
Using a CMYK PSD without Photoshop

I have run into a common, yet difficult problem. I do not use Photoshop for image manipulation. Since all my work is web-based, GIMP does what I need in 99% of the situations. The problem is that I occasionally receive PSD files with CMYK encoding rather than RGB encoding. These files will not open in GIMP, nor will they convert in Image...

Printing a series of images to exact dimensions

I'd like to script printing of a series of photographs, but to exact dimensions. (e.g. all jpegs in dir /tmp/printing, at 1.5" x 1.0", 6 to a page) I happen to have my hands on a Ubuntu Linux box and a deskjet printer (hp5150) but could probably use Windows or possibly get another printer if absolutely required. I'm reasonably familiar...

How to append to a file using Scheme?

I am using TinyScheme (actually Script-Fu in GIMP), and cannot find a good way to open a file and append a line of text to it. I am trying to log some info to the file for debugging, and transcript-on doesn't seem to be implemented... Right now I am scraping along by reading the entire file (one character at a time!), concatenating tha...

How to copy guide lines in The Gimp?

Is it possible to copy guide lines from one image to another? I need this because I have several images that need exactly the same composition, so I want to use the guide lines for this. There's no option to select & copy a guide line, so I must add them manually. It would be nice, if there's a little script-fu script. Okay, there are ...

Converting XCF and other files using command line with GIMP?

If I have an XCF file (or any other supported by Gimp) how can I convert it to, for example, PNG for display or further processing? ...

Script-fu IDE ?

What's the best programming environment for programming in scheme for Gimp 2.6? Does Guile integrate well with Gimp? ...

Merging gimp layers in a script

I keep e.g. buttons for my applications in GIMP xcf-files, with different elements of the image in layers. This provides a nice consistent view of the button and it is easy to replace stuff, such as the button background. From a single xcf I generate a number of "compiled" images, i.e images with different subsets of the layers merged. N...

How to extract text from a PSD file?

I need to extract the text from the layers in a photoshop PSD file on linux. Does anyone know how to do that? Gimp rasterizes the text and you can't copy and paste it. Also, note that I do not own the Photoshop program. ...

How to shift Web-development from windows to linux.

I am a systems programmer, so i just know some basic css/html. I like to learn basic of template development for sites. I have some idea about joomla. wordpress, and I am also experimenting with few wikis. A friend of mine is fireworks/photoshop advanced user, it looks quite easy to make a template using fireworks. Is there any equivalen...

Raster graphics or vector graphics, which to choose for web-site development/designing?

While looking for a good tool for web-site development/designing on linux, I in the end got stuck with what to choose, the raster graphics or vector graphics. Gimp/Photoshop -- if you prefer Raster graphics (bitmaps i think) Inkscape/Fireworks -- if you prefer vector graphics (svg i think) I am totally inexperienced in this domai...

Exporting GIMP paths to .svg question

I used the guides on a GIMP file to create a path which is just straight lines - no curves or anything. However, when I export the path, the SVG code uses "C" the curve indicator to draw the path. So part of the code looks like this: <path id="Unnamed" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" d="M 400.00,1230.00 C 400...

How to parse out base file name using Script-Fu

Using Gimp 2.6.6 for MAC OS X (under X11) as downloaded from I'm trying to automate a boring manual process with Script-Fu. I needed to parse the image file name to save off various layers as new files using a suffix on the original file name. My original attempts went like this but failed because (string-search ...) doesn't ...

Automatically add date to .gif

Alright, What Im looking for is a script that would automatically add a date to a .gif, which I can run daily as a cron job. I don't know perl very well, but It seems that Perl & Gimp might be a way to get the job done. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can create such a script thanks! ...

How to use gimp_drawable_set_pixel() ?

Dear developers? I could like to set a pixel in GIMP, but I can't figure out how to specify the pixel value. According to the GIMP plugin API it says: gboolean gimp_drawable_set_pixel (gint32 drawable_ID, gint x_coord, ...

Why does this script-fu not work?

(define (script-fu-create-camo image colA colB)) (script-fu-register "script-fu-create-camo" "Camoflauge" "Creates a camoflauge pattern on an image" "Jeffrey Aylesworth <jeffrey@aylesworth" "Copyright (c) 2009 Jeffrey Aylesworth" "2009/12/31" "" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-COLOR "Colour 1" '(50 0 0) SF...

Why converting jpeg to colour profile in GIMP reduce the size so much?

I have a 2MB JPEG image, and when I use the option Image > Mode > Convert to colour Profile, the size get reduced to 50KB without to much quality loss. Could somebody explain why is the size so reduced? Am I missing some important point? ...

number->string and related procedures in GIMP scheme scripting

I am frustrated with string-to-number and number-to-string conversion in GIMP scripting. I am runnning GIMP 2.6.8 in Windows Vista. I understand that GIMP's internal Scheme implementation changes over the versions and I can't seem to nail down the documentation. From what I can gather GIMP's Scheme is a subset of TinyScheme and/or s...

Resizing screenshots/screen captures for inclusion in Beamer

Sorry, this may or may not be a programming question directly, but I am trying to resize screenshots with Imagemagick and Gimp to include in a Beamer presentation, but it comes out even blurrier than the resizing done by LaTeX. For instance, in Beamer I might have a command to rescale the image \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{fig....

Inset selection in gimp? Reverse drop-shadow?

I'm wondering how to achieve this effect that Apple uses. It looks as though the button is depressed into the bar, can't figure out how to do the same effect for my graphics. Thanks! ...

Converting images to .xcf format

Is it possible to convert an image, or batch of images, to a .xcf or .psd file? Using ImageMagick's convert tool didn't work, but so far my attempts to look at doing this using gimp from the command line have been unsuccessful. ...