
Testing Django web app with Hudson and Selenium

This might be a newbie question for Hudson. I am trying to setup Selenium testing for my Django website in my Hudson CI server. The question is, the Hudson will use subversion to checkout my Django code into its own path, how do I "deploy" the code into the same server for testing? This is not a question about deploying django, but inste...

Build won't complete when launching Java from Hudson "Execute shell"

As part of deployment of an application, I use Hudson to launch the built application on a remote release server. This is done by specifying a post build step using the "Execute shell" option. I copy a script to the remote server and execute it via ssh, e.g. scp /opt/myapp/ myapp@myserver:/export/home/myapp/scripts/ ...

Override the Local module directory for cvs using Hudson

Hi guys, I'm using Hudson and I need to change the checkout directory for cvs. Instead of checkout/update the project under the workspace dir, I'd like to specify a dir (as you can do for svn, changing the Local module directory conf) that will match the cvs tree structure. Eg. under cvs dir1/dir2/project on my box workspace/dir1/dir2...

"Delete Build in Hudson after Keep Forever"

Hi, I've used the Simple Promote Plugin in Hudson and it set my build to "keep this build forever". Is there any way i can delete it? I got access to the slave who build it and to the master (tried to find anything related in there but no luck). Thanks, Tiago ...

Hudson jobs won't call javac?

Hi, I have just set up Hudson on my server. For some reason, my build will not call javac to compile my builds...? I have set the path to the JDK in the Manage Hudson area, and it seems to recognise it (doesn't give me a warning). Is there something else I'm supposed to do? Here's a sample console output of one of my jobs (note how java...

How to specify prerequisite jobs in Hudson

I have a Hudson job that just does a check-out/update to a third-party library. Call this Job A. Several other jobs depend on this library. Call them Jobs B and C. They use the stuff checked out by Job A, and need it to be up-to-date. My question is, how can I require Jobs B and C to always run Job A (to update the library) before th...

Hudson CI: The user permission for shell script

I am setting up Hudson to run a shell script, which simply copy the workspace to a different folder. I got the following error: cp: cannot create directory `/home/u123/Temp/workspace': Permission denied My question is, which user Hudson build is running? I installed Hudson as a Ubuntu service according to this page: http://pkg....

Best practice to test a web application, regarding domain name and integration with external service (like Amazon S3)

I have run into these problems several times and was never able to find a comfortable solution. Let's say my website has the domain name When I run the tests on the test machine (a continuous integration server), I will modify the HOSTS file on this machine so the is mapped to this local machine instead of the ...

Hudson results one step behind

I'm using the filesytem plugin for Hudson, and when a build happens it looks for new/modified files, copies them to the Workspace, runs tests using Rake, and then publishes those junit xml result files. However, the updated junit xml result files don't get pushed to the workspace until the next build. This means that when the publishin...

Having Latest Tests Results info in the notified email with Hudson

I have a project with a lot of tests failing, so it would be great for me to receive by email the number of failed tests compare from the latest build. What i need is just the info that appears in the project's page by the test results link: Latest Test Result (10 failures / -2) Is this possible? I've already tried the email-ext plugin...

How to build many projects with the same svn revision number with hudson?

I'm just starting with hudson and I'd like to build my projects like my handmade solution did before: Retrieve the current svn revision number rev. Build all projects (each with individual result) with the revision number rev. Start again with step 1 regardless if there were any changes in the meantime (to detect nondeterministic erro...

Hudson pipelines

Hi Can anyone help with this problem? I have a test job, a downstream job and a join job. I only want the join job to run if the downstream job succeeds. If the test job fails and the downstream job succeeds I still want to run the join job. Anyone know of a plugin that can help here? The join plugin is not good enough because I c...

Any sensible way to use Hudson with TFS workspaces?

I've been playing with Hudson and got the TFS source control integration running. Problem is: it only allows you to specify a single folder as the source root. We've got a lot of projects that share resources (including standard shared libraries). If I could hard-link a folder like I could in source safe this wouldn't be an issue. I ...

How can I get Devel::Cover results to show up in Hudson?

Is it possible to have the coverage statistics generated by Devel::Cover to show up in the project view in Hudson, much like the Cobertura plugin does? Even vague ideas are appreciated! ...

Editing Subversion post-commit script to enable automated Hudson builds

Hey guys, I'm not so good with Linux, but I need to modify the post-commit file of my Subversion repository to get Hudson to build automatically on commits. This page here tells me to do this: REPOS="$1" REV="$2" UUID=`svnlook uuid $REPOS` /usr/bin/wget \ --header "Content-Type:text/plain;charset=UTF-8" \ --post-data "`svnlook chan...

How do i use RVM w/ Hudson CI server on Debian?

I'm trying to setup an automated "build" server for my rails projects using Hudson CI. SO far it's able to run specs and do metrics on the code but I have 2 different projects dependent on 2 different versions of ruby. So i'm trying to use RVM to run multiple copies of ruby then switch back and forth in a pre-build step. I found a coup...

Maven test failure xml FileNotFoundException

My Maven build is failing on Hudson with a FileNotFoundException, I do not get the same failure through NetBeans. The FileNotFoundException is for some xml files in the same packages as my test classes themselves. It would appear these are not getting copied as part of the build in the same way the class files are. Do I have to add somet...

How to change the home directory of hudson?

I deployed hudson.war in the sun application server 9.1. I like to check how can i change the home directory of hudson to point to another directory becasue if using a .hudson directory is not ok as i have very little diskspace left in main disk drive. ...

warning: unmappable character for encoding ASCII

I encounter this error (warning: unmappable character for encoding ASCII) when compiling the files using apache-ant-1.7.0 through hudson build server can anyone advise on how to resolve this? I am able to build successfully using windows machine. ...

Sending Subversion Change Log Info Via Hudson

I'm trying to integrate Hudson into our development process, and everything is going smooth except for one thing. I had been using Phing to do deployments, and one of the things that was being triggered was an email to our tech support email address containing a list of all the commit messages between the last time code was deployed and...