
Why can't I call methods within a class that explicitly implements an interface?

Here's the story. I created an interface, IVehicle. I explicitly implemented the interface in my class, Vehicle.cs. Here is my interface: Interface IVehicle { int getWheel(); } here is my class: class Vehicle: IVehicle { public int IVehicle.getWheel() { return wheel; } public void printWheel(...

Is it good practice to put private API in the .m files and public API in .h files in Cocoa?

Many of my classes in my current project have several properties and methods that are only ever called from within the class itself. Also, they might mess with the working of the class depending on the current state of the class. Currently, all these interfaces are defined in the main interface declaration in the .h files. Is it consider...

what is the underlying data structure of a set c++?

I would like to know how a set is implemented in C++. If I were to implement my own set container without using the STL provided container, what would be the best way to go about this task? I understand STL sets are based on the abstract data structure of a binary search tree. So what is the underlying data structure? An array? Also, h...

How does one use dynamic recompilation?

It came to my attention some emulators and virtual machines use dynamic recompilation. How do they do that? In C i know how to call a function in ram using typecasting (although i never tried) but how does one read opcodes and generate code for it? Does the person need to have premade assembly chunks and copy/batch them together? is the ...

How can I make a resizable array in Java?

What is the best way to do a resizable array in Java? I tried using Vector, but that shifts all elements over by when when you do an insert, and I need an array that can grow but the elements stay in place. I'm sure there's a simple answer for this, but I still not quite sure. ...

Implementation/Integration of Email Subscription form for a Wordpress theme

Hi, I would like to get some ideas what's the best way to implement/integrate a Email Subscription Form for a wordpress theme i'm building. The form I'm referring is similar to this ( and ( Thanks! ...

Linking a Drawing toolbar with a code

Hey all, I’m working on my semester’s project. It’s called “Algorithms Learning System”. It’s based on the idea of plug-ins; any developer can add his own algorithm to my application in order to be available to all students. However, my main obstacle is to create a recursion template which can help me deal with any recursive algorithm, ...

How to properly use references with variadic templates

I have something like the following code: template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4> void inc(T1& t1, T2& t2, T3& t3, T4& t4) { ++t1; ++t2; ++t3; ++t4; } template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> void inc(T1& t1, T2& t2, T3& t3) { ++t1; ++t2; ++t3; } template<typename T1, typename T2> void inc...

Is there a standard Cyclic Iterator in C++

Based on the following question: Check if one string is a rotation of other string I was thinking of making a cyclic iterator type that takes a range, and would be able to solve the above problem like so: std::string s1 = "abc" ; std::string s2 = "bca" ; std::size_t n = 2; // number of cycles cyclic_iterator it(s2.begin(),s2.end(),n); ...

Is there a MySql implementation of OAuths SimpleOAuthDataStore?

Hi, I've recently been using OAuth to secure resources on my server. The distribtion comes with SimpleOAuthDataStore.php. However I was wondering if anyone knows of a MySql implementation of this (in PHP)? Thanks Rich ...

Efficient gridview in webforms

Hy guys. As you know the gridview control is super heavy and reduces performance of the page, as the viewstate length is higher. I'm trying to get a alternative way to not use default gridview webforms. In mvc we can pass a model for example with Examples[] and in the view iterate over this array and build a grid and ...

How does a Java Arraylist contains() method evaluate objects?

Say i create one object and add it to my ArrayList. If I then create another object with exactly the same constructor input, will the contain() method evaluate the two objects to be the same? Assume the constructor doesn't do anything funny with the input, and the variables stored in both objects are identical. ArrayList<Thing> basket =...

Centralizing Messagebox handling for application

I'm wondering how others deal with trying to centralize MessageBox function calling. Instead of having long text embedded all over the place in code, in the past (non .net language), I would put system and application base "messagebox" type of messages into a database file which would be "burned" into the executable, much like a resourc...

How is inheritance implemented at the memory level?

Suppose I have class A { public: void print(){cout<<"A"; }}; class B: public A { public: void print(){cout<<"B"; }}; class C: public A { }; How is inheritance implemented at the memory level? Does C copy print() code to itself or does it have a pointer to the it that points somewhere in A p...

F# How to implement Singleton Pattern (syntax)

I have a cache of data which is getting refreshed from an outside source, and I want to limit my access tot his cache (readonly) inside of my app. I don't want to have refresh the datasource everytime I need access to it (ie. on instantiation go and pull all the data I need, as there is quite a bit of data that is being kept up to date)...

How to efficiently SELECT rows from database table based on selected set of values

I have a transaction table of 1 million rows. The table has a field name "Code" to keep customer's ID. There are about 10,000 different customer code. I have an GUI interface allow user to render a report from transaction table. User may select arbitrary number of customers for rendering. I use IN operator first and it works for few...

what is the wrong with this code"length indicator implementation" ?

Hello, this is an implementation of length indicator field but it hang and i think stuck at a loop and don't show any thing. // readx22.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "fstream" #include "stdio.h" using namespace std; class Student { public: string id; ...

C++ R - tree implementation wanted

Hi, Does anyone know good and simple to use in production code R-tree (actually, any implementations - R*, R+ or PR-tree would be great)? It doesn't matter if it is a template or library implementation, but some implementations that google found look very disappointing... Thanks in advance. ...

What would be a good language to implement a naive bayes classifier from scratch?

I would like to implement a naive bayes classifier for spam filtering from scratch as a learning exercise. What would be the best langauge of the following to try this out in? Java Ruby C++ C something else Please give reasons (it would help greatly!) ...

Why does OpenID look so hard to implement?

I read through this post: Why does it look so complicated to implement? IMO, it's just to send request to a remote site and retrieve the response. What's the problem those OpenID libraries are dealing with? ...