
Hudson Free Temp Space location

Hi I have just installed Hudson on a Weblogic server and I am having issues with the nodes going off line due to the Free Temp Space falling below the 1gig threshold. Now I have checked my /tmp folder (thinking Hudson uses that) but it is sitting at 10gigs free. Would anybody be able to point me to the folder Hudson uses? Also I am u...

Build job if some specific last job build was successful

I have a job A that is run every hour. Also job B is run after each commit to github (integration tests job). How can i know before running job A if last build of job B was successful and discard build of A if last build of B was unstable? Thanks. ...

Hudson - Maven is failing (cannot create /dev/null/.m2) on Tomcat-6 - Gentoo

Hi there. I'm having major issues with getting Hudson up and running on a gentoo server with Tomcat 6. I'm able to deploy Hudson just fine, and I can browse the web-application, configure it and set up builds etc. However, when I try to run a build (in example "clean test" on a Maven2 project) I get this error ERROR: Failed to create...

How to filter SVN branch in Hudson's POLL SCM?

We're using Hudson on an SVN repository that hosts a number of projects. One of these projects takes a long time to build, even if no files were changed. Right now Hudson's "Poll SVN" detects that the subversion repository has changed and will try to build the project, even if that change was in a different project. Is there a way to s...

Comparison of Hudson, CDash, CruisonControl, TeamCity for Continuous Integration / Builder

I found most people talk about Hudson for simple and free continuous integration. Now personally I'm not fond of its interface which I find very messy, and I found almost no one talking about CDash -- I love CMake and CTest seem nice too. Could you give for your favorite continuous integration server/builder/tester/dashboard a short des...

Specify artifact version outside of pom

Is there a way to specify the artifact version outside of the POM file? I have 2 CI projects that build an artifact. One builds a "stable" development version from a 'develop' branch and the other builds an unstable version which is the result of merging all active feature branches into the develop branch. I want the stable version to ...

how do I include the full url of the ftp location in a husdon email after a build and publishied via the ftp plugin?

I am using the hudson "Publish artifacts to FTP" task after a build to put an installer up to a web site. I would like to automatically add that link to my email. unfortunately hudson makes up a directory name based on time and date and places the tile there. Is there a way to get that value and put it in the build success email or ot...

How do I specifiy or override the file and path name for ftp publish location after a hudson build?

I am using hudson and the "Publish artifacts to FTP" option. It makes up its own directory based on the date and time of the build. I would like to override that with a fixed name/location. How can I do that? Is it possible? ...

Mercurial and Hudson on web hosting. Can I install Mercurial

Hi, I have a hosting package where I have a private Tomcat and I run Hudson. I wanted to start using Mercurial and BitBucket (which is fantastic btw), my problem is that Hudson or the Mercurial plugin doesn't bundle Mercurial in the same way it does Subversion and you have to point your plugin to your Mercurial install. My hosting does...

Automate VS 2010 "Publish" Config File Substitutions

I'm using the config file replacement feature of Visual Studio 2010's "Publish" functionality, as described in this article. I want to automate this using MSBuild/Hudson. Does anybody know how to do this? I like how it works but if I cannot automate it I'll have to switch to XmlMassUpdate or similar. ...

How to tie a Hudson job to a user who has access to run MSIExec

Hi All, I have a batch file that calls "MSIExec /X {MyGUID} /qn". This runs successfully when run with my admin user. When I run it as a Window Batch command from a Hudson job it fails with "T�h�e� �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�a�t�i�o�n� �s�o�u�r�c�e� �f�o�r� �t�h�i�s� �p�r�o�d�u�c�t� �i�s� �n�o�t� �a�v�a�i�l�a�b�l�e�.� � �V�e�r�i�f�y� �t�h�a�t� �t�h...

Hudson as passive server

Is it possible to use Hudson only as a passive server,i.e, not using it for building purpose instead sending build results generated by some other tool in maybe XML format and using Hudson to only display the results?? ...

Is there a bug in the svn rev macro of hudson custom email plugin?

When I try to add the svn revision value to my custom email all I get is always revision 400. The build number is correct and other information seems correct, but the svn info is totally wrong. Any ideas? Here is the help page for the email extension. ...

Hudson XML error-- No module named dom.minidom

I am trying to send a simple XML file of the format given in . I was able to send it easily and was getting desired result!! Then I tried to build this XML file using python script and it was giving me the exact file that I wanted without any problem. But when I tried to r...

send XML generated from python to Hudson

we can send the result of a program to Hudson in XML format as shown here this works fine! now I tried writing a python script to generate an xml of similar format. it runs fine in python IDLE and gives the desired xml. the problem I am facing is, I don't understand how c...

Hudson - job is stuck, how to kill it?

I have a job running under Hudson that has not progressed from "Started by user anonymous". How can I stop it? I tried restarting the Hudson server but it just resumed the job on startup. It can't be killed by the normal cancel build button. Thanks. ...

Hudson build server install as a windows service error

Problem I am trying to install hudson build server on a windows server through remote desktop connection. I path to the Hudson folder in the C:\Hudson. The Hudson directory contains a folder called Home and the hudson.war file. I tried to start it up using the following commands: set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20 set HUDSON_HOME=C:\...

Is there a way to ask Hudson to skip the scm poll during a build?

I have configured a job in hudson that's linked to an SCM, is there a way for me to get hudson to not poll the scm before starting the build? I'd like to ideally not have to create a separate job for this. Thanks! Dinesh. ...

How do you run PartCover with spaces in the path?

I have a msbuild file that I'm trying to run from Hudson CI. It outputs like this "C:\Program Files\Gubka Bob\PartCover .NET 2\PartCover.exe" --target "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" --target-args "/noisolation" "/testcontainer:C:\CI\Hudson\jobs\Video Raffle\workspace\Source\VideoRaffl...

How do I setup Hudson on a windows server so I can access it access it in any web browser?

Question I setup Hudson CI on a Windows 2008 server and now I want to be able to use the domain name to access it from any web browser. Right now I can only access it by using http://localhost:8080. How do I configure it to be public accessible? How do I open port 8080 in windows server 2008? ...