
Saving and accessing a lot of ROI polygons (IDL, ImageJ, Java?, XML?)

I need to save and re-load thousands of ROI polygons on a stack of images, actually a 30-frame-per second movie for 30+ minutes, so at least 54,000 frames. There can be multiple ROIs on a single image (frame) in the stack, and the size and number of vertices for each ROI is different. The ROI polygons are tracking the edges of shapes a...

Marker Recognition on Android (recognising Rubik's Cubes)

Hi everybody. I'm developing an augmented reality application for Android that uses the phone's camera to recognise the arrangement of the coloured squares on each face of a Rubik's Cube. One thing that I am unsure about is how exactly I would go about detecting and recognising the coloured squares on each face of the cube. If you look...

Quality Problem when resizing images using C# Graphics Class

I am resizing an small images (eg 20x25) to larger images (eg 150x170). My problem is not about quality, which as expected is has some blurring. My problem is that a border is that a light colour border is being created on the right hand side and bottom of the image. Is there a way that this can be removed? My code is the following: us...

Understanding CUDA grid dimensions, block dimensions and threads organization (simple explanation)

How threads are organized to be executed by a GPU? ...

java.ImageIO.write completely corrupted PNG and/or BMP with incorrect data.

Any help most appreciated, this is driving me insane. I'm doing exactly what I can find from google etc. and it's not working. I'm having a lot of difficulty creating and writing BMP or PNG images in java. Either would do, I was going to go with BMP but I get an image which is correct in the lower section for what I want but the upper s...

open source library for Optical mark reader

I want a open source library for optical mark reading (OMR).Is there any such library? I want to use this library with my java application. ...

Can anybody provide simple steps of "Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning with Discrete Curve Evolution" Algorithm

Can anybody provide simple steps of "Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning with Discrete Curve Evolution" Algorithm or c++ code i have document if some one is familiar simple steps of the algorithm ...

open source image processing lib in java

can any one suggest a good open soucre image processing lib in java? i want to devleop a devlop a ORM reader using it. ...

Loading multiple images in MATLAB

Here is the desired workflow: I want to load 100 images into MATLAB workspace Run a bunch of my code on the images Save my output (the output returned by my code is an integer array) in a new array By the end I should have a data structure storing the output of the code for images 1-100. How would I go about doing that? ...

Image processing using Aforge library for .net

hi all, I am a newbie in image processing techniques, what I want to do is if the user gives a unclear or damaged image, using the Aforge library, I should clear this and give a resultant image, we have an application but it only increases or decreases the darkness and brightness and gives a image. How to rectify this? may i know what...

Need C# OCR Library to Convert Image to Text

Hi, I would like a library (preferably free) that is capable to read characters from an image and convert them to text. The input I will have is not a document, but a set of bitmaps that contain only one character each, and return a character in ASCII format for each bitmap. The format of the input bitmap will be binarized and the size...

Image processing using opencv

hi i am a newbie in image processing techniques,how to use the open cv to repair a corrupted image ...

Image API/App which can perform image manipulation on the fly?

Do any of you know an API or application which can handle real time image manipulation? Basically if I provided an image, this app would output perhaps a silhouetted version, or perform some other form of image manipulation, like roshak type blotting? If you don't know of an application like this, do you know if this is possible using ...

Searching for an implementation (source code or executable) for binarization method

I am searching for an implementation of a locally adaptive method of binarization: Yankowitz/Bruckstein. It is complicated to make it by myself and I don't have much time right now, but hope to find it's realization. So if anybody knows please tell me. ...

Creating text effects like curved, arched, wedged in ruby on rails or php

i know there is a convert -swirl effect in imagemagick but can i create other effects for text like curved, arched, wedged, pinched etc.. just like wordart in word. i am open to other packages that might help me get this thing done.. php or ruby.. ...

detect the most used colour in an image using python

Hi, I want to find the most used colour in an image using python. for example detect the colour of the object in the following image how to detect the base colour from the RGB codes(example - red in the above image). ...

Java error on bilinear interpolation of 16 bit data

I'm having an issue using bilinear interpolation for 16 bit data. I have two images, origImage and displayImage. I want to use AffineTransformOp to filter origImage through an AffineTransform into displayImage which is the size of the display area. origImage is of type BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY and has a raster of type

How to detect an 'image area' percentage inside an image?

Mhh, kinda hard to explain with my poor english ;) So, lets say I have an image, doesnt matter what kind of (gif, jpg, png) with 200x200 pixel size (total area 40000 pixels) This image have a background, that can be trasparent, or every color (but i know the background-color in advance). Lets say that in the middle of this image, ther...

OpenEXR image loading

I've started to load EXR images using OpenEXR. I have to get the RGB pixels using floating point type. For RGB images, there was no problem on loading, using this code: ImfInputFile *iFile = ImfOpenInputFile(filename); FrameBuffer fb; const Header &iHeader = iFile.header(); bool hasRed = false, hasGreen = false,...

Float PPM image file format?

I've found a PPM image with the header starting with PF (instead of standard P6, P5, P4, ... signatures). The resolution number is stored in floating point (-1.000). No comments are inserted to get how it was produced. Because the resolution, I derived that each pixel is composed by 12 bytes (4 bytes per component)... I suppose they are...