
How to un-rectify an image in matlab?

Hi, I have rectified a pair of images (applying a rotation matrix (R) to them and then projecting it to the camera image plane), done with Fusiello method/code: ( How can I un-rectify the image? Meaning inverse the rotation and re-project it. It would be useful, because the rectified image...

Image processing

Im doing a license plate recognition system as my final year project. As I have no experience in image processing before I'm a bit confused about which programming platform to use. Can you please tell out of Java and C# which will support well. Thanks a lot. ...

[python] import png image as matrix?

Hi, I want to do some image processing using Python - is there a simple way to import .png image files as a matrix of greyscale/RGB values (possibly using PIL)? ...

algorithm for detecting a circle in an image

I'm looking for an algorithm to detect circles in an image. The image is black and white. The background is white, and the circles don't overlap each other, or any other element in the image. The image includes some other shapes and some text. If there is some open source .NET library to do this, I would also like to know about it. ...

How can I compute the difference between two images

In my WPF project, I'd like to display the difference between two images. If the two images are identical, the result would be a transparent image. If they are different, it would be a pixel by pixel difference. Is there an easy way to do this? ...

What is best suited for license plate character recognition? Is it OCR or ANN?

Im a final year university student who is doing a license plate recognition system as my final year project. I want to know when recognizing the characters what suits the best, is it artificial nurel networks(ANN) or optical character recognition(OCR) using pattern matching? Or is there any easy method I can use? All the answered welcome...

magento - Image type and information need to be specified for each store view

Hi, I have a working Magento installation that is due to go live next week, all was well until yesterday when I noticed the following message when uploading images to a product 'Image type and information need to be specified for each store view'. The image uploads fine and is visible on my server, the preview works when I hover...

How does memory usage work in PHP when saving images?

I'm workin on a script that list all images in one directory and then resize and save in another directory. In my shared server, I receive this message: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 600 bytes) in... The question is: If PHP can free the memory after each image creation using image_destroy(), why t...

how can I set the metadata of an image using WPF?

WPF has an ImageSource which has a BitmapMetadata. However, the Metadata property is read only an the BitmapMetadata is frozen. So I can I modify the metadata of an image? ...

Convert BMP to PNG in memory for Clipboard pasting in .Net

This similar question's answers all require the file to be saved. However, I'm trying to convert the file and then copy it to the clipboard. How can I convert a Bitmap (or any image) to a PNG without saving it to the file system? Update: I'm trying to paste the image into an application (in this case Evernote). When you copy an image i...

is it possible to recognise the subject of a simple childlike drawing from a scan or photograph?

I am developing a study for child psychology and would need to analyse thousands of childrens drawings, I would like to automate where possible through edge tracing etc. to guess the content of the picture comparing it to a library of objects... sun, house, tree, dog, etc. is it possible? ...

Get Rectangle of Image JPG and generate thumbnail in rectangle

I try explain: I have a JPG image (img A). This A.jpg has contents -colors, it's a picture of persons- and a one more little white rectangle (color white; the head of person is a white rectangle). I need get the position of rectangle in A.jpg. Then, I have another B.jpg image, more little; and I'll generate thumbnail of B.jpg , with R...

Resize image while preserving mimetype using .Net

Hi. I am loading images from a database and want to dynamically resize them according to some input. Code is something like this: public ActionResult GetImage(string imageID, int? width, int? height, bool constrain) { ValidateImageInput(width, height, constrain); ImageWithMimeType info = LoadFromDatabase(imageID); ...

Resize and Save Image While Preserving Metadata

Hello All, I am attempting to resize and save an image, which is fairly easy (for instance, see this example). However, using this code strips the metadata information from the image. I can't quite seem to figure out how to preserve the metadata for a jpeg image. *EDIT: Example Code * public static void ResizeMethodThree(string ...

Image stabilization/alignment algorithm

From what I have read on the web, one of the most efficient algorithms for image stabilization is to use Gray coded bit plane matching. However, I'm having trouble understanding it (Gray codes themselves are not that complex, it's the rest of it). Can anyone point me to a resource on this subject (or another good method of stabalizatio...

rendered images of galaxies

I am interested in using Blender to create images similar to those on I generate the stellar positions using Gadget-2 (if you have insight on creating initial condition files in the hdf5 format, that would be well received also) and would like to create some "pretty pictures" for non-science folk so that I can fund the resear...

Dynamic Image Generating in PHP from content

Hi All, i want to know how can i generate image dynamically from content and also from existing image as i know we can add sting to dynamically generated image in php so actually i want to make image that contains existing image as well as content. ...

Object Interpolation by Distance in an Image

I'm counting objects in an image. I wish to perform a linear interpolation where I know the pixel sizes of my objects at near and far perspectives and the positions of these two objects in the image. The images at the bottom of the image are larger as they are near the camera which took them. The image to be analysed is the same from t...

How to do the illumination correction when images are taken in various illumination conditions?

For my final year project i'l be taking the photographs from the mobile phone and then will be computing the image processing steps. I will the taking the images under various illumination conditions (natural light, poor lightning conditions and so on). Does any one knows any algorithm that I can use to compute it? Thanks a lot ...

Image processing - edge detection

I need to count out boxes in a warehouse by using edge detection techniques, images will be taken from a 3D model of a warehouse and the propose system will be used 3 images in 3 different angles to cover the whole area of a warehouse. As I have no experience in image processing before I'm a bit confused about which algorithm to use. ...