
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

Hi I have an application which throws "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException'". Which reduces the performance of the server,the CPU usage was around 95%. I dont know the reason why this problem is occuring .... can any one pls tell wats the reason for the error and how can i sort it out???? This is my stack trace: ...

MySQL Stored procedure: search for a variable number of strings

I need a some stored procedure that called like: search('foo bar') makes a search similar to: SELECT FROM A, B WHERE A.B_ID = B.ID AND (A.f1 LIKE '%foo%' OR A.f2 LIKE '%foo%' OR B.f3 LIKE '%foo%') AND (A.f1 LIKE '%bar%' OR A.f2 LIKE '%bar%' OR B.f3 LIKE '%bar%') And I have some doubts and questions: I can't pass an array to the p...

Ibatis: Define a getter as a property on a result

Hi, Can I define a getter as a property on a result in Ibatis? like <resultMap id=.... class=...> <result property="getSomeValue" column="valueColumn"/> .... I haven't seen this in documentation so far. ...

IBATIS - Stored procedure timeout

i have this procedure statement <procedure id="InsertIOs" parameterMap="InsertIOsParams"> SP_InsertIOs </procedure> </statements> <parameterMaps> <parameterMap id="InsertIOsParams"> <parameter property="iosxml" column="iosxml" dbType="VarChar"/> </parameterMap> </parameterMaps> The name of the stored ...

How can we use mysql's limits with iBatis generally?

I use iBatis 2.3.4 I have the following query: <select id="getUserList" resultMap="userListResult"> SELECT id, name, login, email FROM users </select> And when I need to provide paging I use: sqlMap.queryForList("base.getUserList", startPosition, numItems); Then iBa...

iBatis error when applying parameter map - Caused by SQLException: Cursor is closed

I am debugging an issue with a null ResultsMap returned from calling a stored procedure via iBatis for java. Here is a truncated copy of the exception I'm receiving. DataAccessException: Exception calling procedure Caused by: com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException: --- The error occurred in ibatis-map.xml. --- The error ...

iBatis Java: Dynamic table names in DELETE

iBatis 3 has a wonderful ability in SELECT statements to provide dynamic substitution before statement is prepared. For example this will work <select id="foo">SELECT * FROM $db$.MY_TABLE</select> However I can't make it work when trying to empty table XML code: <delete id="del" parameterType="String">DELETE FROM $db$.MY_TABLE</dele...

ibatis - where to place the <cacheModel> tag ?

I have the map config file like this <sqlMap ..............> <alias> <typeAlias ......../> </alias> <statements> .... <sql>....</sql> <select cacheModel="cache-select-all">....</select> <update>...</update> <procedure>...</procedure> ..... </statements> <parameterMaps>...

ibatis - cannot set cacheModel

I want to set cacheModel on an insert and i do it like this: <select id="SelectAll_Cache" resultClass="SN" cacheModel="cache-select-all"> <include refid="GetAll_SN"/> </select> <cacheModel id="cache-select-all" implementation="LRU" readOnly="false" serialize="true"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <property name="size" value="8...

Spring: separate datasource for read-only transactions

Thanks for reading this. I have 2 MySQL databases - master for writes, slave for reads. The perfect scenario I imagine is that my app uses connection to master for readOnly=false transactions, slave for readOnly=true transactions. In order to implement this I need to provide a valid connection depending on the type of current transacti...

Question related to Ibatis....

How to use stored procedure in ibatis.. I am new to ibatis.. pl help Thanks in advance ...

Requesting for ibatis tutorial site....

Hi friends pl help me with links to learn ibatis and jquery efficently..... thanks in advance... friends... ...

iBatis SqlMapClient and thread safety

I know the API state "A thread safe client for working with your SQL Maps", but I want to understand how it works a little better and was wondering if anyone was running this ina multi-threaded environment with transactions. For instance using: void doSomeSql() throws SQLException{ sqlMapper.startTransaction(); sqlMapper.startBatc...

IBatis + Java: Retrieving HashMap

Hi, How can I retrieve a HashMap using IBatis. I have a select for two values, and I want to maps this in a key-value map. Someone has faced the same problem? Thanks in advance ...

Iterate list of Objects in Ibatis

Hi. I have a list of object where I want to iterate and access a particular field in ibatis sql. Ex. public Class Student { String id; String name; } I will pass as parameter a List of Student object(List(Student)) and do iteration accessing the id for each object bean. How do I do this? ...

How to understand Open Source projects/libraries?

There are few open source projects/APIs/libraries that we use in our project (Spring, Struts, iBatis etc.) and I want to understand their design and how they work internally. What is the best way to understand these projects? Note that I am already using these libraries in my project. And I know the input-output interaction/configuratio...

ibatis + glassfish: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

I keep getting the error randomly: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure Anyone got ideas? ERROR: java.sql.Connection - Error calling Connection.setAutoCommit: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from ...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources

When i try to hit ibatis, i get following exception. Whatis the issue. which jar has this class. file? 7/31/10 18:48:11:917 GMT+05:30] 0000001f SystemErr R java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources [7/31/10 18:48:11:917 GMT+05:30] 0000001f SystemErr R at com.xxxx.pbpcs.persistence.common.DaoConfig.g...

How do I insert collection of objects using MyBatis 3.x?

Hi. I'm a beginner with MyBatis. I just want to know how to insert a collection of objects from an instance of a class. Say I have a class User related to a Note in one-to-many relationship. I just like to mention that I built my schema using JPA 2 annotations via Hibernate's hbm2ddl. I'll add the key JPA annotations I used in the sampl...

Spring jdbc vs iBatis

For Spring 2.5.6 and above the two reasons that I can think of for choosing spring jdbc are : BeanPropertySqlParameterSource - for insert/update ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper - for select These two give you the power of basic orm as you don't need to code your rowmappers. Thoughts/Comments? ...