
Byte level length description

I have a protocol that requires a length field up to 32-bits, and it must be generated at runtime to describe how many bytes are in a given packet. The code below is kind of ugly but I am wondering if this can be refactored to be slightly more efficient or easily understandable. The problem is that the code will only generate enough by...

[R] How to access the last value in a vector?

Yes people, even though I'm talking about the R Project for Statistical Computing, it can still require programming! Suppose I have a vector that is nested in a dataframe one or two levels. Is there a quick and dirty way to access the last value, without using the length() function? Something ala PERL's $# special var? So I would lik...

NoClassDefFoundError with a long classname on Tomcat with java 1.4.2_07-b05

Hi I have a java class. it.eng.ancona.view.RuoliView$TabElaborazioneFattureValidazione$ ElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione$RigaElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione (i break the line for better readable) Is so long for multiple inner class. If i use 1.4.2_07-b05 on Eclipse and i call this class, all go fine. If i...

Maximum length of the textual representation of an IPv6 address?

I want to store the data returned by $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] in PHP into a DB field, pretty simple task, really. The problem is that I can't find any proper information about the maximum length of the textual representation of an IPv6 address, which is what a webserver provides through $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]. I'm not interested in con...

ASP.NET MVC: PathInfo Limit?

One of the limitations of ASP.NET 2.0 was that PathInfo was limited to 255 characters. Is that limit a problem in ASP.NET MVC urls, or is there any sort of length limit with ASP.NET MVC routing urls? ...

How do I get the length of a string in Perl?

What is the Perl equivalent of strlen()? ...

How do I find the length (size) of a binary blob in sqlite

I have an sqlite table that contains a BLOB file, but need to do a size/length check on the blob, how do I do that? According to some documentation I did find, using length(blob) won't work, because length() only works on texts and will stop counting after the first NULL. My empirical tests have shown this to be true. I'm using SQLite ...

How to find the length of unsigned char* in C

I have a variable unsigned char* data = MyFunction(); how to find the length of data? ...

Is there any difference between parameters in a URL and <form method="get"> ?

The question title says it all. Now, I know a difference between parameters in a URL and a POST parameter: some browsers may misbehave if the URL is too long, so it is not a good idea to stuff hundreds of parameters in a URL, even if your app can respond to a GET request. For the sake of discussion, let's suppose the following web appl...

What is the processing overhead of length() in REXX?

How does the processing overhead of the length() function in REXX change with the length of the string? Update: I'm using: uni-REXX (R) Version 297t Open-REXX (TM) Copyright (C) iX Corporation 1989-2002. All rights reserved. ...

Maximum length of a valid email id

What is the maximum length of a valid email id ...

Is there any built-in way to get the length of an iterable in python?

For example, files, in Python, are iterable - they iterate over the lines in the file. I want to count the number of lines. One quick way is to do this: lines = len(list(open(fname))) However, this loads the whole file into memory (at once). This rather defeats the purpose of an iterator (which only needs to keep the current line in...

Does a strings length equal the byte size?

Exactly that: Does a strings length equal the byte size? Does it matter on the language? I think it is, but I just want to make sure. Additional Info: I'm just wondering in general. My specific situation was PHP with MySQL. As the answer is no, that's all I need know. ...

How to find the processor queue length in linux

Trying to determine the Processor Queue Length (the number of processes that ready to run but currently aren't) on a linux machine. There is a WMI call in Windows for this metric, but not knowing much about linux I'm trying to mine /proc and 'top' for the information. Is there a way to determine the queue length for the cpu? Edit to add...

variable length packets in php

I am receiving packets sent to my server through UDP. I am using socket_read to read the data and it is coming along just fine. I have run into an error however. The length parameter to socket_read in my case is NOT always the same. The length of the data can range anywhere from 50-150 bytes. One thing that remains constant is that the d...

Is there any case where len(someObj) does not call someObj's __len__ function?

Is there any case where len(someObj) does not call someObj's __len__ function? I recently replaced the former with the latter in a (sucessful) effort to speed up some code. I want to make sure there's not some edge case somewhere where len(someObj) is not the same as someObj.__len__(). ...

Unit of length of the distance between two points

Hello jaircazarin, I am interested in calculation of the distance between two points on Earth defined by latitude and longtitude. I checked your C# code and it seems helpful for me but I couldn't understand the unit of measurement of the result. It seems that it is not meters or miles. I will be grateful if you can help me with this. ...

Javascript Array .length property/method of JavascriptEngine

I'm just curious how this is done directly by browsers. I heard that .length property of Array in Javascript Engines in fact uses invisible setters and getters to achieve functionality of ECMA-s standard that says: "whenever the length property is changed, every property whose name is an array index whose value is not smaller than the ne...

C dynamic string length

There are different ways of creating dynamic strings in C (with length that constantly changes). After some google search, the main way of doing this is to use realloc(). A way I implemented this is using linked lists with 32 bytes chunks for each node. I was wondering if there are better ways of tackling this apart from using realloc...

What to do with "The input line is too long" error message?

I am trying to use os.system() to call another program that takes an input and an output file. The command I use is ~250 characters due to the long folder names. When I try to call the command, I'm getting an error: The input line is too long. I'm guessing there's a 255 character limit (its built using a C system call, but I couldn't ...