
How can I upload an image from a URL in PHP

In PHP using GD or imagemagick how can I uplaod a photo from a URL, I want to build a function that I can pass in a few parameters and uplaod the image, I can currentyl uplaod a big image, resize it smaller, then resize some more thumbnails off it and save all into there locations from 1 image but I would like to add the ability to get a...

convert 24Bit per pixel to 8 bit tiff

i want to convert a 24 bit per pixcel(Rgb) int 8 bit per pixel tiff image is there any code to convert please share or tell me the algo in c sharp ...

image processing

how can i find the difference between two images based on the pixel difference ...

image processing in vc++ using MFC

I want to perform the following artistic effect with my MFC app. Can anyone tell me, how to perform it ? Input Image : Output Image : Waiting for the reply... Thanks in advance... ...

PHP - Blocking of uploaded adult images

We have a setup a product management system where the head of the product development can upload pictures of products and those pictures will instantly show up on our website. Last week, when one person left the job, he uploaded a bunch of XXX-Rated pictures and things showed up immediately on the website. Luckily, we noticed and remove...

Determining colour hex value for image in C#

Hi, Is it possible to determine the hexadecimal colour value for an image in C#, if the image is a single block colour? I have a load of colour chart images, and need to put them into a table with the requisite hex value attached. Unfortunately, the file name is useless to determine this. Regards Moo ...

Free library for .NET JPG compression?

I am looking for a high-quality free JPG compression library with C# interface, as an alternative to the standard Image class of .NET. Any suggestions? ...

Image Processing In c#,.net

Hi, I want to create a small application that allows me to insert an image on top of another image.And also i want to insert some text as well. So can someone points me out where to start.Is there any open source libraries that allows me to do this task?. I am after a solution that can be implemented in C#,Visual Studio .net. Thanks....

Help with PHP ImageCreateFromString and file_get_contents

I am trying to make a function in PHP that will allow me to enter basicly any URL and then runs some functions on it just as if a user was uploading on my server. SO I will resize and make some thumbnails but I need help just getting the image in a state that I can run my other codes on it. Another user on this site helped me get start...

Is there a way to get images(64*64) from a server faster while running in Iphone?

I want to fetch images into my application cache in a faster way. I do a map kinda app by loading at about 25 images at a time in a UIscrollView in which each image takes about 1 second for downloading. All images are of size 64KB and 256*256 dimensions. I am doing caching, So after the first time when i scroll there will be around 7-8...

What are The opencv function useful for 2d skeleton estimation(ofRecursive centroids)

Possible Duplicate: Which is the best algorithm to Estimate and Visulize 2d skeleton using Opencv from the drawn contour Opencv functions or stepts for 2d skeleton estimation ...

Using threads, how should I deal with something which ideally should happen in sequential order?

I have an image generator which would benefit from running in threads. I am intending to use POSIX threads, and have written some mock up code based on to test things out. In the intended program, when the GUI is in use, I want the generated lines to appear from the top to the ...

ImageProcessing in WPF (Fant BitmapScalingMode)

Hi, My application presents an image that can be scaled to a certain size. I'm using the Image WPF control with the scaling method of FANT. However, there is no documentation how this scaling algorithm works. Can anyone reference me to the relevant link for this algorithm description? Nir ...

image conversion

I need to convert a RGB (jpg) grayscale CMYK using only to black channel (K). I'm trying to do this with imageglue, but the result is not what i'm looking for since it converts the grays using the C,M and Y channel and leaves the black channel to 0%. What I need is if anyone has experience in using any other library/api in .net that ...

Beginning at Computer Vision and Image Processing (Machine Vision, Third Edition: review?)

Hi, I am interested in computer vision and image processing (object recognition). However my knowledge about these is equal to 0. I'm trying to find some recommendation about books that I should start with... I found this book really interesting, at least by looking at table of contents and few customer reviews. They all seemed fine, ...

How to solve grayish frame issue when Scaling a bitmap using GDI+

Hi, I'm trying to scale down a Bitmap using GDI+ by doing the following: Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight, Im.PixelFormat); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newImage); g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality; g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMo...

ImageCreateFromString and getimagesize in PHP

Currently if a user POST/uploads a photo to my PHP script I start out with some code like this getimagesize($_FILES['picture1']['tmp_name']); I then do a LOT more stuff to it but I am trying to also be able to get a photo from a URL and process it with my other existing code if I can. SO I am wanting to know, I f I use something like...

Is it possible to tell the quality level of a JPEG?

This is really a two part question, since I don't fully understand how these things work just yet: My situation: I'm writing a web app which lets the user upload an image. My app then resizes to something displayable (eg: 640x480-ish) and saves the file for use later. My questions: Given an arbitrary JPEG file, is it possible to tell...

adding lighting effects to an image in python

hi, I want to specify a light source at a particular location in an image using Python. PIL's ImageEnhance module does provide a way to briten an image. but I want to have a control over light source placement to acheieve special effects. Does anyone know how to do this? thank you! ...

On-The-Fly Image Generation in PHP

I'm developing a script that will allow people to generate a banner for them to use. It's customizable. During the customization process, I'd like to be able to have the banner reload on the spot. So they could see the changes. Once they create the banner and are completely done with it I would give them a link for them to use. This link...