
Android: Image over image

Hi all, I have a video thumbnail and when you click on it, the video starts playing in the YouTube player. This works great, but It's not so clear that you have to click on the thumbnail to play, so I have a play button image that I want to draw over the thumbnail in the bottom right corner. How would I go about this? I currently have t...

selecting the pixels with highest intensity in opencv

can anyone help me to find out the top 1% (or say top 100 pixels)brightest pixels with their locations of a gray image in opencv. because cvMinMaxLoc() gives only brightest pixel location. Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

How to detect shot angle of photo, and auto rotate for website display like desktop apps do on viewing?

If I take a photo with a camera it stores the orientation/angle of the apparatus so when I view the image on the PC with a good app, it shows auto-rotated to 0. But when I upload to a website it shows the original angle, so the image doesn't look good. How can I detect this with PHP and rotate the image, and clear this angle flag from ...

Image scaling does not work when original image height & width is smaller the scaling height & width

Hello, I have got a problem when trying to scale an image. The problem presents itself when the image i am trying to scale (original) is smaller than the size i am trying to scale up to. For example, an image with the width of 850px and the height of 700px trying to be scaled up to 950px width and height. The image seems to be scaled p...

How to sharpening an uploaded image in PHP ?

How to sharpening an uploaded image in PHP ? Is there some PHP libraries ? What is the best ? ...

How I can detect the background of an image programmatically?

Hi, I need to develop a software that selects a face from a photo where the background is a plain color (green, like in the movies). Then we want to compose that selection with another background image, this part is easy with many libraries. But I don't know how can I do the selection? Can you give some links or libraries to investigate...

Detect image border dimensions with ImageMagick

I have an image of a form, with black text and object over a white background. The form has a thin solid border. I would like to do two things: Measure the dimensions of the border to determine the dimension and proportion of the form itself. Detect if the border is not perfectly aligned (has some angle of offset) and possibly rotate...

PHP GD icon output

Is it possible to have the PHP GD library output a .ico file? Is there a function similar to imagepng? ...

Image processing in languages other than c and matlab

Hey guys It seems like most image processing apps are done using matlab or OpenCV using C++. Are there any other languages providing good image processing libraries?? How do they compare to matlab and opencv? When I say languages I mean something like Java , python or even perl! ...

Imaging library that supports 16bit tiffs

I had been using using PIL but I just found out that it doesn't support 16bit tiffs. I need a library that can do: 1)Image conversion -->16bit tiff to jpeg 2)Image resize and crop and of jpegs ...

Java book for image editing such as brightness/contrast etc (newbie friendly)

Is there any book or very informative tutorial site which can help newbies learn how to alter pixels with a loaded image in the java GUI? I want to learn how exactly I would be able to do things such as changing the brightness and contrast of an image, invert it, smooth it and also learn how to do histograms. So far I only know how to u...

Maths to resize an image into bounds of max height and max width

Given an image: maxWidth = 400; maxHeight = 200; width = photo.Width; height = photo.Height; How would I go about scaling the image if either dimension exceeds the maximum properties? Here are some test cases: 300x300 : Too tall, but width ok. 500x200 : Too wide, but height ok. 650x300 : Too tall and too wide 300x190 : F...

Supporting multiple pixel formats

I need to write some code which will operate on a number of pixel formats (eg A8R8G8B8, R8G8B8, R5G6B6, and even potentially floating point formats). Ideally I would like to not have to write each function for each format since that is a massive amount of near identical code. The only thing I could think of is some kind of interface le...

Photoshop-esque blend mode in web pages using CSS or JavaScript?

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to blend two or more images together on a webpage using blend modes like you will find in photoshop (overlay, screen, lighten, etc). I know that this kind of thing is possible with flash and java, but is it possible without any plugins i.e. with CSS or JavaScript? I have seen a few javascript exampl...

Strip off street names from Google Maps by ActionScript 3

I am working on image processing on maps from Google Maps. How can I use ActionScript 3 to strip off the street names? Since the street name fonts are anti-aliased, a lot variances of colors are used. I can replace colors one by one, but are there any efficient methods? I have read a related method like: public function threshold(sou...

Mask the image but getting Negative image of actuall image.

Hi guys I am trying to mask the image with another image but i did not success. I am using the following code. -(UIImage*) maskImage:(UIImage *)image withMask:(UIImage *)maskImage { CGImageRef maskRef = maskImage.CGImage; CGImageRef mask = CGImageMaskCreate(CGImageGetWidth(maskRef), CGImageGetHeight(maskRef), CG...

Scan documents in iPhone

Hi everyone, I must write an application for iPhone to scan documents. The problem is, I have no idea about image processing. When I make a photo of document, than first my application should detect borders of that document and draw that borders and user can crop the image to that border and also correct the perspective of document. Afte...

Peak detection in a 2D array

I'm helping a veterinary clinic measuring pressure under a dogs paw. I use Python for my data analysis and now I'm stuck trying to divide the paws into (anatomical) subregions. I made a 2D array of each paw, that consists of the maximal values for each sensor that has been loaded by the paw over time. Here's an example of one paw, where...

Quickly render multiple images on the iPhone

Hi, I'm developing a small iPhone VNC client and I was wondering what's the best and fastest way to render the image updates on the screen without freezing the UI? I tried with CATiledLayer but my UIScrollView was very laggy during the updates... Thanks! ...

Java: Unit testing image manipulations

I have a method that deals with an image. The method takes one image, performs some manipulations over it and returns another image: public BufferedImage manipulateImage (Image image) { ... } I'm not sure if there are any best practices of writing unit tests for such activities. What characteristics of the image should be checked ...