
Analyzing data for noisy arrays

Using MATLAB I filtered a very noisy m x n array with a low-pass Gaussian filter, cleaned it up pretty well but still not well enough to analyze my data. What would the next step be? I'm thinking that signal enhancement, but am not sure how to go about this. Update Well, there are two different types of data sets actually; one is small...

Using MATLAB to find maxima for data with a lot of noise

I have noisy data set with three peaks in MATLAB and want to do some image processing on it. The peaks are about 5-9 pixels wide at the base, in a 50 x 50 array. How do I locate the peaks? MATLAB is very new to me. Here is what I have so far... For my original image, let's call it array, I tried J = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5], 1.5); C =...

How to scale JPEG image down so that text is clear as possible?

I have some JPEG images that I need scale down to about 80% of original size. Original image dimension are about 700px × 1000px. Images contain some computer generated text and possibly some graphics (similar to what you would find in corporate word documents). How to scale image so that the text is as legible as possible? Currently we...

Global image threshold in Matlab

When you use graythresh in Matlab it obtains a value that is a normalized between 0 to 1, so when you use a threshold for something else such as imextendedmax or im2bw how would you use graythresh? I guess you have to probably multiply it by something but what? ...

Antialiasing algorithm

Hello, I'm looking for a good way to antialias a bitmap i'm generating with actionscript3. My goal would be to achieve this processing from scratch. I read a lot on the subject but the most common algorithm are looking too loud (means it's freaky cpu-intensive) to work properly within my swf, because i'm using a scale2x algorithm to sm...

Crystal Reports Programmatic Image Resizing... Scale?

I'm working with a Crystal Reports object in Visual Studio 2008 (C#). The report is building fine and the data is binding correctly. However, when I try to resize an IBlobFieldObject from within the source, the scale is getting skewed. Two notes about this scenario. Source image is 1024x768, my max width and height are 720x576. My ma...

How do I use CSS to add a non-rectangular border around an image?

Hello people, I have three images, and they are not square or rectangular in shape. They are just like face of anyone. So, basically, my images are in the size 196x196 or anything like that, but complete square or rectangle with the face in the middle and transperant background in the rest of the portion. Now, I want to remove the tra...

how to segment overlap objects in color image

if I have a picture which show many cars and peoples,the problem is in this picuture there maybe some cars or persons are overlap such like this the question is how can i mark each element like this. [url=][img][/img][/url] ...

How to remove a "green screen" portrait background

I'm looking for a way to automatically remove (=make transparent) a "green screen" portrait background from a lot of pictures. My own attempts this far have been... ehum... less successful. I'm looking around for any hints or solutions or papers on the subject. Commercial solutions are just fine, too. And before you comment and say th...

How do I shear an image in MATLAB without using built-in functions?

I want a method to shear an image without using the built-in functions (methods) of MATLAB. How can I do this? ...

Best way to get photoshop to optimise 35 related pictures for fast transmission

I have 35 pictures taken from a stationary camera aimed at a lightbox in which an object is placed, rotated at 10 degrees in each picture. If I cycle through the pictures quickly, the image looks like it is rotating. If I wished to 'rotate' the object in a browser but wanted to transmit as little data as possible for this, I thought it...

How do you go about finding out whether an idea you've had has already been patented?

I have an idea for image copy-protection that I'm in the process of coding up and plan on selling to one of my clients who sells images online. If successful I think there would be a lot of people in a similar situation to my client who would be interested in the code also. I think this is a fairly unique idea that could be packaged into...

Character extraction methods overview

I am searching for a good character extraction method, or sometimes it is called stroke-model or stroke filter. So, I;ve seen many papers, but they all take a long time for understanding and implementation, I want to ask if someone knows some good source codes or demos? Also I want to get some kind of full overview of methods available...

Image Resizing: Poor jpeg quality and black PNG backgrounds

Final: I've decided to basically use this: As it handles everything, Ive turned caching off and do this in the admin controllers: $image = file_get_contents(SITE_ADMIN_IMAGE.'/SmartImage.php?width='.$this->thumb_width.'&height='.$this->thumb_height.'&image=/images/'.$this->im...

Quantize dct cofficents in matlab

hello i need to perform quantization to dct cofficents for an image, for a block size of 8*8 pixles in matlab. can you help me with the syntax, thank you. ...

Setting pixel color of BMP/JPG file in C#.

Hi guys, I'm trying to set a color of given pixel of the image. Here is the code snippet Bitmap myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"c:\file.bmp"); for (int Xcount = 0; Xcount < myBitmap.Width; Xcount++) { for (int Ycount = 0; Ycount < myBitmap.Height; Ycount++) { myBitmap.SetPixe...

Generate quantization matrix

Hello, how can i generate quantizatinon metrices with diffrent size and quality, is there a function in matlab for this? ...

How to mask part of an image in matlab ?

Hey guys, I would like to know how to mask part of an image that is in BLACK & WHITE ? I got an object that needs to be edge detected, but I have other white interfering objects in the background that are below the target objet ... I would like to mask the entire lower part of an image to black, how can I do that ? Thanks !! EDIT I ...

Matlab wont extract first row & column because of matrix dimensions !

Hey guys, I am tracking an object that is thrown in air, and this object governs a parabolic pattern. Im tracking the object through a series of 30 images. I managed to exclude all the background and keep the object apparent, then used its centroid to get its coordinates and plot them. Now im supposed to predict where the object is goin...

matlab image processing 3d

i have 100 b&w image of smthing.the probllem is i want to scan each image in 0&1 formatin mby n format and then place each image to one over one and again scan and save them in mbynby100 form. how i do this and from where i should start _jaysean ...