
Memory limited image processing in server

We have a server (Java EE) application, it will do some image processing jobs based on user request. Such as convert image format (e.g. TIFF to JPEG), convert image color (e.g. RGB to Gray to BW), resample (resize) image. Some customer from printing industry use very large image, such as 2000 dpi, 6 * 8 inch, 4 color components, which wi...

Generate an image / thumbnail of a webpage using X/Gui-less linux

There exists numerous solutions on generating a thumbnail or an image preview of a webpage. Some of these solutions are webs-based like websnapshots, windows libraries such as PHP's imagegrabscreen (only works on windows), and KDE's wkhtml. Many more do exist. However, I'm looking for a GUI-less solution. Something I can create an API a...

How to upload and size a profile picture for a site?

I have a site that has a profile page and I would like to allow the users to upload an image for the profile picture. I forsee a problem if the user select an image that is larger than what I am allowing for the site. Is their a good refrence or example how to accomplish this? The site is developed in Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET 3....

Recognize objects in image

Hello I am in the process of doing a school project, where we have a robot driving on the ground in between Flamingo plates. We need to create an algorithm that can identify the locations of these plates, so we can create paths around them (We are using A Star for that). So far have we worked with AForged Library and we have created the...

Is there any C/C++ opensource library for Content Aware Image transformations?

I need it to have at least such features like Content Aware Fill, Content Aware Image Resizing. I need it as normal C/C++ library, usable from code, may be with dependencies on other open source libraris. But with examples of code compilable into stand alone applications! So is there any such library? Is there any C or C++ opensour...

Django Photologue - use photo with original compression

hi, I´m uploading photos with Django Photologue. Is it possible to leave the jpgs as the are? Even if I tell photosize to use Highest Quality compression the files end up having half as many kb as the originals. I must admit that the visable loss of quality is small but as i am a photographer i would like the images to apear exactly as ...

Is it possible to translate everething written in OCaml to PHP?

Is it possible to translate everething written in OCaml to PHP? for example will it be hard to translate such lib as lib for Fast content-aware image resizing ...

video processing with opencv

i'm trying to detect car in a video file.i can do background subtraction and the moving cars are visible as foreground object. but i can't draw rectangle around the car. how can i do it? or how can i say in a particular area of the frame there is a car/or there is no car now.please help. ...

How would I detect horizontal-black lines using ImageMagick?

So I have what is essentially a spreadsheet in TIFF format. There is some uniformity to it...for example, all the column widths are the same. I want to de-limit this sheet by those known-column widths and basically create lots of little graphic files, one for each cell, and run OCR on them and store it into a database. The problem is tha...

How to do median filter on an indexed image using MATLAB?

medfilt2(img) doesn't take a map as parameter, so I don't think it can work well with indexed image, how do I impelemnt an median filter that can be used to process indexed images? ...

How to give reference lines dicom pic on Dicom pics in CLEARCANVAS?

i will do that if i open my dicom pics.i have a study . if you look below pic you can see study pic left corner. Big pic is one of series. How can i do that clearCanvas open source sdk? ...

fft and array-to-image / image-to-array-conversion

Hello! I want to make a fourier-transformation of an image. But how can I change the picture to an array? And after this I think I should use numpy.fft.rfft2 for the transformation. And how to change back from the array to the image? Thanks in advance. ...

How to find the shortest path between two blobs(contours/closed curves) using MATLAB?

bwlabel can be used to get disconnected objects in an image: [L Ne] = bwlabel(image); How to calculate the shortest path between two disconnected closed curves? Is there a practical(not theoretical) solution? ...

How to use ImageMagick to batch desaturate images?

I have an image that is black text with some gray and pale yellowish background. I basically want to keep the text as black as possible, and make the gray and yellow comparatively the very least, turn yellow into a light gray. What's the most efficient way to do that in ImageMagick? ...

Will the values of label and its correspondences change if Image is rotated?

Hi all I have an image in which a text like "VINAYAK 123" is written. The text in the image is at a certain angle, say 30degrees. Now when I extract the labels of the connected components, I get V-1, I-2, N-3, A-4,Y-5,A-6,K-7, 1-8,2-9,3-10( Format: Character- Label No.). Now I rotate the image 30 degrees in the clockwise direction to ...

How to find SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO of Images in MATLAB?

friends i am doing noise reduction in images. for that i have to compare the original image and the filtered image mathematically.please guide me how to find SNR of images in MATLAB. is there any other mathematical comparison of images available in MATLAB? PLEASE HELP ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ...

image filters for iphone sdk development

Hi All, I am planning to develop an iphone app which makes use of image filters like blurring, sharpening,etc. I noticed that there are few approaches for this one, Use openGL ES. I even found an example code on apple iphone dev site. How easy is openGL for somebody who has never used it? Can the image filters be implemented using the...

Image compression and thumbnail creation for PHP

I need some PHP classes that deal with image processing in a good manner. I have made a thumbnail creator myself but the end result quality is just horrible. Is it also possible to let PHP convert and save all images to one type. For example take an image(jpg,png,gif), compress it, resize it, and save as png. Can anyone recommend some ...

What does this MATLAB function do?

function sk=skeleton_finding(x) % calculate distance transform dt=bwdist(~x,'cityblock'); % find the local maximum n=[0 1;-1 0;0 -1;1 0]; sk=dt>0; for i=1:4 sk=sk&(dt>=circshift(dt,n(i,:))); end Can someone illustrate with an intuitive image that applies this transform? ...

Django Template tag, generating template block tag

Hi Guys, Currently a bit stuck, wondering if anyone can assist. I am using django-adminfiles. Which is a neat little application. I want to use it to insert images into posts/articles/pages for a site i am building. How django-adminfiles works is it inserts a placeholder i.e <<< ImageFile >>> and this gets rendered using a django temp...