
Background image won't display at its original size

With the following code, I can't get the background image to display at its original size (it's always a fair bit larger). I tried changing the Stretch property, but "None" seems to be the most appropriate value. <Canvas Width="500" Height="500"> <Canvas.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="{Binding ElementName=...

Android app loading images from /drawables-nodpi/ with scaling

I recently rebuilt my Android project to target 2.2 from 2.1. In the old project, I did not specify a target SDK (the manifest did not contain something like: android:minSdkVersion="8"). This gave me an error in the console when running, but everything worked fine so I didn't fool with it. The new project now uses android:minSdkVersion...

WPF: How to crop/clip a Drawing or a DrawingImage?

Hello, I have a function receiving a Drawing that I need to partially expose as a DrawingImage (i.e.: its position and size will be reduced/changed to fit in a target area). How can I crop/clip a region of the original Drawing? Or maybe it is easier to do that after the transformation to DrawingImage (how clip that DrawingImage)? ...

Image in wordpress header breaks when on other pages

Hello, I have a very strange issue, that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I have an RSS icon in my wordpress header.php and it works perfectly fine when on the front page but when you visit another page such as, the About page, the image is broken. I'm not entirely sure what the issue is as I don't have a ton of experience in...

css background image positioning

Hi guys, I need help with positioning two images on a web page. I want both the images to be fixed on the page, so one will be fixed to the top-left of the page and the other will be fixed to the bottom-right. But i also want the background to be black so if there is lots of text or content then both the images will lengthen. Below is a...

Image tagging like movie ticket booking website

I am using and C#. I have to tag a image by getting the data from the database. Take an example, like in a online movie hall ticket booking website. If we book any seat and the data go into the database. Now next time if anyone open the website, those seat will be marked as red so that we can't select them [data is coming from t...

Image transformation: point to point

Hei! I have an image and on that image I'd like to select a point and tell it to which coordinate it should transform. I'd like to do this for some number points. And when I finish the whole image would transform, so that locality would be considered. The most import thing is that I can choose as many points as I want and that the chos...

JAVA scale Image best practice

hey there, I have a question regarding picture scaling. I have an application where users are able to upload pictures in albums but naturally the uploaded images need to be resized so there are also thumbs available and the shown pictures also fit in the page (eg. 800x600). The way I do the resize is like this: Image scaledImag...

Android: sending subsets of image set to imageview

Late hour @ work, brain turned off. I have 1 big set of images with different categories. User can choose to view all images or from 1 category only via dialog option. How should I change the default set for image adapter? Currently the code is rly messy, but images are like: private Integer[] images = { R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img...

How to bind images to a Combobox in WPF, getting the images from a lookup.

I have a WPF combobox that I would like to bind to an observable collection of Teams on my ViewModel class e.g. class Team { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int CountryId { get; set; } } class ViewModel { public ObservableCollection<Team> Teams { get; set; } public IDictionary<int, Image...

Techniques for profiling memory in Safari desktop and iOS?

Updated 10/21: Changed title and question in order to possibly get an answer (other than "no"). We're experiencing leaks in Safari (confirmed in Windows and Mac, suspected in iOS). Are there any Safari extensions that lets one profile JavaScript/DOM memory usage to discover potential leaks? Better yet, is there any tool that can be us...

Convert BMP to PCX C# Compact Framework

Has anyone dealt with converting a BMP to PCX in the .net compact framework. I need to convert a signature from a BMP to a PCX to be printed on a Zebra RW420 bluetooth printer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

How do I resize images and keep the proportion / aspect ratio with jQuery?

Hi, I have images that will be quite big in dimension and I want to shrink them down with jQuery while keeping the proportions constrained, i.e. the same aspect ratio. Can someone point me to some code, or explain the logic? ...

please help me with image.GetThumbnailImage (it create very low quality image)

i use this code to create thumbnails System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort abort = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(this.ThumbnailCallback); System.Drawing.Image image2 = image.GetThumbnailImage((int)Math.Round((double)wid / difference), (int)Math.Round((double)hei / difference), abort, IntPtr.Zero); image2.Save(str...

Warping an image on the iphone with OpenGL

I am fairly new to programming and I'm doing it, at this point, just to educate myself and have fun. I'm having a lot of trouble understanding some OpenGL stuff despite having read this great article here. I've also downloaded and played around with an example from the apple developer site that uses a .png image for a sprite. I do eve...

loading images incrementally in objective-c

I've got a ControllerView which will initialize a set of Images-Classes. Here the basic-initialization in the Image-Class: - (id)initWithImage: (UIImage *) anImage { if ((self = [super initWithImage:anImage])) { } return self; } How can I inform the ControllerView, when an image has been loaded ? How could the ControllerView l...

GWT Button(Image + Text)

Hi, I need to make a round button with some text on it (Centered). For the round button, I'm using an Image and onClick methods, but my problems come when i'm trying to overlap some text (Centered) over the image. "Like this " The text have to be customizable, so I can't just make the image previously Any hints of how to do that? Th...

iPhone Image Resolution

I am creating an app that has images in a picker view, but I have noticed that these images appear pixelated. Currently, I have the resolution set at 72 pixels/inch. I have increased it to 300 pixels/inch, but have not noticed a change. Has anyone run into the issue? ...

css postioning with images and text at top?

i have this li list which displays an image with the username right next to it: but the username is at the bottom, i want it to be at the top: just like this: the code i have is at with an illustration of my current code, i know this is a simple questions, but i'm new to this, thanks ...

jquery: simple image preloader + onload

hi all,, i'm trying to make a simple image-preloader for just ONE image. it should load an image and - if finished - fire an event for displaying it. what's the simplest method to do this? i only know the pure javascript solution, like document.createElement("img") - but what's the best method using jquery? what i've got so far (but d...