
Generic function to handle disposing IDisposable objects.

I am working on a class that deals with a lot of Sql objects - Connection, Command, DataAdapter, CommandBuilder, etc. There are multiple instances where we have code like this: if( command != null ) { command.Dispose(); } if( dataAdapter != null ) { dataAdapter.Dispose(); } etc I know this is fairly insufficient in terms of ...

Avoiding disposing system-defined Pen and Brush instances

I understand it is best practise to call Dispose() on instances of Pen and Brush, except if they've been set to the system-predefined values (eg. System.Drawing.Brushes, System.Drawing.Pens or System.Drawing.SystemBrushes) Trying to dispose a system-defined resource results in an exception being thrown. It doesn't appear to be obvious...

WebControls and IDisposable

Since WebControls inherit from Control which implement IDisposable. Is it necessary to call Dispose or wrap these WebControls in using statements to prevent memory leaks or does ASP.NET automatically handle this? ...

Disposing of Resources in .NET

i have a stupid question, but i want to hear the community here. So here is my code: using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { return true; } My question, is it any different than: (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); return true; Which one is better in general? which one in terms of GC ...

What is the difference between Dispose and Close?

Possible Duplicate: Close and Dispose - which to call? Hi, After reading some web pages, I still don't understand the difference between Dispose and Close methods in C#. Let's take a sample: using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection()) { // Execute an insert statement (no breaks, exceptions, returns, etc.) ...

IDisposable and WCF

Hello, At work, I've found a helper class to manage WCF Services which implements IDisposable and has a ServiceAgent that derives from System.ServiceModel.ClientBase. The Dispose() method closes all the opened WCF services. The helper exposes methods that wraps calls to the methods of the ServiceAgent. Each method is build on that patte...

Should Dispose() or Finalize() be used to delete temporary files?

I have a class that makes use of temporary files (Path.GetTempFileName()) while it is active. I want to make sure these files do not remain on the user's hard drive taking up space after my program is closed. Right now my class has a Close() method which checks if any temporary files used by the class still exist and deletes them. Would...

A problematic example of the IDisposable pattern?

Say you have 3 classes that implement IDisposable - A, B and C. Classes A and B are both dependent on class C. Would it be correct to say that classes A and B's typical implementation of Dispose() would be: public void Dispose() { if (m_C != null) m_C.Dispose(); } If there's an instance of A and and instance of B that share th...

Do I need to close a .net service reference client when I'm done using it.

I'm trying to find out if it is neccessary to close a .net service reference client when you are done using it. Almost all of the examples that I have come across on the net don't seem to, but the client that is generated implements IDisposable and since it does open a connection to a service, my intuition tells me you need to close tha...

What happens if i return before the end of using statement? Will the dispose be called?

I've the following code using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { //code return 0; } The dispose() method is called at the end of using statement braces } right? Since I return before the end of the using statement, will the MemoryStream object be disposed properly? What happens here? ...

Is it ok to fire events from Dispose()?

In my current project I'm using classes which implement the following ITransaction interface shown below. This is a generic interface for a transaction that can be undone. I also have a TransactionSet class which is used to attempt multiple Transactions or TransactionSets, and can ultimately be used to create a tree of transactions. So...

I think there is an issue with IDisposable example.

Possible Duplicate: Am I implementing IDisposable correctly? Hi, I am referring this post to check the use of IDisposable. I see an issue in Dispose method here. In the code "disposed" is used only in the private void Dispose(bool disposing) method. I believe it should be used before calling the "Dipose" method and co...

Determine if executing in finally block due to exception being thrown

Is it possible to determine if code is currently executing in the context of a finally handler as a result of an exception being thrown? I'm rather fond of using the IDisposable pattern to implement entry/exit scoping functionality, but one concern with this pattern is that you might not necessarily want the end-of-scope behavior to occ...

Dispose on nested Disposable items?

I wanted to know if there are any conventions regarding disposal of disposable items nested inside another disposable item(in a property/public field, not as private members). For example, a DataSet contains DataTable(s) and a SqlCommand contains a SqlConnection. The obvious thing would be for a class to dispose of all Disposable items ...

Will Dispose() cause a release of resources ahead of time in this case?

I have this class: class Foo : IDisposable { SomeBigResource resource; void UsingResource() { using(Bar bar = new Bar(SomeBigResource) bar.doStuff(); } void Dispose() { resource.Dispose(); } } void Function() { using (Foo foo = new Foo(new SomeBigResource)) foo.UsingResource(); } The Bar object h...

Object Serialization and IDisposable

public static string SerializeObject<T>(T obj) { try { string xmlString = null; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encod...

How to use IDisposable to dispose an object.

I want to use IDisposable interface to clean any resource from the memory, that is not being used. public class dispose:IDisposable { public void Dispose() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void fun() { PizzaFactory _pz = new PizzaFactory(); // } ...

Is there any way to reduce the amount of boilerplate code for IDisposable?

My project has many reader and writer classes. I started implementing IDisposable, but I believe that it adds many boilerplate code to my classes. For each of the classes, I need to implement: A destructor. A Dispose() method. A Dispose(bool disposing) method. A "bool disposed" field. A check to see if the object is already disposed on...

When should I be using IDisposable, is it ever wrong to use it? What about Dispose Chaining?

I'm really looking for some best practice wisdom. So here are the questions, I'll add more if people leave comments. Feel free to answer some or all of these questions. When SHOULD I use IDisposable? Only when I have unmanaged resources? What variations of the dispose pattern are there and why do they vary? What are common unmanaged ...

Effect of implementing IDisposable on classes that don t need it?

I running my static analysis checks again and I'm getting 100s of nags on Label foo = new Label(); //Where this is an ASP.NET web forms label Do I need to call dispose on these web forms labels? Also, how late in the page life cycle is it safe to call Dispose on these? If a class implements IDisposable, but doesn't actually do anyth...