
Can i add watermark on a series of pictures?

I have a strong amount of pictures, which i would like to "protect" by adding watermark on them. Is there any way of adding watermark by using or C# ? ...

Why do I get completely different results when saving a BitmapSource to bmp, jpeg, and png in WPF

I wrote a little utility class that saves BitmapSource objects to image files. The image files can be either bmp, jpeg, or png. Here is the code: public class BitmapProcessor { public void SaveAsBmp(BitmapSource bitmapSource, string path) { Save(bitmapSource, path, new BmpBitmapEncoder()); } public void SaveAsJp...

image processing with hadoop

How to read video frames in hadoop? ...

efficient algorithm for drawing circle arcs?

I am using the mid-point circle algorithm (bresenham circle) to efficiently draw whole circles. Is there something similar to draw circle arcs? I would like to specify a start angle and end angle and have only that portion of the circle drawn. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I would like to draw filled circle arcs too, i.e pie-slices. :) ...

Image Viewer application, Image processing with Display Data.

Hello All, I am working on Image Viewer application and planning to build in WPF. My Image size are usually larger than 3000x3500. After searching for week, I got sample code from MSDN. But it is written in ATL COM. So I am planning to work and build the Image viewer as follows: After reading the Image I will scale down to my viewer ...

Loading images faster in Gridview

I have a gridview which displays data for all employees and their images (stored in database). The images take more time to render completely when i click sort or paging or reload. I'm using httphandler to display image as stream. Is there a way i can speed up this image loading? ...

Inversion of an image

How do you invert an image (reversing grayscale) in MATLAB? ...

Looking for a managed image parser library (JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF)

I am writing a discussion board software that will have "avatar" images for the users. I want to resize any picture that gets uploaded to a reasonable size. I could easily do that with System.Drawing but that is relying on GDI+ which has hat security problems before. The problem is that the images are untrusted. So I thought of using a f...

How to convert 32-bit RGBA Image to Grayscale preserving alpha

I'd like to, in code and on demand, convert a 32-bit RGBA Image object (originally a 32-bit PNG) to its 32-bit grayscale counterpart. I've already read several other questions here, as well as many articles online. I've tried using ColorMatrix to do it, but it doesn't seem to handle the alpha very well. Pixels that are entirely opaque...

Image processing on bifurcation diagram to get small eps size

Hello, I'm producing bifurcation diagrams (which are normally used in nonlinear dynamics). These diagrams identify abrupt changes in topologies due to stability changes. These abrupt changes occur as one or more parameters pass through some critical value(s). An example is here:

Pros and cons of keeping metadata in image thumbnails

I am working on optimizing site load speed for a few moderately high traffic sites. Some quick observations show that creating 40 picture thumbnails (e.g. 138x138 JPG @75% quality) results in 700 Kb total size with embedded metadata and 258 Kb with stripped metadata. Which means that roughly 60% of image size is metadata. So what would ...

PHP or Javascript or other - Draw simple shapes onto images?

I basically have an image of a world map and i would like to place a pin image at a specified pixel co-ordinate ontop of this world map image. It's for a website, so ideally the solution should be in PHP or Javascript (i'm avoiding Java and Flash as i want it to be as simple as possible). I had a look at the processing.js library but i...

Is it possible to add layers to .tiff images with .NET?

Are there any .NET libraries etc. which allow adding layers (with text) to .tiff images? Something like annotations, so that it would be possible to separate them from image afterwards. I tried DotImage - it allows to add annotations, save them as embedded into image and load them afterwards, but no one other image viewer seems to reco...

How to get color map of an image in PHP?

imagecolorat can only return the color index for a single point, is there a function to get all colors in an image? ...

Image analysis on the iPhone

Hi, guys! Hopefully a quick one. Working on a devious little algorithm that'll automatically scan a user's iPhone for a photo of some emotional poignance (e.g. go back in time a ways, look for one of a group of photos that are proximally timestamped, etc.). Need a quick-and-dirty way of picking out a photo containing two people in close...

What is the best way to detect white color?

I'm trying to detect white objects in a video. The first step is to filter the image so that it leaves only white-color pixels. My first approach was using HSV color space and then checking for high level of VAL channel. Here is the code: //convert image to hsv cvCvtColor( src, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV ); cvCvtPixToPlane( hsv, h_plane, s_plane...

Image processing in a multhithreaded mode using Java

Hi Folks, I am supposed to process images in a multithreaded mode using Java. I may having varying number of images where as my number of threads are fixed. I have to process all the images using the fixed set of threads. I am just stuck up on how to do it, I had a look ThreadExecutor and BlockingQueues etc...I am still not clear. What...

converting IplImage into 1D vector in opencv

I want to convert a mXn IplImage into a (m*n) x 1 1D vector..can this be done with any function in opencv..? any help is greatly appreciated ...

Convert Image (JPG,BMP,GIF) to SVG

Does anyone know tell me a tool that actually works (I tried several, but none works), with support for color images. If some of his friends know how to implement this, or any component that makes (C #), I would be grateful. Thanks for any help The program below works, however, leaves all the files in black and white. I'm still looki...

php imagejpeg quality stinks: why?

im taking image uploads on a website and changing the images to thumbnails that fit onto a 100 x 100 white square. the problem is that the images look like they dont anti-alias properly. images sized down in photoshop look smooth, but these look crunchy, like super sharpened. take a look at these samples, showing full size on the left...