
Splitting GIF Frames In Ruby on Rails

Hello, SO! I'm messing around with rails and hope to try some different image manipulation techniques. My main goal is to learn more about different image formats and the various ways to interact with them. The first thing I'm attempting to do is split the frames in a GIF image and randomly reorder them into a new image. I've researche...

Drawing semi-transparent polygons in PIL

How do you draw semi-transparent polygons using the Python Imaging Library? ...

Dispensation of digital pics

I have a project named dispensation of digi pics which should be done using java, but I have a doubt that "dispensation of digi pics" and "digital image processing" are same or not. If not please tell me what is meant by dispensation of digi pics and how can I move further with the project. ...

SIMD/SSE newbie: simple image filtering

I'm very new to SIMD/SSE and I'm trying to do some simple image filtering (blurring). The code below filters each pixel of a 8-bit gray bitmap with a simple [1 2 1] weighting in horizontal direction. I'm creating sums of 16 pixels at a time. What seems very bad about this code, at least to me, is that there is a lot of insert/extract in... and ImageMagick: someone can help me with an example ?

Hi, maybe my question is generic. I would like to know how can i do a resize image when user upload it to my web site, and i'm a little confused. I know exists ImageMagick ... but i don't know how to install and use it. 1.) What i've to copy in bin folder ? Only convert.exe ? Or maybe all DLL's found here

circular objects detection

please suggest me some algorithms for circular object detection, for example a CD is placed under the book, and some part of it can be seen. So the algorithm should be able to detect a circle from the part of the CD. Or it can be a plates placed one above another and so on. I tried opencv's Hough transform, but it do not always detects ...

Adapt code to resize image

Hi, after some searchs, i've discovered this code Public Sub ResizeImage(ByVal scaleFactor As Double, ByVal fromStream As Stream, ByVal toStream As Stream) Dim image__1 = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fromStream) Dim newWidth = CInt(image__1.Width * scaleFactor) Dim newHeight = CInt(image__1.Height * scaleFactor) D...

Image processing - define selections from a source image

I have, as an example, the following two images: I want to load the second and detect the transparent areas for use as selections to which I can apply some processing, but I don't have the first clue how to start. I'm familiar with loading images an...

HDR & Panoramas: where to learn

I have some ideas for software that can create HDR images or panoramas. I'd like to learn how to do these myself, for example how to create algorithms for image alignment, combining parts of images for HDR & tonemapping, etc. (Preferably in C/Obj-C, though the concepts will apply to any language.) Where are the best places to learn about...

How to rotate yuv420 data?

Hi Everyone, I need to know how to rotate an image, which is in yuv420p format by 90 degrees. The option of converting this to rgb, rotating and again reconverting to yuv is not feasible. Even an algorithm would help. Regards, Anirudh. ...

Training tesseract to use with iPhone

Hi all, I am trying to use tesseract-2.04 in my iPhone application and just want to detect the numbers. What I am doing here is first I am cross compiling tesseract to generate lib file using this post and then using the the demo application at http://robertcarlsen.n...

How to update image src with the local path when user has selected an image file?

Hi, Html <input type="file" name="picture" value="" /> <img id="preview_pic" src="/images/no-image.jpg" alt="" height="100" width="100" /> I can see the "file" input box gets populated with local file path. I want to replace the img src with this new local file path to just give a preview of the image they have selected. If the file...

Using R for simple image/pattern-recognition task ?

Hi all, I have an image with many dots, and I would like to extract from it what is the x-y location of each dot. I already know how to do this manually (there is a package for doing it). However, is there some way of doing it automatically ? (My next question will be - is there a a way, when having an image of many lines, to detect ...

Imagemagick or similar for scripted image enhancement

I found the following algorithm to work fairly well for enhancement of various images of whiteboards, etc: duplicate the layer, make sure the top layer is active (gaussian)blur the new layer. You shouldn't be able to read the text anymore. set the layer mode to dodge invert the layer I tried it out in gimp and it looks promising. I'...

Imagemagick bold text

Hi, I have an image which contains some text in it. My OCR software recognizes it properly only if the text is in bold. I was wondering if there is any way by which i can make the text in an image bold using ImageMagick before i send it to OCR. Any help is appreciated. THanks ...

Optimal sigma for Gaussian filtering of an image?

When applying a Gaussian blur to an image, typically the sigma is a parameter (examples include Matlab and ImageJ). How does one know what sigma should be? Is there a mathematical way to figure out an optimal sigma? In my case, i have some objects in images that are bright compared to the background, and I need to find them computation...

MFC: Save from CImage to database as selected file-type

We have a requirement that a user can load any standard image into a dialog, the image is displayed, and the image saved as a specific format (JPG) in a database. It seems CImage is the class to be using since it can load and save BMP/GIF/JPG/PNG. But is there an easy way to save the JPG as a BLOB in the database without calling CImage::...

create thumbnail with codeignitor fixed size ;

how do i create thumbnail form original size ( any size) to 50 x 50 ( fixed size) link text when add images to lightbox all images in any size will resize to 50 x 50 dimention how to implement that with codeigniter image class ; imagine i have image with 600x320 dimensions when i re size it with maintain_ratio "on" it's gave me 50x27 ...

Cleaning up blurry images using Matlab

I want to take an image of blurry cylindrical objects and get rid of the blur, basically sharpen the image. How do I do that in Matlab? ...

How to compare two wave data?

I got data measurements from image. I mean profile scan data. (image intensity values that are taken along one line) And what I want is to get data from another image's line and compare them together. I want to know if they are similar or not. For example I got: int data1[N]; int data2[N]; And I want to compare them. If they are not...