
.ICS + Outlook = nightmare? Can anyone help?

I have a database that puts out an .ics file that looks like this: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:[email protected] DTSTAMP:20091211T175956Z DTSTART:20091106T200000Z DTEND:20091106T230000Z SUMMARY: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:[email protected] DTSTAMP:20091211T175956...

Can Dday check if the incomming stream is in valid iCalendar format?

Hi So is there some sort of built in checking in Dday iCalendar that checks the input stream of what they are uploading is a valid iCalendar format. I am not sure what happens if something is not in proper format or if it is like a jpg being uploaded instead but has an Ical extension. ...

Ruby Rical Timezone problem.

I'm using Ruby Rical to basically generate an icalendar as a response to an original icalendar specifing that I'm attending (accepting) the invitation. I can generate the response correctly but I'm having a problem with timezones, basically if I let RiCal infer the correct Timezone, it works correctly depending on the TimeZone String sp...

Server Side Calendar Control in asp.net using the ical event format

Hi, Does anyone know of a Calendar scheduler control that would display a whole month of events including the title of the event in each day? I need it to use an ical data format that would come from a restful web service request. I would like the control to output plain html with no javascript as it has to work on public sector websit...

File is empty and I don't understand why. Asp.net mvc FileResult

Hi I am trying to use the built in asp.net file result to return a file that I am trying to make through a file stream. I am using Dday.ical to make my calendar for export MemoryStream export = new MemoryStream(); iCalendarSerializer serializer = new iCalendarSerializer(iCal); serializer.Serialize(export,System.Tex...

Parsing iCalendar data with XPath/XSLT

I am working with a XML driven CMS, and before I run off and either write or implement a module that parses the iCal format, I was wondering if there was any way to parse it using just XSLT or ideally just an XPath expression, as this is a built in function of the CMS. ...

Retrieving and parsing iCal data over HTTP on Android

I am making an application that asks the user for userid, appends the userid to a static HTTP link to retrieve the user's daily schedule info file that has a .ical (calendar) extension. I need to read the data from file, format in new UI and representing some useful data on an Android device. My query is can I access a static HTTP link...

Custom UIView like iCal event "bubbles"

How would I go about creating a custom UIView that is like the event "bubbles" in iCal for iPhone? I would prefer to not use images, so that they could be in any color. Thanks! ...

how to add iCal4j dependencies in addition to the iCal4j library in android?

I am trying to parse the ical file with ical4j, i have added ical4j jar file to project but have problem in adding iCal4j dependencies in addition to the iCal4j library. As specified in http://wiki.modularity.net.au/ical4j/index.php?title=FAQ Any idea how can I do this? In addition to this, can anyone provide with ical file parse exa...

Singular/Recurring Schedules in my CMS

I'm building a CMS that has a requirement to allow users to store schedules. The interface is similar to MS Outlook, so the recurring schedules pretty much needs to mimic what that UI can support. When the schedule is saved, we need to somehow be alerted when an event is supposed to happen. Right now, the plan is to have a cron job run ...

Importing iCalendar events with alarms into Outlook 2007

I've written an iCalendar export for various events in my company's web application, and Outlook is able to import the events without error. However, it seems that alarms only get imported when I import a single event, not when there are multiple events in the calendar. Is this a "feature" of Outlook 2007, or might my multi-event calend...

Importing ics file to an Outlook.AppointmentItem

I have an Outlook 2007 add-in that is trying to import ics files into Outlook.AppointmentItem objects so that I can read attributes about certain appointments. Currently I am not able to read the ics back into memory. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong. Outlook.Application app = new Outlook.Application(); var item = app.Session.Op...

How to create "recurData" in Google Calendar?

I want to create recurring events of Calendar using Google API. I am following links: Google Calendar API I am not getting how to create "recurData". I can't modify String and pass it as parameter. Tried DDay.iCal Version 0.80. also. DDay.iCal There are some Example code given.I tried them. I am able to create ".ics" file. But wh...

Simplified opensource calendaring (ICS) solution

This is repost of my question on serverfault.com. As I need a a system with exposed API I can code against, I thing it's more suitable for here. I'm after a very simple (in my eyes) opensource calendaring solution. The basic functionality I need is: provide readonly ICS feed (http/s/) (the way google cal provides it), so clients can ...

regex to parse a iCalendar file in ActionScript

Hello, I use a library to parse an iCalendar file, but I don't understand the regex to split property. iCalendar property has 3 different style: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20080402 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO The library uses this regex that I would like to understand: var matches:Array = data.match(/(.+?)(;(.*?)=(.*?)((,(.*?)=(.*...

Django and Secure iCalendar Feed

I would like to create a secure iCalendar Feed with Django. I currently have a feed working using vobject, but it is accesable to the public. Is there a way to secure a iCalendar feed used by iCal, Google Calendar, and Outlook? ...

Exporting/Importing events to Outlook 2007 calendar - problem

I work on a web app that involves scheduling. A user can view his schedule, and then download a meeting request file for a particular event. In Outlook 2003, simply opening this event would cause a meeting request to pop up and the user could accept, which would either add or update the event in their calendar. However, in Outlook 2007,...

Increment sequence when updating freebusy in icalendar?

I'm new to icalendar, but I couldn't find an answer to this specific situation. Must the iCalendar sequence number of a published event be incremented if all that's changing is the free/busy status? I don't think that is a "mandatory" reason to increment the sequence, but I'm not sure. My web site has a shared calendar where users can ...

creating the icalendar feed and accessing it via webcal: protocal

Hi i completed creating i calendar feed in asp.net mvc.Basically the op is the file with .ics extensions.I am able to open my file in mozilla sunbird(calendar reader software) and view the milestones lists.Now when i want to open it with google calendar i get an error.How can i synchronize mi ical file with google calendar.Do i need to ...

iCal Organizer Issue

I'm trying to create an ICS file and send it to myself. I set myself as the organizer of the event. The appointment request is properly received to my mail box but the event is not automatically added to my calendar. I'm using Outlook 2007. Here is the iCal file format: BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT ATTENDEE;CN=""Mohamme...