
Creating thumbnails PHP problem

I have this source code where I got it from net tutsplus. I have configured it and made it work in one PHP file. It does work by transferring the original image, but it does not generate to the thumbnails folder. <?php $final_width_of_image = 100; $path_to_image_directory = "../../img/events/" . urldecode($_GET['name']) . "/"; $path_to...

On-the-fly thumbnails PHP

I came up with this: <?php $dir = $_GET['dir']; header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $create = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 150); $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($dir); imagecopyresampled($create, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 150, 150, 150); imagejpeg($create, null, 100); ?> It works by accessing:

Problem with thumbnails after newly added - PHP on-the-fly method

Hey again... to those that may have read my previous question that got solved a couple minutes ago >.< The on-the-fly php script works perfectly, but when I went to upload new images into a gallery which I made myself, the images are resized to 150 x 150 for what I wanted... however, when it comes to new images being added it is all bla...

How should images be stored when multiple sizes are needed?

What is the best way to store images? Currently when an image is uploaded I resize it to 3 different sizes (a thumbnail, a normal size, and a large size). I save in a database a description of the image, the format, and use the id number from the database as the image name. Each size image has its own directory. Should I be storing the ...

tracking an image in matlab

How do you for example put a blue circle centered over an image you are tracking? Not a filled in circle, but more like a donut. ...

Why are transparent pixels showing up black in my image?

I am saving an image bytes array as a thumbnail. The problem is that the transparent background color is black in my image. Below is my code: MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(pbytImageByteArray); System.Drawing.Image imgImageSource = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(memoryStream); double dblOrgnWidth = imgImageSource.Width...

Converting an image in 8-bit grayscale RAW image in java

Please let me know how to convert a JPG/PNG/BMP image into a 8-bit grayscale RAW image in Java. Is it possible to obtain using ImageIO API? ...

image analysis question for matlab

Possible Duplicate: tracking an image in matlab Hi, I asked a similar question but wasn't quite clear before. I am trying to put a blue or an orange or some other colored circle (more like a donut) around a feature in an image so that I can track it. It should be more like a donut so that I can still view the image... Anyway, ...

Count the number of objects in an Image

I am investigating the possibility of image processing to identify certain objects and also count them in an image. I will be given a picture and I need to identify the number of boxes present in that image. Does anybody have any experience with any Machine Vision/ Image Processing libraries like ImageJ, Fiji, JAI, jMagick ,Java Visio...

Best options for image resizing

Hi, I have resize images exceeding a max size. Methods I tried so far are not good enough :-( System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImage generates very poor quality images in general. Playing with options like this one I can generate better images in quality but heavier than the original one. Probably the second option (or something ...

Overlay of multiple colors in ImageJ

Hi everyone, I'm writing a little plugin for imageJ and I am drawing several regions as an overlay on the image. I'm using this code: ImagePlus imp = getImage(); Overlay ov = new Overlay(); for (int r=0; r<regions.length; r++) { ov.add(regions[r]); } imp.setOverlay(ov); Where regions is an array of Roi. This works as in...

How to draw a square on a video and track the object enclosed by the square ?

I am doing a Final Year Project to track an object(human) by drawing a square around a human in a video. I am doing this project in C#.NET. I asked in a forum about this and they said to use GDI+ and mouse handling (which I have no clue about). Do I have to do segmentation and then identify the region where the square was drawn ? split...

Combining 2 png in one with convert

Hello, I am using convert from ImageMagick to combine 2 png in one using this script : convert background.png logo.png -layers merge final_background.png It is working but I would like to move the logo at 20 pixels from the top, is it possible ? Thanks a lot Thierry ...

Compressing digitalized document images

Hello, We are now required by law to digitalize all the financial documents in our company and submit them to evaluations every 3 months. Since this is sensitive data we decided to take matters into our own hands and build some sort of digital data archiver. The tool works perfectly, but after 7 months of usage we are begining to worry...

Remove image solid background with c sharp

I'm trying to find some info about removing an image background "automagically" if possible in .NET. Actually I could not find much data and I don't event know if it's possible or are there any API components available. Any ideas? ...

Algorithm to rotate an image 90 degrees in place? (No extra memory)

In an embedded C app, I have a large image that I'd like to rotate by 90 degrees. Currently I use the well-known simple algorithm to do this. However, this algorithm requires me to make another copy of the image. I'd like to avoid allocating memory for a copy, I'd rather rotate it in-place. Since the image isn't square, this is tricky...

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" in image and array storage

I am currently working on an image processing demonstration in java (Applet). I am running into the problem where my arrays are too large and I am getting the "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error. The algorithm I run creates an NxD float array where: N is the number of pixel in the image and D is the coordinates of each ...

How do I calculate the area under a curve in an image with MATLAB?

The unit of x-axis is hours (h), and there are 24 hours in total. The unit of y-axis is millions (m). How do I calculate the area under the red curve in the image in units of m*h? Important UPDATE Only the image is readily available (not the data), and I want to calculate the area programmatically. ...

How do I check if all files inside directories are valid jpegs (Linux, sh script needed)?

Ok, I got a directory (for instance, named '/photos') in which there are different directories (like '/photos/wedding', '/photos/birthday', '/photos/graduation', etc...) which have .jpg files in them. Unfortunately, some of jpeg files are broken. I need to find a way how to determine, which files are broken. I found out, that there is t...

adjust bitmap image brightness/contrast using c++

adjust image brightness/contrast using c++ without using any other 3rd party library or dependancy ...