
where to read image pixel?

Respected sir, I am about to start my final year project "Real time/fast implemantation license plate recognition" using opencv. Opencv is totaly new for me and i am working on it now-a-days and i am facing couple of problems with it. I know how to display images but i don't know where to read image pixels or read image in mat...

What is a fantastic image processing library for java that does levels, colour balance, saturation, sharpness, noise reduction and compression?

What is a fantastic image processing library for java that does levels, colour balance, saturation, sharpness, noise reduction and compression? I'm looking for something that is easy to learn, and has a high-level API... not something low level, unless it's the only option. ...

Crop and resize image on clientside

Is it possible to work with client chosen images on client PC without uploading image to server. If yes, what web programming language can do that? ...

Get pixel data at touch - Android/iPhone Appcelerator Titanium

Is it possible to get pixel level data of an image view using Titanium Mobile on Android/iPhone? ...

Filtering through a large list of images on a single web page - without a database

I am looking at building a web page which is going to have a list of over 100 medium sized images and unfortunately I will not have any access to a database. The user will be filtering through the images and displaying around 8(at most) at a time. The idea is to filter through the images using jQuery and CSS classes, to show/hide etc, ...

How do I auto correct colors in an image ?

I will work with a set of arbitrary images. Some of them might need some color correction. I've opened up an image that needed correction in Photoshop and noticed the yellows were a bit high in the Histogram. I applied Auto Color and that improved the image. How does that work ? How implement that ? Do I look for peaks in the histogra...

C# - Crop Transparent/White space

I'm trying to remove all white or transparent pixels from an image, leaving the actual image (cropped). I've tried a few solutions, but none seem to work. Any suggestions or am I going to spend the night writing image cropping code? ...

How can I compare two images in C#?

I want to try to develop an trail application in which the first image containing the some text (suppose it may be "hello World") and that image I want to compare with another image (and suppose it is "hello"). The above image comparison, I want the output there is missing "World" text. How I will do that? ...

A good method for detecting the presence of a particular feature in an image

I have made a videochat, but as usual, a lot of men like to ehm, abuse the service (I leave it up to you to figure the nature of such abuse), which is not something I endorse in any way, nor do most of my users. No, I have not stolen :-) Frankly, I am half-embarassed to bring this up here, but my question is technical an...

Threshold decomposition in Matlab

How do you do reconstruction by threshold decomposition in Matlab? Is there a function for it? ...

How to get exact RGB values for 24-bit image in .NET Compact Framework?

Hello, I have a 24 bit BMP image, but when I load it on my Pocket PC using Bitmap object and do GetPixel, it returns me slightly wrong RGB values. I guess it converts it to 16 bit on the fly. I get the same results when using LockBits and working with the bitmap data directly. Is there any way of getting exact RGB values for given pixel...

Histogram of image

I have 2 images that look nearly identical. The histogram for one (256 bins) has intensities distributed pretty evenly throughout. The other has intensities at the lowest and highest bin. Why would this be? Then wouldnt it appear binary (thats not the case)? ...

Python: How to Capture WebPage as Image File?

I want to cache a webpage as an image upon a user request, but I don't know where to start with this. I'm developing on App Engine with python. ...

How can I measure the level of ambient light from an image?

I am looking at making an app that uses a camera to measure the amount of light present when an image is taken. Some conditional behavior would take place based on how much light was present - ie display a message saying "Looks like bedtime" if it looks like it is dark. I understand that this will be a pretty poor measure of the actual ...

phpThumb - change watermark size

Hi guys, I'm using phpThumb in a script to clean my images and add a watermark to them. We have images of very different sizes (from 100px width to 800px), so no matter what watermark image I use, it's either going to look too small or too big on the image. Do you know of a way to tell phpThumb to resize the watermark? Or is there a ...

How to get rgb value by cimg?

CImg<unsigned char> src("image.jpg"); int width = src.width(); int height = src.height(); unsigned char* ptr =,10); How can I get rgb from ptr? ...

Face Recognition Logic

I want to develop an application in which user input an image (of a person), a system should be able to identify face from an image of a person. System also works if there are more than one persons in an image. I need a logic, I dont have any idea how can work on image pixel data in such a manner that it identifies person faces. ...

ImageMagick - Scale and Fade Variable Height Images

I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the options of ImageMagick, so I'm looking for some guidance whether what I am trying to do is possible. I have a folder full of png images. Each image is a different size. I would like to: Scale the images to a fixed width say 200px, allowing the vertical size to remain variable. For this, I know I can ...

Name for a test to find the best match for a given image in a library of images (OpenCV?)

I have looked through all the OpenCV documentation that I could find and googled for what I'm looking for, but I think I must be using the wrong terminology. What I want to do is something similar to template matching, but I do not need to search for instances of my image in another image. I need to compare my image to a library of othe...

Is medical imaging a separate programming specialty?

Sorry if it's yet another question with no response:), feel free to close. There's a bunch of questions on SO like: does technology/language/database used in medicine is quite different from that used in traditional area like banking/industry etc. You can hear in response or 1) no difference 2) it's vague and hard according to lack of st...