
Fill the holes in OpenCV

I have an edge map extracted from edge detection module in OpenCV (canny edge detection). What I want to do is to fill the holes in the edge map. I am using C++, and OpenCV libraries. In OpenCV there is a cvFloodFill() function, and it will fill the holes with a seed (with one of the location to start flooding). However, I am trying to...

What's the quickest way to parallelize code?

Hi all, I have an image processing routine that I believe could be made very parallel very quickly. Each pixel needs to have roughly 2k operations done on it in a way that doesn't depend on the operations done on neighbors, so splitting the work up into different units is fairly straightforward. My question is, what's the best way to ...

Is there a library for creating and reading a standard bubble sheet?

I'm writing an application that will allow users to create custom printable surveys. Once the surveys are filled out we'll scan the images and then we want to programmatically process the results. It doesn't seem like a really hard problem to solve because the image processing tasks are pretty easy but it also seems like something some...

project help on image processing

how to start a project on image processing? what are the initial steps? what to read or which language/library to use? ...

Image/ByteArray to SVG conversion?

I am wondering if it is possible to get a url to some image on google, say a square (jpg/png/gif), and process it into an SVG. Is this possible? Right now I'm getting ByteArray data in Actionscript by making a URLRequest('image/on/google'), with dataFormat="binary". I don't think Actionscript could handle/do it, but maybe it could. I...

django - save a resize copy of image on upload (using admin site)

Hi - I'm building a site for a client that needs to support image uploads (an artist) through the admin interface. Since most of the images are pretty high-res, I wanted to create thumb copies of the image to display on the gallery page after the upload. The upload works great with the forms.ImageFile element, but I was looking for som...

Fastest Algorithm to scale down 32Bit RGB IMAGE.

which algorithm to use to scale down 32Bit RGB IMAGE to custom resolution? Algorithm should average pixels. for example If I have 100x100 image and I want new Image of size 20x50. Avg of first five pixels of first source row will give first pixel of dest, And avg of first two pixels of first source column will give first dest column pi...

How/Why is imagedata stored as char - OpenCV

I'm a tad confused. I am just getting started with OpenCV and its image data is pointed to by a char pointer. I can't quite work out how that works considering the actual data itself could be any number of data types, e.g. uint, float, double. As far as I knew, a pointer had to be of the same type as the pointer it represents. It's p...

Mean filter for smoothing images in Matlab

I need to test some basic image processing techniques in Matlab. I need to test and compare especially two types of filters: mean filter and median filter. To smooth image using median filtering, there is a great funtion medfilt2 from image processing toolbox. Is there any similar function for mean filter? Or how to use the filter2 func...

Fractal image scaling with Python

I am in a position where relatively low resolution images are provided (via an API, higher resolution images are not available) and high resolution images need to be generated. I've taken a look at PIL and it's just great for about everything... Except scaling up images. It has the common resizing algorithms: Nearest Neighbor Bilinea...

Want some ideas on how to develop a image retrieval system

Hi guys I just want to study more on how Google can search images.I know it is too complicated for me,but I want to try to do it on my own set of images. This is how I propose:For a large set of random images in a folder,I could use some keywords(maybe not appropriate,subject to change based on your ideas),to search some images and sort ...

Creating "holey" median filter in Matlab

Hi What I need to do is to create a "special" kind of median filter for image processing in Matlab - the "holey" median filter. This is a filter that excludes the element at the center of the area. For standard median filter I use the medfilt2 function, but I can't pass the mask (kernel) for it as a matrix (it's not a linear transform...

Python Tesseract OCR question

I have this image: I want to read it to a string using python, which I didn't think would be that hard. I came upon tesseract, and then a wrapper for python scripts using tesseract. So I started reading images, and it's done great until I tried to read this one. Am i going to have to train it to read that specific font? Any ideas on ...

Good reference book for digital image processing?

I am learning digital image processing on my own and would like recomendations on good reference books. If you know of books to definately stay away from that would be useful as well. Thanks ...

What is the best method for object detection in low-resolution moving video?

I'm looking for the fastest and more efficient method of detecting an object in a moving video. Things to note about this video: It is very grainy and low resolution, also both the background and foreground are moving simultaneously. Note: I'm trying to detect a moving truck on a road in a moving video. Methods I've tried: Training a ...

Saving images client-side for compression/manipulation before upload to server

I've developed a PHP script to upload images to the server. It uploads the image, then reduces the image height, width and resolution server-side, thus reducing the file size a great deal. The problem is, if the user uploads images of say 4MB, it takes forever to upload. As the tool allows the user to upload up to 5 images per submission...

Resources for Image Recognition

I am looking for a recommendation for an introduction to image processing algorithms (face and shape recognition, etc.) and wondered if anyone had an good recommendations, either for books, whitepapers or websites. I am starting from knowing very little about image recognition and did some maths at University (a long time ago). Any h...

How do you convert an SVG image "paths" into separate PNG images?

Hi there, I've got an SVG image with 67 separate paths. Are there any libraries/tutorials out there that will create a separate raster image such as a PNG for each of those paths, and perhaps name them according to the path id? ...

extracting colors from an image

I would like to extract the most used colors inside an image, or at least the primary tones Could you recommend me how can I start with this task? or point me to a similar code? I have being looking for it but no success. ...

symbol recognition

Does any one know how I can get a c++ class for symbol recognition.By symbol recognition I mean things like shaded/unshaded circles, ovals, rectangles, squares,triangles,rhombus , hexagon, octagon ,rhomboid, cross, star etc. What I am really interested in is writing a c++ program that can recognise such shapes in scanned documents. I...