
How Can I Send Multiple Events To an Outlook 2003 Calendar in 3 or less clicks?

Basically I want someone to be able to click a bunch of events on my website, and have them all synced in a pain-free way to their primary Outlook calendar. I know I can send an ics with multiple events in it, but this creates a second calendar (unless you import the calendar which is more than 3 clicks). I can also have a user sync to...

Is there a good library in .NET for Parsing/Displaying ICS feeds?

I'd like to embed a google calendar in my website, but I hate the options their built in stuff gives me for colors, etc. Has anyone put together a good library for doing this stuff. I am specifically running on a DotNetNuke site, but any embeddable js code, or .NET library for doing this would be a great answer. ...

Encoding newlines in iCal files

I'm trying to figure out how to encode newlines in the DESCRIPTION part of an iCal file in such a way that they will import properly into Outlook, Google Calendar and the Apple Calendar. The original code I inherited used "=0D=0A" with a quoted-printable encoding, which works great in Outlook, but not in Google Calendar. The spec seems...

Most common standard to provide a feed of upcoming events via web

What are common methods / official standards for surfacing event or calendar data? My use case is that I want to aggregate event information from several different websites into a single calendar or event listing (this is on an intranet, we have control over all websites). I want to ask the websites to present their data in a certain...

icalendar reminders not working


Getting Google Calendar events in PHP

I'm in the process of creating a blog for somebody. They want to pull in a lot of data and integrate it quite tightly into the design, so standard widgets are a no-no. That's been fine until now. They have a public access Google Calendar with various events on it and I want to grab the next 5 events (from "now" onwards) and display the...

HTML in iCal attachment

Can an iCal attachment contain HTML in the description property? If so, what are the restrictions? ...

Parse VCALENDAR (ics) with Objective-C

I'm looking for an easy way to parse VCALENDAR data with objective-c. Specifically all I am concerned with is the FREEBUSY data (See below): BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REPLY PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY UID:XYZ-DONT-CARE DTSTART:20090605T070000Z DTEND:20090606T070000Z ATTENDEE:/principals/...

filtering streams in c#

What's the easiest way to filter a stream/reader line-by-line in c# (somewhat like putting sed in the middle of a pipeline). I want to feed an iCalendar file to DDay.iCal but DDay.iCal dies on "VERSION:5.1.1" because it wants a number or number SEMICOLON number (where number is digits (DOT digits)? so the last "." is unexpected). What ...

Convert iCal to HTML or plaintext in Java

I'm looking for a Java API to convert ICS (aka iCal) attachments to nicely formatted HTML or plaintext for display purposes. Ideally, it would be able to handle: Converting dates to a specified timezone. Expanding recurrence patterns into human readable sentences. Multiple VCALENDAR records in a single file. I'm looking at iCal4j, wh...

Is there an existing parser for iCalendar files for PHP?

I've been searching for an iCalendar parser for PHP, but have been unable to find a complete one. qCal doesn't seem complete. Bennu seems even less so. I've seen a lot of people wanting one, but not much else. ...

Does Outlook 2003 support iCal 2.0 spec for updating and deleting a calendar item?

We are working on an asp.net 2.0 web app that emails users an ical to save to their outlook 2003 calendar. We noticed none of the code to update or delete an item seem to work even though the ical 2.0 spec supports it. We are curious if Outlook 2003 just ignores this? Does Outlook 2007 act differently? We have situations where an eve...

How to have an iCalendar (RFC 2445) repeat YEARLY with duration

I have been unsuccessful in formulating a RRULE that would allow an event as shown below: Repeats YEARLY, from first Sunday of April to last day of May, occuring on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, until forever. FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=4;BYDAY=SU (gives me the first Sunday of April repeating yearly) and FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=5;BYMONTHDAY=-1...

Problem with an iCalendar Feed

Hi, I'm outputting my iCalendar feed via PHP and it seems to work fine validation wise and when importing into iCal on the mac and windows calendar on vista however Google calendar throws it out completely... www.wheresthegeeks.co.uk/calendar/ical can anyone have a gander and give me some suggestion to see whats wrong? thanks a lot D...

How to create an ICalendar Feed that people can subscribe to

I need to create a application in vb.net that puts out those cool <> links, which I can prefill with our events and milestones. While I have figured out I need to use DDay.ical.dll to get the events into an ics file, I am not clear about how to get these to publish. I was thinking of using an RSS feed, but that defeats the purpose of usi...

icalender reader for python

I'm looking to automate the status reports that I have to send to my manager. Since I use a todo software that writes to icalendar format, I would like be able to format an email out of the ics file. I'm starting my work with : http://codespeak.net/icalendar/ which looks pretty good, but it does have some rough edges. What icalender re...

.ics import creates duplicate event in Outlook

These three threads cover my issue, however none of the solutions worked for me. Help updating an event in Outlook 2007 with an iCalendar file (2) Delete calendar event using iCalendar file import (Outlook 2003 problem) ? (3) ICalendar and event updates not working in Outlook (7) Each time I import an .ics with a modification or a ...

What's the best iCalendar (ics, ical) library in Ruby?

I'm looking for a good library to output iCalendar formatted files. Good time zone support, or (better yet) UTC-only dates is a requirement. ...

How do I read CalDAV objects from Google using python/django?

I've looked at vObject, iCalendar and the official list of CalDAV libraries, including 3 in python. However, I can't find any code that can get me an event object from a given CalDAV (i.e. google, exchange, etc.) server using a username/password. Most of the django calendar related code uses native code libraries and not WebDAV. An idea...

Difference between iCalendar (.ics) and the vCalendar (.vcs)

I want to send booking inforamtion through mail in an attachmnet to add in MS Outlook. Which format is better? For specailly MS Outllok 2003 ? ...