
Matlab - Propagate points orthogonally on to the edge of shape boundaries

Hi I have a set of points which I want to propagate on to the edge of shape boundary defined by a binary image. The shape boundary is defined by a 1px wide white edge. I have the coordinates of these points stored in a 2 row by n column matrix. The shape forms a concave boundary with no holes within itself made of around 2500 points. ...

Image Conversion from Bitmap to Icon doesn't seem to work

I have a simple function that takes a bitmap, and converts the bitmap to an ICON format. Below is the function. (I placed literal values in place of the variables) Bitmap tempBmp = new Bitmap(@"C:\temp\mypicture.jpeg"); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(tempBmp, 16, 16); bmp.Save("@C:\temp\mypicture2.ico", ImageFormat.Icon) It doe...

How to get features of separate disconnected closed curves(contour) using fourier transform?

FT can only be used to select feature for a single closed curve, how can I use it for several separate disconnected closed curves as a whole? A solution in MATLAB will be the best though not mandatory. ...

imagejpeg memory exhaustion

I'm creating thumbnails cycling through a lot of images, when I find a large image I get: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 13056 bytes) Now I already know how to circumvent this with: ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); What I want to know is why it exhaust the memory! Is there some debug t...

Is their an optimal config/format for a TIFF when using Tesseract or other OCR?

I'm having a bizarre problem with Tesseract. I have a name, "Janice" that is in a 200x40 pixel tiff, that Tesseract interprets as a blank. I'm running hundreds of names through Tesseract and they are processed fine. What I'm actually doing, though, is breaking up a larger TIFF into smaller tiffs of one word each. In the larger TIFF, te...

Classic exercises for computer vision / image processing?

For a mentoring project, I am looking for an online repository of classic computer vision exercises, similar to Project Euler, but geared towards image processing problems that could be solved in MATLAB or OpenCV. Anyone have any ideas? ...

Is using the .NET Image Conversion enough?

I've seen a lot of people try to code their own image conversion techniques. It often seems to be very complicated, and ends up using GDI+ function calls, and manipulating bits of the image. This has got me wondering if I am missing something in the simplicity of .NET's image conversion call when saving an image. Here's the code I hav...

iPhone OS: Strategies for high density image work

I have a project that is coming around the bend this summer that is going to involve, potentially, an extremely high volume of image data for display. We are talking hundreds of 640x480-ish images in a given application session (scaled to a smaller resolution when displayed), and handfuls of very large (1280x1024 or higher) images at a t...

How to write the VIN Scanner tool

Hi, I have a requirement where I have to scan the VIN barcode. Can anyone guide me how to proceed. Its an iPhone Requirement. ...

HMM for perspective estimation in document image, can't understand the algorithm

Hello! Here is a paper, it is about estimating the perspective of binary image containing text and some noise or non text objects. PDF document The algorithm uses the Hidden Markov Model: actually two conditions T - text B - backgrouond (i.e. noise) It is hard to understand the algorithm itself. The question is that I've read about...

What are the benefits of Watershed Segmentation in digital image processing?!

hi What are the real-world (practical) benefits of Watershed Segmentation that's applied to digital images thanks for all answerers! ...

Why '.png' files produced by ImageMagick are so much bigger than '.jpg' & '.gif' files?

Hello. I'm using ImageMagick to convert some files from one format to another. I was always under the impression that .png files were supposed to be as big/small as .jpg if not smaller, and definitely smaller than .gif. However when I run convert photo.jpg photo.png The files I'm getting out is about 6 times bigger than the origin...

algorithm for image comparison

Please consider following use case, I have one bigger image, lets called is master image. Now from some where else, I am getting one small image. I want to check whether this small image is subset of master image or not. important points are, smaller image might have different file format, smaller image might captured from comparati...

why we need to to identify the external markers in marker-controlled watershed segmentaion?

why we need to to identify the external markers in marker-controlled watershed segmentaion? why it is not enough to identify internal markers of the objects of interest? please help, i'm confused thanks ...

Coordinate geometry operations in images/discrete space

I have images which have line segments, rays etc. I am representing these line segments using Bresenham algorithm (means whatever coordinates I get using this algorithm between two points). Now I want to do operations such as finding intersection point between two line segments, finding the projection of one vector onto other etc... The...

is the a good free book or online source to study about watershed segmentation in digital image processing?

please i need to study about watershed segmentation, but i lack sources.. can anyone help me? thanks ...

printing bit maps:facing memory errors

Hi all, I am, in my android application doing printing and for that i,ve to prepare the formatted page, it include text and bitmaps. am using canvas by a bitmap, on that canvas i am drawing my scaled images(of high resolution). since it altogether is a bitmap, processing it giving out of memory errors and not generating images and text...

How do I implement such an invertible mapping(one-to-one) for curves using MATLAB?

So that several curves X,Y can be mapped to another curve R,which is invertible so that I can still get X,Y from R. Anyone has ideas for this or perhaps some term I can google it myself? UPDATE I think some clarifications are deserved here. map(X,Y) => R; invertible_map(R) => (X,Y) ...

image processing toolbox in matlab

I've got a specific question and a related more general one... Why does imextendedmax() not give for example 9 in A(3,3) as a max? Generally... what is the best way for finding multiple maxes/peaks? The nice thing about imextended max is it allows a threshold where presumably everything under that threshold is not counted whereas imregio...

Need help using libpng to read an image

Here is my function... I don't know why it's not working. The resulting image looks nothing like what the .png looks like. But there's no errors either. bool Bullet::read_png(std::string file_name, int pos) { png_structp png_ptr; png_infop info_ptr; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "rb")) == NULL) { ...