
DirectX captured image is a little darker, how to adjust it ?

I use this project to capture frame from a video. But when I captured a image from the video, It seems that it's more darker than the video, How can I make them the same ? ...

cards image processing

Hi, I want to build a program that can recognize typical playing cards. is there an algorithm that can process an image from webcam and to determine the card type? if there is not- are there more simple algorithms that can be combined for this purpose? thanks ...

PS3 eye alternative and make it less expensive-for Image Processing Project

I am going to use CCV for my image processing project. The input device for that project is PS3 eye web camera and its pretty expensive according to our project budget and also we are looking to create less expensive product to increase its value of creation. So can you guys tell me that there are another way for our project to make less...

how to create thumbnail from actual image in C#

I want to create a thumbnail from an image uploaded from user on webpage. I want to create a image gallery where i can show all images preview as thumbnail and when user clicks he can see enlarged image. Is it possible to do this so that page dont get heavy ...

Clustering Photos in R?

I have a kind of general R question here: Usually with digicams we tend to click a lot of immages which may be repetitive and can waste online space while sharing on Picassa or is an overhead when trying to delete some unwanted images. Is it possible to cluster photos using R? I mean there are some clustering abilities in Matlab for ...

file location to System.IO.Stream

Hi Guys, I have this method public void SetSource(Stream streamSource); which sets the source of BitmapSource, is there a way to convert my URI or my image file location and pass it as a stream? (another issue): Uri uri = new Uri("../images/MyImage.png", UriKind.Relative); BitmapImage btmp1 = new BitmapImage(uri); ...

image processing in java

how to display velocity vectors of different pixels of a image over the image. what i have is a array of vectors( vx and vy for each pixel). now i want to display velocity vectors(by arrows of corresponding magnitude and direction). i need to know how to use the velocity vector data( 2 arrays vx and vy) to a graph/chart/image showing ar...

Fast algorithm for multiple line integrals over 2D discrete function

Okay, I am looking for something akin to integral images (summed area tables) as used in the acceleration of integral calculations over a window. I have an image I and its gradient image G. I want to calculate the straight line integral from two arbitrary points a and b in the image of the absolute value of G. Obviously I can step over...

How could I position multiple transparent PNGs onto a JPG using c# and

Hello SO, I would like to write an application that would allow a web user to upload a jpg and position transparent pngs on top of that uploaded image. The number of layers, positioning of the layers, and that actual image file information will be collected and manipulated using javascript and CSS. After I have the image files and the ...

How to read a raw image using PIL?

I have a raw image where each pixel corresponds to a 16 bits unsigned integer. I am trying to read using the PIL Image.fromstring() function as in the following code: if __name__ == "__main__": if (len(sys.argv) != 4): print 'Error: missing input argument' sys.exit() file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') rawData = ...

CGImageGetWidth returns different size then actual image

Hi i have a lot of image reading in my app and when I load the files i use CGImageGetWidth and CGImageGetHeight to get the sizes of the images. However this does not seem to return the right values all the time. For example if I have an image whose size is 114x14, these functions will return 126x22 or something random like that. The r...

How to apply overlay transparency to RGBA image

Hi all, Here's my dilemma: I have to RGBA RAW images: a master image (the first) and a subtitle track (the second), and I want to overlay them in a way based on the alpha channel of the second image: If it's zero, then take the pixels from the second image, if it's 0xFF take the pixels from the first image, otherwise create an overlay o...

how to check selected file is an image?

friends, i am trying to display image from gallery now i want to put check if selected file is image then it should be displayed. using following code any one help me out how to achieve this? User can select video file, image file etc.. anything so i want to allow only images. ON button click private void SelectImageFromGallery() ...

Is there a way to have a webapp accept an image as a paste "type"?

Specifically, are there any non-Java tools (which were mentioned here) for this purpose? Perhaps a pre-built AJAX library or deployable app? ...

Emailing a dynamically created image

I need to create an image dynamically then email it to the person. Here is the image creation script: //Get the blank coupon $rImg = ImageCreateFromJPEG('coupon.jpg'); $color = imagecolorallocate($rImg, 0, 0, 0); imagestring($rImg,5,135,140,'$first_name', 'black'); imagestring($rImg,5,135,160,'$last_name', 'black'); imagestring($rImg,...

Is storing Image File in database good in desktop application running in network?

hi, I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network. I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job. Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server. ...

Browser fires request twice to image handler

I am working on a web application. Some images are calling a web provider, which renders the picture, and send it to the client (the html looks like img ... src="/WebProviders/ImageHandler.ashx?.../>). The problem I have encountered is that both IE8 and Firefox 3.6.8 fire the request to the handler more than once, yet not consistently. ...

How do you square an uploaded photo without padding with white space, in C#?

In my site, users can upload photos. I currently compress and resize the photo to make sure they aren't huge files. But this creates photos that are of varying dimensions... which makes the site a bit "ugly" in my opinion. I'd like to ensure the thumbnails are square images, but not by using padding. It's ok if there is some loss of the...

Is there a future in using handwriting for verification?

Compared to fingerprints, DNA, iris recognition, etc; is there any future in developing handwriting comparison software for use in identification? ...

Automated Webcam Application / Hardware Problems

Hi, I am starting to develop an automated webcam application. The goal is to automatically take pictures, do some image processing and then upload the results to a FTP site. All of these tasks seem simple. However, I am having a hard time to find a decent camera. I don't want to use a simple webcam or hd-webcam because the image qualit...