
PHP IMAP library - Retrieving a limited list of messages from a mailbox

I'm using PHP's built in IMAP functions to build a bare-bones webmail client (will be primarily used for accessing gmail accounts). I've currently hit a road block in the mailbox list views, where I am displaying a paginated list of messages in that mailbox sorted by date (ascending or descending). My initial implementation retrieved A...

PHP - Specifying the SMTP server to send mail through

I am developing a simple webmail client for IMAP-based email services using PHP's IMAP library, and I was wondering if there was any way to specify the SMTP server to use when sending an outgoing message, so that the message will be placed in the user's Sent mailbox when they are logged into their IMAP account. I saw that their is an ima...

Python IMAP call

I am using the imap library to access my unread messages on gmail and to print out the subjects, is there a way to make sure that the messages being read are still tagged as unread. Thanks ...

Connect to Exchange 2007 IMAP server using PHP imap_open with TLS authentication

I am having huge headaches trying to connect to an Exchange 2007 server (which supports IMAP) using the imap_open PHP function. The server uses STARTTLS encryption. This is what my credentials look like: 1) The email account is [email protected] 2) The DOMAIN/USERNAME/ALIAS information are FOO/RRR/ 3) The password is boo 4) The serve...

PHP imap_open progress bar

Hello, I've been coding a simple PHP mail application (just displays my new emails from a bunch of accounts) on my local web server, and I've been getting delays of about 10 seconds every time I try to fetch the messages (about 10) via imap_open, etc. Is is possible to make a progress bar that (crudely, if at all) displays some progress...

How to receive email via IMAP protocol in Rails 3

What is the best way to receive email via IMAP protocol in Rails 3? ...

Ruby on rails IMAP

Hi! My Ruby script: imap ='') imap.login("[email protected]", password) I get exception A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respon after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected hos has failed to respond. - connect(2) What's wrong? ...

Send IMAP commands to GMail using C#

I've been trying to access my GMail account to retrieve the unread emails from my email account. However, I only con perform login... Anything after that doesn't work. First of all I connect to the server, then send the login command and finally the examine command. The thing is that the responses that are receive refers only to the con...

IMAP - fetching the previous and next UIDs

Using standard spec IMAP commands, how can I determine the previous and next UIDs in a mailbox based on a passed UID, sorting the mailbox messages by date, newest first? ...

How to Get Mail Body which has .eml attachment ?

I am developing Email client Application in Python. How to Get Mail Body which has .eml attachment using Imap ? ...

Choosing a JavaMail "local store provider"

I'm looking at using javamail to download email/gmail using imap in a swing application. According to the FAQ on javamail I'm going to need a "local store provider", does anyone have any recommendations or advice on ones to avoid / choose? I had presumed that I would j...

Search in IMAPv4

Is there a way to tell the IMAP server that it only has to find the first 20 responses that fit a given search criteria. So, for example, I am sending to the server the command (SEARCH SINCE 1-Feb-2010) and it will wait to return all messages since 1-Feb-2010. Is there a way to tell the server that it only has to return the first 20? ...

Filesnames with FUSE and IMAP

I want to build a fuse-filesystem with IMAP4 in python. As filename I would like to use the subject of each mail. So I can rename the filenames and with this the Subjects. But subjects can be used several times in one directory, so this breaks the common filesystem rules. I wouldn't like to use a difficult directory-system (like here) no...

Zend Imap Connection timeout

I'm using Zend framework provided IMAP classes to access gmail messages over imap. I access the message headers of all the messages in the inbox one by one and index them locally. The script works fine for inboxes with messages less than 10000. For larger inboxes the script looses the connection, probably a timeout. Here is the stack tr...

Setting up mail to support DirectAdmin on Linux server

Hi, I just got control over a linux server. The previous admin installed DirectAdmin. However, mail isn't functioning right. DirectAdmin says it has made some accounts, but the IMAP server doesn't respond to those logins when I try to login with SquirrelMail or Roundcube. I then uninstalled all mail packages and installed postfix and c...

modifying php-imap extension to allow oauth authentication

My php application logs into to Gmail via oauth provided access keys and fetch headers for all messages in inbox. The php-imap extension allows only for login/password based authentication. I want to modify the extension so that it support oauth based authentication too. I need to figure out how to make that change inside the extension c...

parsing parenthesized list in python's imaplib

I am looking for simple way to split parenthesized lists that come out of IMAP responses into Python lists or tuples. I want to go from '(BODYSTRUCTURE ("text" "plain" ("charset" "ISO-8859-1") NIL NIL "quoted-printable" 1207 50 NIL NIL NIL NIL))' to (BODYSTRUCTURE, ("text", "plain", ("charset", "ISO-8859-1"), None, None, "quoted-prin...

Ruby IMAP library doesn't decode mail subject

I have got mail message with following subject in my Gmail accout: "400, значение, значение" Here is the code I use to grab mail: imap ='', 993, true, nil, false) imap.login(LOGIN, PASSWORD)"INBOX") messages =['ALL']).map do |message_id| msg =imap.fetch(message_id, "ENVELOPE")[...

Does imap.fetch(uid,'RFC822')[0].attr['RFC822'] return the entire message, including attachments?

Wondering if there's a way I can avoid fetching the attachments as well. ...

Javamail IMAP search by SUBJECT fails

I'm using javamail for imap search by subject on Gmail. I use the subjectTerm class to create a searchTerm object and pass to the search function. Search works fine for subject strings which are pure alphanumeric. As soon as I put in a single quote or a dash in the search string the search fails. IMAPSSLStore imapSslStore = connectToIm...