I have an application which throws "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException'". Which reduces the performance of the server,the CPU usage was around 95%.
I dont know the reason why this problem is occuring ....
can any one pls tell wats the reason for the error and how can i sort it out????
This is my stack trace:
I need a some stored procedure that called like:
search('foo bar')
makes a search similar to:
AND (A.f1 LIKE '%foo%' OR A.f2 LIKE '%foo%' OR B.f3 LIKE '%foo%')
AND (A.f1 LIKE '%bar%' OR A.f2 LIKE '%bar%' OR B.f3 LIKE '%bar%')
And I have some doubts and questions:
I can't pass an array to the p...
Can I define a getter as a property on a result in Ibatis?
<resultMap id=.... class=...>
<result property="getSomeValue" column="valueColumn"/>
I haven't seen this in documentation so far.
i have this procedure statement
<procedure id="InsertIOs" parameterMap="InsertIOsParams">
<parameterMap id="InsertIOsParams">
<parameter property="iosxml" column="iosxml" dbType="VarChar"/>
The name of the stored ...
I use iBatis 2.3.4
I have the following query:
<select id="getUserList" resultMap="userListResult">
And when I need to provide paging I use:
sqlMap.queryForList("base.getUserList", startPosition, numItems);
Then iBa...
I am debugging an issue with a null ResultsMap returned from calling a stored procedure via iBatis for java. Here is a truncated copy of the exception I'm receiving.
DataAccessException: Exception calling procedure
Caused by: com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
--- The error occurred in ibatis-map.xml.
--- The error ...
iBatis 3 has a wonderful ability in SELECT statements to provide dynamic substitution before statement is prepared. For example this will work
<select id="foo">SELECT * FROM $db$.MY_TABLE</select>
However I can't make it work when trying to empty table
XML code:
<delete id="del" parameterType="String">DELETE FROM $db$.MY_TABLE</dele...
I have the map config file like this
<sqlMap ..............>
<typeAlias ......../>
<select cacheModel="cache-select-all">....</select>
I want to set cacheModel on an insert and i do it like this:
<select id="SelectAll_Cache" resultClass="SN" cacheModel="cache-select-all">
<include refid="GetAll_SN"/>
<cacheModel id="cache-select-all" implementation="LRU" readOnly="false" serialize="true">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<property name="size" value="8...
Thanks for reading this.
I have 2 MySQL databases - master for writes, slave for reads. The perfect scenario I imagine is that my app uses connection to master for readOnly=false transactions, slave for readOnly=true transactions.
In order to implement this I need to provide a valid connection depending on the type of current transacti...
How to use stored procedure in ibatis.. I am new to ibatis.. pl help
Thanks in advance
Hi friends
pl help me with links to learn ibatis and jquery efficently.....
thanks in advance... friends...
I know the API state "A thread safe client for working with your SQL Maps", but I want to understand how it works a little better and was wondering if anyone was running this ina multi-threaded environment with transactions. For instance using:
void doSomeSql() throws SQLException{
How can I retrieve a HashMap using IBatis. I have a select for two values, and I want to maps this in a key-value map.
Someone has faced the same problem?
Thanks in advance
Hi. I have a list of object where I want to iterate and access a particular field in ibatis sql.
public Class Student
String id;
String name;
I will pass as parameter a List of Student object(List(Student))
and do iteration accessing the id for each object bean. How do I do this?
There are few open source projects/APIs/libraries that we use in our project (Spring, Struts, iBatis etc.) and I want to understand their design and how they work internally.
What is the best way to understand these projects? Note that I am already using these libraries in my project. And I know the input-output interaction/configuratio...
I keep getting the error randomly:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
Anyone got ideas?
ERROR: java.sql.Connection - Error calling Connection.setAutoCommit:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet successfully received from ...
When i try to hit ibatis, i get following exception. Whatis the issue. which jar has this class. file?
7/31/10 18:48:11:917 GMT+05:30] 0000001f SystemErr R java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources
[7/31/10 18:48:11:917 GMT+05:30] 0000001f SystemErr R at com.xxxx.pbpcs.persistence.common.DaoConfig.g...
Hi. I'm a beginner with MyBatis.
I just want to know how to insert a collection of objects from an instance of a class. Say I have a class User related to a Note in one-to-many relationship. I just like to mention that I built my schema using JPA 2 annotations via Hibernate's hbm2ddl. I'll add the key JPA annotations I used in the sampl...
For Spring 2.5.6 and above the two reasons that I can think of for choosing spring jdbc are :
BeanPropertySqlParameterSource - for
ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper -
for select
These two give you the power of basic orm as you don't need to code your rowmappers.