
Image bit manipulation in Python

Hello SO, I have an application that receives a pointer to JPEG data from a camera API wrapped with ctypes, converts it to a wx.Image, and displays the images as a movie. One of required features is to set two of the components of a pixel equal to the third. E.g, my pixel in RGB format is (100,200,255), I want to set the the R and B va...

achieve Image filter like other image editing apps have in iphone?

Hello all, I am new to image processing and also in openGL and CoreImage,coreGraphics Libraries. I want to create a basic image editing app with these functionalities. Rotate,crop,resize,scale, along with these filters Black and white,sepia,night vision,colour dithering. What is the best approach openGL or coreGraphics? Any help regardin...

Image registration with differently coloured backgrounds

I have two images of the same leaf, one on a white background and one on a black. How can I make a program that matches them up as closely as possible (translation + rotation, no scaling)? The difficulty is the backgrounds - the registration algorithms I've played with have problems because the background is completely different and the...

Setting the contrast of an image in iPhone

Hi, I'm using the following code for setting the contrast of an image basing on the slider value. The slider range is from 0.0f to 2.0f. Its runnig fine in simulator but its crashing in device due to low memory. Can any one help me whats wrong in this code. Thanks in advance.... -(void)contrast:(float)value { CGImageRef img=refIma...

Generate thumbnail images at run-time when requested, or pre-generate thumbnail in harddisk?

Hi all I was wondering, which way of managing thumbnail images make less impact to web server performance. This is the scenario: 1) each order can have maximum of 10 images. 2) images does not need to store after order has completed (max period is 2 weeks). 3) potentially, there may have a few thousands of active orders at anytime. ...

Applying blur effect for UIImage in iPhone

Hi, I'm using this following code to set blur effect for an uiimage basing on slider value. sliver value ranges from 0,5,10,15,20. THis logic is working fine in simulator but it is crashing in device. Please tell me anyone whats wrong in this logic, or is there any other logic better than this. I'm new to this objective-c. Please help...

How to apply tint for an UIImageView basing on slider value in iPhone.

Hi, I need some help regarding applying the tint effect for an UIImageView basing on the slider value. I had used oepnGL for this logic. But i find some problem with open GL. So i taught to do without openGL.Can anyone help me in getting this logic. As if i'm new to this technology, i don't know how to sort this out. Thanks in advanc...

Store large image

Hey, I'm looking for a way to store a very large image (e.g. 100.000x100.000 pixels) on a webserver. I must be able to retrieve parts of that image and write parts into it. The cherry on top would be a way to get parts of that image, resized to a specific resolution (for example, i want alle pixels from 0,0 to 10.000,10.000 resized to 1...

what kind of sharpness algorithm is applied to pic1 to get pic2?

Pic1: pic2: ...

Upload one large file once, and change its scale using css, or use different files of the same image in different sizes?

I have a little book flipping site. I have it so I upload an image (the page), the size is about 1500x1948, but it is scaled down using css to fit on the ipad better (it becomes about 946x728). Then I have it so if you double click the image, it scales into its original size (1500x1948) and you can scroll around the page. Is it better t...

Multiple Image Uploading / Map Images to Products

I am looking for a solution (APIs, etc.) for handling a similar experience as I need to be able to upload images (preferably multiple at a time) and be able to map my uploaded images to various product images (clean stock images of shirts, mugs, etc.). I also want to give the user some very basic controls over the images...

What are best parameters to run ImageMagick to convert low quality pdf to images (for OCR)

Hi, I have several low quality pdfs. I would like to use OCR -- to be more precise Ocropus to get text from them. To do use, I use first ImageMagick -- a command line tool to convert pdf to images -- to transforms these pdfs into jpg or png. However ImageMagick produces very low quality images and Ocropus hardly recognizes anything....

How to extract frames from yuv 420 video clip and store them as different images, using matlab?

How do I extract the frames from a yuv 420 video? Let's say i want to store them as still images. How? ...

Remove EXIF data from JPG using PHP

Is there any way to remove the EXIF data from a JPG using PHP? I have heard of PEL, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way. I am uploading images that will be displayed online and would like the EXIF data removed. Thanks! EDIT: I don't/can't install ImageMagick. ...

Accessing an object from a different class - Design

I have three classes, TImageProcessingEngine, TImage and TProcessing TImageProcessingEngine is the one which i am using to expose all my methods to the world. TImage is the one i plan to use generic image read and image write functions. TProcessing contains methods that will perform imaging operations. class TImageProcessingEngine {...

Image transforamtion and cropping in android 2.1

Hey, i would like to transform and crop a given image in android. Therefore i have 4 source and 4 destination points to specify the transformation matrix. i use float[] src = new float[8]; src[0] = rp[0].getX(); src[1] = rp[0].getY(); src[2] = rp[1].getX(); src[3] = rp[1].getY(); src[4] = rp[2].getX(); sr...

bitmap interpolation

interpolation of bitmap: I have bitmap of 16*16, i want to increase the size of the bitmap to 160*160, which is best interpolation type that can be suited. ...

Linear gradient with IPP functions

I would like to create linear gradient using IPP (Integrated Performance Primitives) functions and avoid pixel-by-pixel color manipulation. In other words, I can't find appropriate function or combination of functions that will alow me to create RGB image with gradient R0 to R1, G0 to G1, B0 to B1 (initial and final RGB values). I can c...

How can I analyze morphological features of image regions in MATLAB?

I have to spread rice grains on a sheet and then find the average length of the rice grains spread. Any ideas how to do this in MATLAB? ...

find image tutorial

Hi: When I start to use the java 2D API to handle some image, I found that there are some classed I can not know how to use even read the api. I think it is caused by my poor knowledge about the image it self, so I wonder if there is any document about image? ...