
Make Hudson check for new Release directory in the tag directory of the SVN and build the new release

Question Is there a ways to make Hudson check for new Release directory in the tag directory of the SVN repository and build only the new release? ...

Performing deployment of application and restarting of domain in the same server

I am using hudson which will run scheduled builds from time to time. Problem is that i configured a shell script which will be excuted to perform the deployment and also restarting of domain. As hudson is on the same application server as the actual application. My hudson will stop and also stop the shell script after the asadmin stop...

Configure email notification in Hudson.

I am trying to configure Hudson to send an email if a build fails to the person who committed the broken build to SVN. Question Is it possible to do this and if so how do I configure Hudson to do it? ...

Trigger a build in Hudson from Visual SVN

Is there a way to trigger Hudson to perform a build when someone commits to visual svn? As in is there a way to set up visual svn to send a build trigger to hudson? ...

tried to update hudson via dashboard and now it doesn't work (windows)

I get the following now in the output log. I really wish I hadn't attempted to update the version. What a hassle. Can anyone diagnose the issue here? Was trying to go from Hudson ver. 1.341 to the latest. 1.361? All I see now when I go to the hudson url is: Please wait while Hudson is restarting... Your browser will relo...

How do you change the layout of JUnit Reports in Hudson?

So, I'm setting up Hudson right now and couldn't be more pleased. However, I need to display a table in the test results page as opposed to the graph it provides. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? ...

How to make hudson build only most current build.

Question How do I setup Hudson so that if one person triggers a build, Hudson will put it on the queue and wait lets say 2 minutes, and during those 2 minutes if another build is triggered it will replace the older build on the queue with the new build? This way if there are 2 builds in those 2 minutes, Hudson will only perform the l...

os.environ() giving errors while setting for Hudson

I want a small python script to set the HUDSON_HOME environment variable. When using the shell, I can easily do this using >>set HUDSON_HOME=http://localhost:8080 But how can I do the same directly through python?? I don't want to do it by passing the command line to os.system().. can os.environ() be of any help?? I had in my script: ...

Trying to run Selenium tests using Hudson - "Error: no display specified"

I'm trying to get Selenium tests to work when they are executed by Hudson, but I have not been successful so far. Hudson is running on Ubuntu, and Selenium is unable to open display. Command I use for launching the build is: mvn clean selenium:xvfb install error log: [INFO] [selenium:xvfb {execution: default-cli}] [INFO] Starting Xv...

How to perform cvs checkout by release tag name in Hudson ?

Hi all, Under Hudson, does somebody know how to specify a release tag name in a cvs checkout ? At the moment, i only specify the CVSROOT and modules names to checkout my project in my workspace. I tried to add '-r TAG_NAME' for each module name, but it doesn't work. I think that this functionality exist, so if someone as the right syn...

Hudson plugins for visual svn

Problem I have a hudson build server set up on a windows server 2008. We want to be able to commit to a repository and after the commit succeeds we want visual svn server to send a message or a trigger to the hudson build server to let it know it needs to execute a build. We want it to build only when someone does a commit so we don't...

Filtering Hudson build results by description

I need to filter the build results of a job based on the description of the build in Hudson. I found a plugin that allows for filtering based on the job description, however I'm not sure how I would begin to do the same for builds. ...

Build server polling vs. event-driven builds

Why do build servers poll for changes instead of SVN firing off an event (or a post-commit step) that tells the build server to start a build? It seems terribly inefficient to poll for changes, especially when the number of projects increases and the polling period is set to a very low value (for example, 30 seconds). ...

Visual SVN, hudson build trigger.

I have visualSVN server installed on windows server 2008. I want to use the post commit hook command line to call this code that I got on the Hudson web site: set REPOS="$1" set REV="$2" set UUID=`svnlook uuid $REPOS` /usr/bin/wget \ --header "Content-Type:text/plain;charset=UTF-8" \ --post-data "`svnlook changed --revision $REV $R...

Hudson, is it possible to make a plugin configuration non-visible depending on job type?

With the plugin (SCM plugin) I'm working on the problem is that it doesn't work in any other job/project type than Freestyle-project. I'd like to hide the plugin configuration from project configuration page on other job/project types (maven, matrix etc), because it seems to distract people. I wonder if there's a "right" way of doing thi...

Hudson: how do i use a parameterized build to do svn checkout and svn tag?

I'm setting up a parameterized build in hudson v1.362. the parameter i'm creting is used to determine which branch to checkout in subversion. I can set my svn repository url like this: https://my.svn.server/branches/${branch} and it does the checkout and the build just fine. now I want to tag the build after it finishes. i'm using the...

How to get Hudson to show complete selenium report?

Our Hudson installation shows a very spartan version of the Selenium report: Selenium Report Result numTestPasses 2 numTestFailures 0 I've understood that it should be possible to view full reports via Hudson, and also track development of the tests. But how? ...

Hudson Plugin for viewing XML Data as a chart (over time)

Hi, I'm trying to find a way to get this working: I use a Hudson Continuous Integration Server where I have some Maven builds. I've configured Findbugs for these builds and also the Graph plugin that shows me the Findbugs trend. Now I've developed a maven plugin that creates an xml file with some values in it like: <rootElement> <na...

Hudson CI node distribution / prebuild task in multi-configuration project

Hello, i'm currently setting up a small grid of hudson nodes to utilize them for distributed testing different runtime configurations of our products. Is there a way to trigger the startup of a node when a job is invoked? The build phase of the 'multi-configuration project' that i use already wants to run within the active node. Perh...

Slow Complex Builds & Hudson vs. Electric Cloud

Is hudson the right tool for complex C++ builds? I have a C++ build that takes about 4 hours. Compile and packaging take about 1/2 the time and testing consumes the other half. Presently, we are using a home grown system but there's some move to go to hudson since we use it for all of our java builds. My problem is that continuous in...