
PHP script to render a single transparent pixel (PNG or GIF)

I have to create a PHP that will return an image stream of one transparent dot (PNG or GIF) Could you point me to an easy to use solution ? Thanks a lot ...

How to load a png image received through http post to OpenCV IplImage format.

I am writing a webserver which receives an image and do some processing and replys with results. The image is in the png format. It is received as a byte[] via POST using PHP. I have to convert this byte[] to OpenCV IplImage format. What are the steps I should follow to get this done? The way I am currently doing it is reading the imag...

Is there an opensource java library to interface to an image scanner ?

Hello all, I would like to make a tool to capture images from an scanner, is there an opensource java library to control / interface with a scanner? (I found JTwain but is about EUR 3000) Thanks! ...

java color image processing

I am trying to get the different amount of colors inside an image in java, but I don't know if there is a library for this propose of not. the project is about finding out the different colors from one image, and then print out the name of the colors. any idea??? please help me if you have any answer. ...

Making .NET program that hides an image inside an image.

I want to start a little pet project that will allow a user to pic an image and then hide that image within another image. Meaning that if you open the dummy-image that's all you'll see. But if you open the dummy-image with my software you'll see the actual image. I've never done something like this so I'm pretty excited about getting a...

Image Shuffling with another image

This is in continuation to a question Image Shuffling in one of my threads %# scramble autumn.tif with itself img1 = imread('autumn.tif'); %# scramble [dummy,scrambleIdx] = sort(img1(:)); img2 = img1; img2(:) = img1(scrambleIdx); %# note the (:). If you don't use it, img2 becomes a vector %# unscramble [dummy2,unscrambleIdx] = ...

How to recognize a blank/invisible image using java

I was wondering if it would be possible to recognize that a BufferedImage in java is a blank (invisible for a user in a browser) image. ...

Crop image to smallest size by removing transparent pixels in java

I have a sprite sheet which has each image centered in a 32x32 cell. The actual images are not 32x32, but slightly smaller. What I'd like to do is take a cell and crop the transparent pixels so the image is as small as it can be. How would I do that in Java (JDK 6)? Here is an example of how I'm currently breaking up the tile sheet i...

image processing in pascal

Hi Please, anyone help me to solve my problem "who can I get the image data in pascal language", I mean who can I read or display an image in pascal language ...

Determine height of Coffee in the pot using Python imaging

This is a bit of a funny question but... We have a web-cam in our office kitchenette focused at our coffee maker. The coffee pot is clearly visible. Both the location of the coffee pot and the camera are static. Is it possible to calculate the height of coffee in the pot using image recognition? I've seen image recognition used for quit...

Silverlight: converting WriteableBitmap to stream

Given a WriteableBitmap, how can I save the bitmap back into an image stream (JPG or BMP)? My scenario is: Show OpenFileDialog, let user select image Load image into WriteableBitmap Resize image Send image stream to web service Step #4 is what I'm having trouble with. How can I go from WriteableBitmap -> Stream? ...

Server-side Actionscript 3 Image Processessing

I have an as3 project that lets a users create labels for jars and containers (think t-shirt editor) using custom images and text. To send them to the printer as pngs, I create a Bitmap object and use a scale matrix and they come out perfect. There is, however, a 2-14 sec lag between building the bitmap, sending it to the php service...

Python - Find dominant/most common color in an image

Hi, I'm looking for a way to find the most dominant color/tone in an image using python. Either the average shade or the most common out of RGB will do. I've looked at the Python Imaging library, and could not find anything relating to what I was looking for in their manual, and also briefly at VTK. I did however find a PHP script whic...

How to determine if two jpg images of the same size have more than 30% of different pixels with matlab?

Or is there a built-in function that can do exactly this job? ...

image slicing - one large image or a succession of smaller images

Hi, I'm chopping up a new design into valid HTML/CSS. This particular design has several images that are very detailed and I'm debating on how to approach dividing them up. Here is a link to a folder containing the different options I see. There are four aptly named images - bg.brickLeft, bg.brickMiddle, bg.brickMiddle, bg.combined. ...

Drawing from an S3 through my photo model gets tangled.

I just migrated my server's photos to an S3. Everything seems to work swimmingly except one little catch. If a user chooses a photo from his existing media, the server returns a 500 error. I assume this is because it might still be either looking for it on my local, OR it doesn't draw from the photo model appropriately : a. From my loc...

How can I use PIL with Netbeans 6.8 (Python version 2.6.5)

Hi all, I have installed Python Imaging Library (PIL) version 1.1.7 on a Windows 7 computer. I have configured Netbeans to use Python (instead of Jython). I added a reference to C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\PIL to the project but when I attempt this code: import Image, ImageDraw img ="RGB", (100,150),(255,255,255)) I get...

Automatically recognize patterns in images

Recently I downloaded some flags from the CIA world factbook. Now I want to "classify them. Get the colors Get some shapes (stars, moons etc.) While browsing I came across the Python Image Library which allows me to extract the colors (i.e. for Austria: #!/usr/bin/env python import Image bild ="au-lgflag.gif").convert("R...

Using OpenCV to detect clothing buttons on a piece of paper

I have no background in computer vision, but I was curious to know how I could use OpenCV library to achieve the following: I have a jar of spare buttons, assorted in colour, style and diameter. For the most part they are circular. I evenly scatter them on a piece of white paper, and under good lighting, take a fairly high resolution pi...

How to process jpg images with c/c++ most easily?

I want to iterate over each pixel color in a jpg format image, which library should I refer to to do this so that the code can be as short as possible? ...