy & paste" or otherwise duplicate the exiting build configuration, ...

Maven Cargo configuring a Glassfish 2.1 instance to run integration-tests?

I was wondering whether it is possible to use Maven2 to automatically configure a Glassfish 2.1 with JNDI Resources, Datasources and Mail-Sessions for my integration tests. Also I wonder whether it is possible to create some sort of benchmarks that might then be tracked using continuum or Hudson. ...

Hudson SVN sync problem

I am using Hudson 1.224, polling an SVN rep in another machine. When Hudson checks out (or updates) the build revision, it is never the latest one. Then the build happens on an old revision of the source code. The VERSIOND file has the wrong revision. Also, Hudson won't stop building the task, unless I tell it manually to. When a build...

How to setup Hudson to do remote deployment of WAR on to a tomcat?

I have bit of experience in Running a simple build upon every svn commit ( its is a piece of cake) Regarding deployment of the war to a remote production server via Hudson, there seem to be some alternatives: * use the 'deploy' target in the app's build.xml * use the deploy-plugin of hudson Which I'm failing to get working:( What is th...

Starting Hudson server

Is there an way of starting the hudson server with just the .jar files in .hudson\war\WEB-INF\lib\ ?? Is it necessary to extract it from the hudson.war file?? I am using windows and I don't want it to start as a service.. ...

Creating Hudson jobs and views from command line

Can I create Hudson jobs from the command line?? If yes, can views be created the same way?? ...

What kind of setting Hudson need to detect changes in ClearCase dynamic views?

How would you configure Hudson to only execute Build or Post Build actions if changes in Clear case dynamic view are detected? ...

Permission to manipulate files in Hudson workspace

Hi I am having trouble working with the Hudson workspace. I am using fabric to manipulate source files on the Hudson CI server. By default, the source files are downloaded from subversion server to workspace folder, with "hudson" as the owner. On the ubuntu machine that runs Hudson CI, I cannot run the "cp" command on a source file even...

how to change hudson's default view?

i'm having problem with changing default view. can you say me how to do it properly? hudson's wiki can't help right now. ...

Hudson: Running all jobs in a view by pressing one button

Is there a way to run all jobs in one hudson's view by pressing just one button? Thanks. ...