
Problem with Windsor Castle with IIS7

Hi All, I am using windsor DI framework in one of my MVC project. The project works fine when I tried to run from Visual Studio 2008. But when i tried to run the project creating an application in IIS7 then I recieved the following error message: Looks like you forgot to register the http module Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.PerWebReq...

NAntContrib/NAnt mkiisdir fails on IIS 7.0 / windows 2008

I'm trying to use NAnt/NAntContrib build script to build a web application on Windows 2008 (IIS 7.0). In the build file, there is mkiisdir task, which fails with: [mkiisdir] The webservice at 'localhost' does not exist or is not reachable. All the documents/posts I found so far (non for w2k8, only Vista) say to install IIS 6 Compatibi...

IIS7 - Uploading files with ASP problems

Hi, We've just moved our website to win2008 and IIS7 from win2000 with IS5 and I have some problems. I have a folder that in it is an ASP page that upload a file to an upper folder, in the old IIS, I gave to the folder with the ASP page the permissions of the administrator and it's work fine, the files could be uploaded to an upper fol...

ASP.NET aspxerrorpath in URL

I have a site where I use CustomErrors in the web.config to specify a custom error page, and that's working just fine. The custom 404 page is also specified in the IIS configuration (because if it's not, I don't get my custom 404 page). But I have some logic that kicks in if a user gets a 404 that looks at their requested URL and make ...

IIS7: URL rewrite http://web1.com/web1/def.aspx to http://web1.com/def.aspx

I have to have my website stored in a subfolder of my domain root. Is there a way to rewrite the URLs so that it doesn't appear to be stored in a subfolder? It doesn't matter to me if this is done at the IIS level or in the web.config. ...

Why migrate from IIS6 to IIS7?

I have a number of web apps running on several IIS6/Server 2003 boxes. They run well and are happy. They are all asp.net web apps and use .NET 3.5. What, if any, would be valid reasons for contemplating moving the web apps to IIS7/Server 2008? ...

32bit Application Pool on x64 Windows 2008 server

Hello! What are differences between enabling and disabling "Enable 32-Bit applications" in websites application pools under IIS7 on x64 machine? Mostly I'm thinking about memory usage. Thanks in advance ...

What do I need to change to alllow my IIS7 ASP.Net 3.5 application to create an event source and log events to Windows EventLog?

ASP.Net 3.5 running under IIS 7 doesn't seem to allow this out of the box. if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MyAppLog")) EventLog.CreateEventSource("MyAppLog", "Application"); EventLog myLog = new EventLog(); myLog.Source = "MyAppLog"; myLog.WriteEntry("Message"); ...

Canceling request validation using HttpHandler on IIS 7

I have an application that has to deal with getting "special" characters in its URL (like &, +, %, etc). When I'm sending a request to the application using these characters (of course I'm sending them escaped) I'm getting "Bad Request" response code with the message "ASP.NET detected invalid characters in the URL". Tracing the request s...

The Web Server Could Not Find the Requested Resource

I have a .NET 3.5 Web application on VS 2008 SP1 running on Vista Ultimate 32 SP1. I created an Application under the Default Web Site. So the url to the app is "http://localhost/mysite". The application folder is pointing to the solution folder and it is outside the iisroot folder. Anonymous and Integrated Auth (Windows) is enabled in I...

IIS7 and Authentication problems

Hi Folks, i've got a stock standard ASP.NET web site, deployed to our development machine (internal machine in our server room). Now, this dev site can be accessed by both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL users. Now, in IIS6 we used to have it so that Anonymous Authentication was turned off and something else was turned on .. giving the users a p...

Connecting to SQL with ANONYMOUS LOGON since switch to IIS7

Hello, I've recently had my PC upgraded to Vista, which means it includes IIS7. The problem is that the ASP.NET website we're working on doesn't work anymore. I get an error because the application is trying to connect to the SQL Server with NT AUTHORITY/ANONYMOUS LOGON instead of my domain user, and anonymous isn't authorized. I've trie...

Would an S3 cache module for IIS7 be useful?

Would it be useful to have a module for IIS7 that automatically caches images and other static content to S3 and replaces references to them in web pages? What would be the pros and cons, and things to watch out for in making this? ...

ISAPI_Rewrite In IIS 7

I've been using ISAPI_Rewrite from Helicon (http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite/) on a Server 2003 box for years and have always had good luck with it. I'm migrating all the sites on the 2003 box to a new shiny Server 2008 box. I would prefer to not purchase a new license and I have heard that IIS 7 will have capability built in. ...

IIS, Asp.NET pipeline and concurrency

I'm wondering how the concurrency in a web application actually works. Ive read several articles and to my understanding multiple instances of HttpApplication would be working at the same time. Now, I created a simple web app to test concurrency and put the following to global.asax: protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender,...

Rewritepath and IIS Integrated Mode

I have big issue with url-rewriting for IIS 7.0. I've written simple module for rewriting for my NET3.5/IIS7 web application. Here is a part of the code. public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest); } void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventAr...

VS2008 only debug one page cycle

Hi guys, would really appreciate some thoughts on the following issue. When I attached to the w3wp.exe process. It start to load the symbols then the debugger stops before ever hitting a breakpoint. If I then restart the w3wp process and refresh “Attach to process” I can debug but only for one page cycle. I have reinstalled IIS7 on...

How do I enable a .exe file located in cgi-bin in IIS 7?

I have a cgi-bin application with the .exe extension which I need to execute on IIS 7. How do I enable this? ...

IIS7 shows welcome screen in Firefox, Internet Explorer works correctly

Has anyone encountered the following problem: I have IIS7 running on my computer. On that same computer, I open IE7 and the website works (http://localhost/web.site/Default.aspx). Put that same url in Firefox 3 and I get the welcome screen of IIS7, a big image with IIS7 in the middle and 'Welcome' in several different languages. Clicking...

Certificate Trust Lists and IIS7

I need to generate a CTL for use with IIS7. I generated a CTL file using MakeCTL (on Win2k3 SDK) and put only my own RootCA certificate in the CTL. However, when I then use adsutil.vbs to set my website to use this CTL, I get: ErrNumber: -2147023584 (0x80070520) Error Trying To SET the Property: SslCtlIdentifier I'm using adsutil.vbs...