
Recoloring an image based on current theme ?

I want to develop a program which recolors the input image based on the given theme the same way as ms-powerpoint application does. I am giving following link that shows what exactly i want to do. I want to generate images same as images in below link under the Dark Variations and light Variations title based on the current theme. h...

Embedable image editing javascript/flash library/service?

I need to enable some very basic image editing capabilities (adjust contrast, crop, etc) in the browser and allow the modified image to be sent back to my server. Do you know of good libraries or services that could be easily embedded in a web application? Requirements: Should run in as many browsers are possible (so probably flash vs...

Script that will quit out every 5 minutes then renew itself where it left off

Hey all, I've got a UNIX question... I have a PHP script that I run in the terminal that parses a bunch of images and puts them in the database. This script has already been written Due to restrictions on my hosting (Bluehost) I cannot run a process for more than 5ish minutes. I'm wondering how to set it up so that I will quit out of t...

Speeding up self-similarity in an image

I'm writing a program that will generate images. One measurement that I want is the amount of "self-similarity" in the image. I wrote the following code that looks for the countBest-th best matches for each sizeWindow * sizeWindow window in the picture: double Pattern::selfSimilar(int sizeWindow, int countBest) { std::vector<int> ...

C# Design guidance for generic image processing library.

Hi all, In any image processing library there is always the issue of having to provide an implementation of every single algorithm for every single image format (color space, channels, bit depth, mem layout, etc). One very elegant solution to the problem is Boost GIL. Through the power of C++, and a great design, all of these issues are...

Image postprocessing for CMS

Does anybody know a good PHP library for basic image postprocessing functions like hue / lightness / contrast using pure GD? ...

How To Rotate Image By Nearest Neighbor Interpolation Using Matlab

My Plain Code without interpolation: im1 = imread('lena.jpg');imshow(im1); [m,n,p]=size(im1); thet = rand(1); m1=m*cos(thet)+n*sin(thet); n1=m*sin(thet)+n*cos(thet); for i=1:m for j=1:n t = uint16((i-m/2)*cos(thet)-(j-n/2)*sin(thet)+m1/2); s = uint16((i-m/2)*sin(thet)+(j-n/2)*cos(thet)+n1/2); if t~=0...

How to compensate for uneven illumination in a photograph of a printed page?

I am trying to teach my camera to be a scanner: I take pictures of printed text and then convert them to bitmaps (and then to djvu and OCR'ed). I need to compute a threshold for which pixels should be white and which black, but I'm stymied by uneven illumination. For example if the pixels in the center are dark enough, I'm likely to wi...

PHP - multiple users edit the same image simultaniously.

I am looking to have multiple users edit the same image using the gd library's imagecopymerge function. I am worried that two users might select to edit the image at the same time. The application then merge's the two users images seperately and finally saves them but one overwrites the other and thus one of the users images is missing....

Good book on computer vision algorithms in C++ (with easy to understand code samples)

I am in the beginning stages of learning about machine vision/edge detection etc. I want to master this specialist area and my language of choice is C++. I am looking at various books on the internet for one to buy but can't find one which is good and covers things such as Sobel algorithm and is in C++. Can anyone recommend a book? The ...

Image comparison algorithm

I'm trying to compare images to each other to find out whether they are different. First I tried to make a Pearson correleation of the RGB values, which works also quite good unless the pictures are a litte bit shifted. So if a have a 100% identical images but one is a little bit moved, I get a bad correlation value. Any suggestions for...

How to spot empty parking spaces?

I want to do a final year B.Sc project on parking space detection. Can anybody give me some link related to it? Any text-book, tutorial or anything? What would be prerequisite for this project? What type of skills(programming/math) are needed? What are the initial steps to do? What type of readings(algorithms of image processing)...

How is exif info encoded?

Greetings, I'm going to get exif info from some images using android. I know there are some standard java lib's out there that I could use with the device. I'm sure I will end up using one. But in the meantime can someone explain to me how this information is encoded inside a JPG? Where / how would you usually get the info from the ...

opencv multi channel elemnt access

Hi All, I'm trying to learn how to use openCV's new c++ interface. How do I access elements of a multi channel matrix. for example: Mat myMat(size(3, 3), CV_32FC2); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { //myMat_at_(i,j) = (i,j); } } What is the easiest way to do this? Something like cvSet2D...

How to detect and correct broken lines or shapes in a bitmap?

I want to find an algorithm which can find broken lines or shapes in a bitmap. consider a situation in which I have a bitmap with just two colors, back and white ( Images used in coloring books), there are some curves and lines which should be connected to each other, but due to some scanning errors, white bits sit instead of black ones....

Wrapping image around objects in web app

I'm creating a web app in ASP.NET like this one: I know how to do everything except wrapping an image around an object. It would be a simple task to do if I would only have to stack an image on top of the other, if they were flat, but if it is a round object, as this mug is, it's kinda tricky. My ...

Reflection-effect on tag other than img clientside

I need to reflect a dynamically generated box, containing an image, besides some text on a colored background. All with a gradual fade, and beauty abound. I've found jQuery plugins for reflecting images the way I'd like to, but no way to give generic elements the same treatment. First thought is to generate the boxes as needed, take...

Any way to make nice antialiased round corners for images in python?

Is there any way to make nice round corners with python? Currently PIL and GD2 are used in my project. Both of them have an arc() method, that allows you to draw a quater-circle, but the quater-circle is not antialiased, so the image looks crispy. Is there any neat way to make antialiased/smooth round corners? ...

Perceptual quality measures for images

Hi, I'm currently working on algorithm for denoising images. I need to compare my algorithm with other, existing algorithms, but to do so I need a good quality measure. The main goal for such measure is to be close to human perception skills. I know, that it is almost impossible, but there are good perceptual measures for audio signals....

Is there an easy way to reduce the number of colors in an IndexedColorModel?

I have a large 8-bit PNG image. I am using Java to slice the image into smaller 32x32 images. I use Java's ImageIO to load the PNG into a BufferedImage and then call it's getSubimage(x, y, 32, 32). I then use ImageIO to write each tile out as a PNG. The problem is that the resulting image has the same IndexColorModel as the original ...