
Can Nexus/Maven store 32 bit and 64 bit artifacts at the same time?

Hi, I'm currently using Nexus as an artifact repository manager. Artifacts are deployed to Nexus automatically via a build machine running Hudson. The build machine is a 64 bit whereas my development machine is 32 bit. I would like to create a 32 bit build slave which would automatically build a 32 bit version of our code (e.g. code w...

Hudson and PHP project release management

I'd like to ask about real life experiences with release management of PHP projects over Hudson CI server. Our projects are separated into subprojects: frontends, framework, libraries. Everything is stored in our SVN as project of its own. Different frontends may depend on different versions of framework which itself depends on differen...

Why am I getting this "Can't allocate memory" from Hudson?

Here's what I believe to be the relevant error message: Caused by: Cannot run program "/usr/bin/git" (in directory "/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace"): error=12, Cannot allocate memory at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.<init>(Proc.jav...

How to share the BUILD_NUMBER between jobs with Hudson

I have separated a bug Hudson job into smaller jobs. Job A does the main build and Job B another build with different configuration. I configure Hudson, so that the A triggers B and it works fine. The problem is that Job A has the original build number and B just started from 1. My question is: Is it possible to pass the BUILD_NUMBER en...

How can I retain compiler warnings in Hudson (CI) when using SVN Update?

I've got a continuous integration setup using Hudson and lately I've configured the jobs to use svn update to get the latest version of the code. I really like this approach since it allows msbuild to version appropriately and only build the effected assemblies. However, I've noticed that since I'm not doing a build of all the assembli...

Upload multiple log files per Hudson build step

We're considering moving to Hudson, and currently have build steps that write 2 files (say, a log file and an audit file), and I would like both of them to be viewable for each step (kind of like the Console Output thing, simply for other files). I couldn't find a plugin that seemed to do this from the short descriptions. What's the way...

Best practice on how to configure two local maven directories for continous integration with Hudson

I use Hudson as our build server. WE have a very large project that is devided into several maven based projects. There are several dependencies between the artifacts of these projects. Currently we don't version the code good enough so that we need two maven repositories to manage the dependencies correctly. My question is how to setu...

hyperlink to local or network folder in hudson

I have been using Hudson CI and am posting to it using curl as mentioned here-- But as they say I have to convert my raw text to hexbin format and then send. I have been able to do that and it works fine except for one place: when I have a string that is a link, say http:...

MSBuild & VSIXmanifest Env Dependencies

Hi, I'm having trouble getting a VisualStudio extention project to build under hudson. The problem is that the primary project contains a source.extention.vsixmanifest which, at some point, is moved to obj/Debug/extention.vsixmanifest. However this relative path is all that's output when the build fails not being able to find the file (...

Using a project file as a parameter in MSBuild with Hudson

Hi, I'm currently using the Hudson build system with MSBuild steps. As part of the build, I have a project file with various targets in, one of which is to start a build with visual studio. However, I need to pass through a seperate project file to this target in order for it to build, but I keep getting the exception 'MSBUILD : error M...

hudson and vmware player or virtual box, windows slave

I am currently running ubuntu 10.4, I would like to be able to run windows XP from within that machine, using vmware player/workstation. I am not sure which is better for my situation. I need to verify my builds under a windows environment, which is why i need the vmware software, Does anyone have experience, running Hudson slaves on wi...

Hudson: Keeping track of number of changed files in each build

Does anyone know of a built-in way to have Hudson keep track of how many files are changed, added or deleted in the source code repository in each build ? I'd like to plot the results in the same way that the JUnit test results graphs show the numbers of passing and failing tests for each build. The Measurement Plots plugin and the Plo...

Data-handshaking with batch scripts on Hudson CI

I've installed 2 copies of Hudson CI server each on a separate Tomcat web server on my Windows machine. My task is to figure out a way to have these 2 Hudson instances communicate and interact with each other. After researching I came upon a solution, Hudson's Build-Publisher plug-in. By using this plug-in I was able to create a new job ...

Hudson -- Dumb slave

I have been playing with Hudson slaves lately, I was wondering what a dumb slave is? and when is it beneficial to use? An example would be nice. They suggest there are other types of slaves but they then again list none. Thanks ...

Hudson -- Step by step guide to set up master and slave machines

As you can see, the link to that on the hudson website is dead. So, I was hoping for a little step by step for setting up a windows slave with a linux master. I managed to setup hudson on the windows machine, but how do i link the slave to report back to the master and initiate build from the master to run on the windows slave. Basica...

Hudson Downstream Projects

Hi, i have 2 projects. One of them contains integration tests (lets call it project B) and the other is the main project itself(project A). I configured hudson so when project A is build afterwards project B will be builded too. My Problem is that if project A is successful and project B fails the guy who broke the build will not get no...

Hudson -- Windows execute windows batch command

I currently running the following commands on a hudson slave deployed on a windows machine. dir cmd mvn clean install I get the following return on the build. mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have set the correct path on the node which points to the hudson installation on ...

registering DLLs / COM interops during command-line MSBuild

Hi, I'm automating my MSBuild-based C# solution build using Hudson running on a Windows machine. My product depends on a number of third-party DLLs that need to be registered in some form or fashion for the build to work. Are there any best practices for performing that sort of registration via MSBuild or Hudson? The particulars: Red...

Integrating Hudson with UCM Clearcase on windows machine

I've installed Hudson on my windows machine and trying to integrate it with UCM Clearcase (the repository we are using). There are no help docs available on Hudson wiki to explain how to do that. I select New Job --> Project Name I give as Test --> select Build a free style software project --> click Ok --> This leads me to Config...

Hudson multiconfiguration project - anyway to filter based on node environment?

I have a set of GUI automation tests that take a rather long time to run. I've been looking into a multi-configuration Hudson project to run subsections of the tests in parallel. I'd like to set up a filter that only runs one subset on each slave node, rather than each subset on each slave node. Is there any way to include the slave nod...