
Pass Image from Flash to ASP.NET

Quick version: How do I get an image that was generated on the users browser back to the server? The current plan is this: 1.) The Flash developer will convert the bitmap to JPEG 2.) He will then POST the JPEG to a page on the site. 3.) I'm thinking I can create a WebService which will use a StreamReader to read the post and save it off...

Best practice for uploading and image file with Django Forms (Django 1.0)

Hi friends, could you please help me to get image upload working on a view with django forms class User_Profile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True, related_name='profile') photo = models.ImageField(upload_to = 'profiles/', null=True, blank=True) class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm): ...

Codeignter and GD image manipulation

Hello, In codeigniter I am creating an application that allows the user to upload multiple files in one go, to this I am using this library, My question is if there are multiple images that have been upload how do I define the source image in the $config, so...

Django image upload ends up with wrong filename.

I don't know if this is expected behavior or not, but if I create a project with a single model with an ImageField field and upload a photo with the filename "árvórés", the uploaded file is saved with an incomprehensible filename(ascii, I presume). As a direct result, that photo becomes impossible to retrieve from the site. Is this norm...

How to upload image to remote server in iphone?

Hi Everybody, I am trying to upload a image which i am clicking with the help of the camera. I am trying the following code to upload the image to the remote server. -(void)searchAction:(UIImage*)theImage { UIDevice *dev = [UIDevice currentDevice]; NSString *uniqueId = dev.uniqueIdentifier; NSData * imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentati...

PHP Image Upload object won't create directory on windows

I'm writing a class that excepts a product_id and a $_FILES array as it's constructor. The class saves these variables and uses them to create a new directory named by product_id and attempts to copy the temp file to my specified directory. For some reason my class isn't even getting as far as creating a directory (which should happen ...

Store user profile pictures on disk or in the database?

I'm building an mvc application where users can attach a picture to their profile. This picture will obviously be displayed in the profile, but other parts of the system too, like a messaging gadget on the dashboard that displays recent messages displays a little profile iconnext to the users message(s). When the user uploads th...

Django image file uploads

I just can't figure out how to upload images in django. I've read dozens of blog posts and questions here, but most of them just confuse me more. Here is what I have so far. This is my model: class Post(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) screenshot = models.ImageField(null=True, upload_to="images") date = models.DateT...

In Drupal 6, what's the quickest way to set up a WYSIWYG editor with code syntax highlighting and image upload?

I've seen numerous posts in random places about how to set up a WYSIWYG editor for Drupal 6. I've had luck with CKEditor and FCKEditor via the WYSIWYG Drupal module. All is well there, but I hit a breaking point when I try to add on syntax highlighting and image upload functionality. Any procedure I try is very cumbersome and ends up not...

Best Multi-Image Uploader for Attached Functions

Let me better explain this title. What I am looking for is an image uploader that uploads multiple images (around 200 would be ideal). The image uploader would need to be able to handle: a) Some sort of progress indicator b) Sending the uploaded files through a script that sizes them and deletes the originals Now, I imagine this is out...

processing an image upload form in django: when to use save() vs chunks() vs cleaned_data?

I have successfully uploaded an image using the following code: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django import template from django.template import RequestContext from mysite.uploadr.forms import UploadFileFo...

Magento image uploader in Admin product page doesn't work

All the permissions are correct and the php.ini is fixed, and there's no problem with SSL or secure admin interface but it still won't upload. I click on a product, go to the Image section, select an image to upload and it appears to upload. However, the image doesn't appear in the list of product images and then I get kicked back out t...