
Measuring a string in PHP?

ASP has a MeasureString function that returns the width, in pixels, of a string given a certain font/size. Is this possible in PHP? ...

how I can compare two curved line in two picture?

Hi there I have 2 picture that there is two line,I want to compare there two curved line and know how much they are similar together...I use Mathlab for programming and also use Image process package. Thank's in advance Photo Album [URL=][IMG=

Merge two images of different sizes leaves black color in a smaller image

I am using C#. I've two images as following: Image1: 200 X 100 Image2: 200 X 200 I tried merging it with Canvas, Graphics and Pixel methods and all work but with a glitch that it leaves black color in that 100 pixel area of image1 height. I prefer to have that area as complete transparent instead of black color. Here's the url for ...

Use face from an image for postcard (see screenshot)

Hi, I am looking to build an app similar to santayourself (facebook application) a screenshot below The application will accept a photo and then the users can move it with controls for zoom and rotate and moving image right, left, up and down. Then once the face is as required then the user can click save to save the image on the serv...

Fastest way to draw BufferedImages to another BufferedImage

I am attempting to create a mosaic of images in Java. I calculate the size of the new image I'm creating, and then for each subimage that will be part of the mosaic, I do a paint call. In pseudocode: create buffered image big enough to hold entire mosaic create Graphics2D context from that image for each buffered subimage that will...

PHP: Code to check image quality/pixelation (not compression rate but real quality)?

I want to know if its possible (and how) to check for real image quality (.jpg) using the GD library. Obviously we need to check for file size, colors, image size, and number of pixels and compare between them. For example if an 1200x600px image has a size of 60kb probably its in bad quality. But if the image is in grey scale, or uses ...

Matlab how to avoid jagged image

How to avoid jagged image in matlab. I have 600 x 600 image opened in matlab and do some processing on the image. However when I save it, it look so blur and jagged. What should I do? EDITED: this question is related to my previous question here fid=fop...

How to implement 1D FFT filter for each horizontal line data from image

I wish to apply a frequency-domain filter, such as a Low Pass or Band Pass, to each horizontal line of an image. Is this possible using opencv? ...

What is the best way to edit those 1 pixel background images?

Hi all, I got my colleague's web page together with and the css files and many images. I need to apply part of it to my jsp page. I have to admit that I didn't have any experience in handling css. Currently I am using GIMP2 to edit those 1-pixel-width background images. It's really the pain in the neck. I have to guess the proper image s...

How to export pixel coordinates of point objects from an image (with imagej?)

Dear all, I am on a project where I am interested in the spacing & distribution of point objects in an microscope image. So the image consists of darker, circular small dots from a rather complex background. It would be nice to do this with an feature extraction script automatically some day, but for now I am just hand-picking the poi...

Template matching algorithms

Please suggest any template matching algorithms, which are independent of size and rotation. (any source codes as examples if possible please) EDIT 1: Actually I understand how the algorithm works, we can resize template and rotate it. It is computationally expensive, but we can use image pyramids. But the real problem for me now is whe...

PHP GD doesnt support a specifc image, any solution/workaround?

If I run $res=imagecreatefromJPEG (''); I get False + error : gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: (no further details). What is wrong with this specific image that makes it unsupported by GD? How can I make GD support i...

covariance matrix in opencv

Hi everyone, Here is my code to calculate covariance matrix over a particular area of color image,But it always gives all zeroes.Please help me where am going wrong. IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("image.png",1); cvShowImage("input",img); cvSetImageROI(img,cvRect(10,10,30,30)); { CvMat* covarMatrix=cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_32FC1)...

What technology is being used for

Any idea about what backend technology might be in use for sites like and for image merging to create the effects? is it flash/flex or Open GL? ...

Server-side conversion of raster images to vector images

I would like to convert images that have been uploaded by the user (in various formats and conditions) to a vector image format such as .eps. I'm primarily working in PHP. What options exist? ...

erosion in Matlab

When I apply erosion to my image to find small ball or disk shaped objects, no matter how much I change the size of the structuring element it doesn't seem to work. Instead the entire image appears kind of smudged by the structuring elements. I can still see where the objects are, but it doesn't help me locate them. Is there a way to ref...

How to insert image in xml on iphone

In my app i insert images in the tableview by putting the url of image in the field image of xml!! It's possible insert the entire image directly in XML, including in the field image, instead of the URL, a kind of image compression, for example, the bits that make up the image. ...

How do I plot the X and Y axes in a JPEG image?

This is related to I want to plot the symbol "+" which represent the x,y coordinate. I used jpg as background while ploting. The color of the "+" is blue and plotted on the same image. There were many x,y coordinate which I read through LOOP. My problem is th...

Extracting images from RTF using PHP?

Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience doing this? All of the resources I have seemed to find on the internet deal with doing the opposite (inserting images into RTFs), but it seems like extraction isn't that popular of a notion? Basically, I'm just wondering if it's possible to upload an RTF file using a form, and dump...

ImageMagik/UNIX: How to recursively process a nested directory of photos?

Question: How do I recursively process, using Imagemagik (convert), a nested directory of photos? I have the following directory structure: / ..2008/ ....a.jpg ....b.jpg ..2009/ .....c.jpg And I want to run the following ImageMagik command on each file, to clean/resize up the images, and then save the resulting image out as the exact...