
Batch montage of images with paging

I have hundreds of images (png), sorted by name. They all have different sizes, but the same print resolution is to be used. I want to montage them in column, only one per row, possibly centered, and so that when the total height of the montage reaches an A4 paper height (~30cm) it starts again on another page.. I tried to do it with t...

How can I do batch image processing with ImageJ in Java or clojure?

I want to use ImageJ to do some processing of several thousand images. Is there a way to take any general imageJ plugin and apply it to hundreds of images automatically? For example, say I want to take my thousand images and apply a polar transformation to each--- A polar transformation plugin for ImageJ can be found here: http://rsb...

mean image filter

Starting to learn image filtering and stumped on a question found on website: Applying a 3×3 mean filter twice does not produce quite the same result as applying a 5×5 mean filter once. However, a 5×5 convolution kernel can be constructed which is equivalent. What does this kernel look like? Would appreciate help so that I can understa...

php gdlib angle problem

I'm using php gd lib 5.2.13 and tried to make a picture with imagettftext ($image, $color and $font are defined of course). imagettftext($image, 12, 90, 10, 20, $black, $font, "This.is_a test 123"); //image, font size, angle, x value, y value, color, font, text As you can see I want the angle to be 90°. The problem is that the text is...

Java 1.5.0_16 corrupted colours when saving jpg image

Hi, i have a loaded image from disk (stored as a BufferedImage), which i display correctly on a JPanel but when i try to re-save this image using the command below, the image is saved in a reddish hue. ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", fileName); Note! image is a BufferedImage and fileName is a File object pointing to the filename that will...

something like gimp "fuzzy select" in python/PIL

I have image with some object at not solid background. I want to extract this objects like in gimp using "fuzzy select". This can be an example: Question is what is the best way to do it using python/PIL... ...

How to define percentage canvas increase in photoshop javascript

I'm a javascript novice, I have this bit of code in a jsx script that I would like to resize the canvas +20 percent on both horizontal and vertical sides. resizeCanvas = docRef.resizeCanvas(curWidth + 20, curHeight + 20, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); 20 refers to whatever unit the ruler is set to. (inches, pixels, centimeters, etc). ...

Using MinHash to find similiarities between 2 images

I am using MinHash algorithm to find similar images between images. I have run across this post, How can I recognize slightly modified images? which pointed me to MinHash algorithm. I was using a C# implementation from this blog post, Set Similarity and Min Hash. But while trying to use the implementation, I have run into 2 problems. ...

Training sets for AdaBoost algorithm

How do you find the negative and positive training data sets of Haar features for the AdaBoost algorithm? So say you have a certain type of blob that you want to locate in an image and there are several of them in your entire array - how do you go about training it? I'd appreciate a nontechnical explanation as much as possible. I'm new t...

Machine learning - training step

When you're using Haar-like features for your training data for an Adaboost algorithm, how do you build your data sets? Do you literally have to find thousands of positive and negative samples? There must be a more efficient way of doing this... I'm trying to analyze images in matlab (not faces) and am relatively new to image processing...

how to generate large image in compact framework

I need to generate large images (A4 image at 200 DPI, PNG format would be fine) in my compact framework application. This is impossible to do in standard way due to memory limitations (such big image will throw OOMException). Is there any library which offers file-backed stream image generation? Or I could generate many smaller stripes...

Image Processing: What are occlusions?

Hi Guys, I'm developing an image processing project and I come across the word occlusion in many scientific papers, what do occlusions mean in the context of image processing? The dictionary is only giving a general definition. Can anyone describe them using an image as a context? Vikram ...

Matlab matrix translation and rotation multiple times

I have a map of individual trees from a forest stored as x,y points in a matrix. I call it fixedPositions. It's cartesian and (0,0) is the origin. Given a velocity and a heading, i.e. .5 m/s and 60 degrees (2 o'clock equivalent on a watch), how do I rotate the x,y points, so that the new origin is centered at (.5cos(60),.5sin(60)) and...

How do I use .NET to find an orange ball in an image?

I'm getting images from a C328R camera attached to a small arduino robot. I want the robot to drive towards orange ping-pong balls and pick them up. I'm using the C# code supplied by funkotron76 at Is there a library I can use to do this, or do I need to iterate over every pixel in the...

Is there an image phase correlation library available for Python?

A project that involves image processing, i.e. to calculate the angular shift of the same image when shifted by a medium of certain Refractive Index. We have to build an app that correlates the 2 images (phase/2D correlation?) and then plot using Chaco and Mayavi (2 libraries in Python). Is there any other existing template software (FOS...

Gaussian smoothing in MatLab

For an m x n array of elements with some noisy images, I want to perform Gaussian smoothing. How do you do that in MatLab? I've read the math involves smoothing everything with a kernel at a certain scale but have no idea how to do this in MatLab. Im pretty new to this... ... and MS Office Project integration and exporting it as image.

I have requirement of creating MS Project object in c# and exporting image of it for end user to download. I can achieve first part of the requirement of creating MS Project object as suggested in following link. but exporting it as image with specif...

Gaussian filter in MATLAB

Does the 'gaussian' filter in MATLAB convolve the image with the Gaussian kernel? Also, how do you choose the parameters hsize (size of filter) and sigma? What do you base it on? ...

Using imtophat in Matlab

I'm trying to do top hat filtering in matlab. The imtophat function looks promising, but I have no idea how to use it. I dont have a lot of work with Matlab before. I am trying to look find basically small spots several pixels wide that are local max in my 2 dimensional array. ...

Thresholding in Matlab

How do I threshold an image to find the local maxes in a robust way? I know I can just look at the data, visually guess at some appropriate h value, and do imextendedmax(I,h) where h is the threshold... but I'm looking for a more robust way to do it in Matlab. I'm pretty new to Matlab and coding so this is all foreign... Update No, I'd...