
Determine mailbox access protocol using C#

Hi All, I racked my brain about how can i determine what protocol is used by a mailbox. I'm creating a simple C# application that get an email adress and read all the mails, first of all i have to know how to access to this mailbox (which protocol to use) - i'm looking for a way to check what it the appropriate protocol (and please don'...

Dynamic IMAP/Pop3 Email Address Creation

I have a requirement in my project to create dynamic email address on the fly. For example, similar to flickr has the option of uploading photos (or has an option of rececing blog posts in predefined email addresses). The email address can be like "[email protected]", once this email address is created what eve...

How to access GMail (IMAP Email) from my Shell/Python script to download a zip file attached to an email and process it?

I have to process a file everyday. This file is sent to my Email once everyday. If I can get to this email once every day and download the attachment, that had be awesome. Is it even remotely possible to do such a thing? Thanks! ...

Counting the number of messages in an e-mail account with python

Hi, is there any way, in Python, to have access to an e-mail account (I'll need this for gmail but better if any works) and be able to see the number of messages in the inbox (maybe even unread messages only)? Thank you. ...

SslStream.ReadByte() blocks thread?

I'm trying to write an Imap4 client. For that I use a SslStream to Connect to the Server. Everything's fine until I send the "Login" command. When I try to get an Answer to it, SslStream.ReadByte() block the thread. The result is that my programm crashes always. Whats happening here?? Code: if (ssl) { s = stream; } ...

Get reply mail to my server for a mail sent through php mail function

Hi, I am developing a system to send mail to all of our clients. If they reply to that mail, I want to retrieve the reply mails to my server. There is a way to connect through the IMAP/POP3 server, But it is taking a long time to load the mails. Is there any way to get the reply mails directly to my server. or ay other alternate way to g...

IMAP OAuth token expiry

Following I'm trying to implement an IMAP client for Gmail that uses OAuth. My code works fine and I can connect to the IMAP server, however, after 1 day when I retry using the same XOAUTH value, I get an invalid credentials. It might be a problem in my code causing this, but ...

Writing a Python mail server with authentication

Hi, I'm trying to write a simple mail server using Python. I found smtpd that can be used as a simple smtp server, but I don't think it supports any form of authentication. For pop or imap, I haven't found anything at all yet. I do know Twisted has some support for both smtp and pop or imap, but I can't find any examples or tutorials...

IMAPMessage.getRecipients() and IMAPMessage.getAllRecipients() return null

I'm writing an IMAP message poller (to be used from within a business app). I'm able to connect, iterate through the messages in Inbox, read their headers and content but calls to getAllRecipients() and getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO) always return null. Message messages[] = inbox.getMessages(); for (Message message : messages...

Email client library for C

Hi all I'm in the process of building an email client for an embedded device. We have chosen the University of Washingtons c-client reference implementation as our interface into POP3, IMAP and SMTP servers. Whilst it is working well for us, implementation is taking a long time due to relatively old coding standards and lack of detailed...

Courier IMAP: "Unable to open this mailbox"

Hi all; I've somehow broken my Courier IMAP configuration. Background: Ubuntu 8.04. I installed courier imap and configured it to search for email in the individual users' ~/Mail directory. It worked just fine for several years. Today, while trying to update my SSL certificate I reinstalled courier imap. Either I corrupted my config f...

Getting all possible labels via imap

Using IMAP, how can I get all available labels from my gmail account. I need all my labels created using gmail to my ImapClient (using Java). ...

Good IMAP library for a Mac application.

I am looking for a nice library that can talk to GMail from a Mac application. Really, I am thinking about writing a GMail application for the Mac. Thunderbird and just don't cut it for me. Anyway, the library should be written in C, C++ or Obj-C or at least have interfaces for those languages. Of course, anything free and/or o...

E-mail arrival notification with Indy IMAP client (Delphi 2009)

I am working on a deamon application that uses e-mail inbox as its input queue. Response times should be as high as possible with server overhead kept to minimum, so polling e-mail inbox is out of question. As IMAP protocol enables the notifications on new e-mails, this is ideal for the application. However, I've run into troubles when ...

IMAP batch fetch text part of messages

Hey, I'd like to download the text (that is mime type text/plain, text/html text/richtext) from UID x to UID y. I have the UID's (and not mailbox IDs). How can I do something like FETCH 412444:412500 (BODY.PEEK[TEXT/PLAIN OR TEXT/HTML OR TEXT/RICHTEXT]) Thanks! ...

imap deleting messages

How can I delete messages from the mail box? I am using this code, but the letters are not removed. Sorry for my English. def getimap(self,server,port,login,password): import imaplib, email box = imaplib.IMAP4(server,port) box.login(login,password) box.expunge() typ, data =, 'ALL') ...

In PHP, IMAP Functions, what are the functions that download the attached files ? (even if we don't explicitely want to download them)

In PHP, IMAP Functions, what are the functions that download the attached files. I only want to download attached files if needed. I want to save bandwidth, but maybe some functions download them to get their information, or the structure of the email ? If I have an attachment of 2G, I don't want to download it, but want all the same to ...

Perl creating SSL socket fails with "Bad hostname" after 1020 Sockets

Could use some help. I am utterly stuck, been trying to fix this one for a whole week. I have a perl script that acts as an email server. After it sets up 1,020 SSL Sockets, it starts failing every time when for every socket before that works fine. Any suggestions? Why is it saying bad hostname? The error I get is Setting up user 1014.....

Is there a faster way to retrieve a message using zend framework libraries?

Hi guys I'm building a simple mail interface for my application but I've noticed that its really slow especially when the user has to list out a number of emails. I've traced the time taken for code to execute and found that just the $mail->getMessage function takes around 0.6 seconds to execute. My code is as below: $mail = new Zend_M...

IMAP4 Hold connection

hello all i'm working on imap library and i've got one question should i send NOOP command while i'm fetching message headers (or message bodies) to hold the connection? ...