
php imap get from email address

Hi How do i retrieve the email address from an email with imap_open? If the sender name is known i get the sender name instead of the email address if i use the 'from' parameter. Code: ...

Imap IDLE in Zend Framework

I am searching for the IMAP IDLE function in the Zend Framework. I would either like to know whether it is integrated or if it could be done. I have read that the IlohaMail library seems to have implemented the function - at least in a modified version used in roundcube. ...

How do I recieve a html email as a regular text ?

Here is the code I have thus far: import email, imaplib user = 'some username' pwd = 'some password' m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("") m.login(user, pwd)"[Gmail]/All Mail") resp, data = m.fetch(1, "(RFC822)") email_body = data[0][1] mail = email.message_from_string(email_body) print mail I currently receive the ...

Why can't I parse a javamail attachment using toString?

It seems to me the snippet below should work, but "mp.getBodyPart(1).getContent().toString()" returns com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream@44b07df8 instead of the contents of the attachment. public class GMailParser { public String getParsedMessage(Message message) throws Exception { try { Multipart mp = (...

Check if sender is valid with imap in C#

I know it is possible to send an email with a fake address to impersonate someone else. I seen automated emails coming from my friend email address that he sent to me but did not write himself. I know email servers ask the email provider if they really sent the message and if it is no it tends to go into spam or is marked untrusted. How...

SMTP AND POP3 concepts? beginner please help thanku

according to the below figures taken from an tcp/ip protocol suit... SMTP AND POP3/IMAP4 are not required if there is one and only one computer attached to the mail server!! if thats true then have does it work make a tcp connection by using telnet and then what? ...

Need help me w/some code samples of using php to download an attachment from GMail?

I found a number of things on this site but i'm a newb and getting all kinds of errors. The main thing is that accessing Gmail over IMAP, I get a connection error while running the script on localhost. Please advise. ...

php imap_search since problem

I am using the following code to fetch all mails since 1 day less - $yesterday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime ("-1 days")); $searchQuery = 'SINCE "'.$yesterday.'"'; if($this->open($folder)) { $imap_search = imap_search($this->_imap, $searchQuery); } This works fine on my dev windows machine but when i put it on the test production ser...

SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

Hi, I have a ruby client that connects to an exchange server using IMAP & SSL. I use the Ruby Net::IMAP library (which uses openssl under the covers) to connect. Its been working fine for months. The exchange server admin installed new cert from godaddy and now I get this error: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 rea...

IMAP allows creation of multiple mail boxes or folders in the mail box?

 IMAP4 provides the following extra features  User can  check header prior to downloading  Search contents of email for a string before downloading  Partially download emails  Create, rename or delete mailboxes on mail server  Create hierarchy of mailboxes in a folder for storage LAST TWO POINTS ?? one user...

How to use JavaMail to read emails with multiple labels from Google Mail (Gmail)?

In Google Mail, I would like to get messages that has been assigned multiple labels. For example, if in the Inbox we have three emails: Email_1 with Label_A and Label_B Email_2 with Label_A and Label_B Email_3 with Label_A and Label_C then I want to select those with Label_A and Label_B at the same time, which are Email_1 and Email_...

Move an email in GMail with Python and imaplib

I want to be able to move an email in GMail from the inbox to another folder using Python. I am using imaplib and can't figure out how to do it. ...

how to maintain mail conversion (reply / forward / reply to all like gmail) of email using python pop/imap lib?

I've develop webmail client for any mail server, I want to implement message conversion for it, for example same emails fwd/reply/reply2all should be shown together like gmail does... my question is whats the key to find those emails which are either reply/fwd or related to the original mail.... ...

Count Number of emails in gmail using IMAP

hi can anyone tell me how i can get the number o unread items in my inbox from gmail using imap or something else and display it in a label in c# win forms. i tried using atom feeds but never could get it here is a pic of what i want to do if it helps ![Inbox(1)][1] ...

Reading gmail from c#

Does anyone know a way to read email messages from a gmail account in C#? I've looked for hours and found a few options that all seemed to have been broken by Google's change in protocol however long ago. I've tried POP3 and IMAP and none seem to work. For some reason OpenSSL.NET won't load, giving me this error "Could not load file or ...

How to manage Gmail labels in mutt

Is there a way to manage Gmail lables(Virtual folders) with mutt?? ...

Javamail: can FetchProfile be used when searching mails instead of just fetching them?

According to, Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages(); FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile(); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); folder.fetch(msgs, fp); However, if I want to get only the read messages by using search(), I don't have a means to specify a FetchP...

How to use Powershell to Monitor a specific inbox for Commands?

I would like to set up functionality where a powershell script would access the email in a specific mailbox. It would then parse each email to engage in dialog with a specific set of users. To serve as a system that could be interacted with through email. How could this be pulled off? ...

Fetching multiple IMAP messages at once

The examples I've seen about loading emails over IMAP using python do a search and then for each message id in the results, do a query. I want to speed things up by fetching them all at once. ...

About IMAP UID with imaplib

I try to move email from mailbox's gmail to another one, Just curious that UID of each email will change when move to new mailbox ? ...