
NoClassDefFoundError with a long classname on Tomcat with java 1.4.2_07-b05

Hi I have a java class. it.eng.ancona.view.RuoliView$TabElaborazioneFattureValidazione$ ElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione$RigaElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione (i break the line for better readable) Is so long for multiple inner class. If i use 1.4.2_07-b05 on Eclipse and i call this class, all go fine. If i...

Implementing GetByClassName for a .Net XmlDocument.

I am using an XmlDocument to parse and manipulate an XHTML string, converting some nodes to non-HTML nodes. What is the best way to get a list of all nodes with a given class name? Can it be done with XPath? ...

Help with regex in javascript

I have this sample text, which is retrieved from the class name on an html element: rich-message err-test1 erroractive rich-message err-test2 erroractive rich-message erroractive err-test1 err-test2 rich-message erroractive I am trying to match the "test1"/"test2" data in each of these examples. I am currently using the following rege...

How do I add a class to a given element?

Hi, I have a element that already has a class: <div class="someclass"> <img ... id="image1" name="image1" /> </div> Now I want to create a javascript function that will add a class to the div (not replace, but add). How can I do that? ...

What does Class.fromName() not work for me?

Hello, I'm trying to instantiate a class from variable, and written a test script. But, unfortunately, it isn't woriking. There is that script: Object co1 = new CommandDownloadHttp(); Class cc1 = Class.forName("CommandDownloadHttp"); Object co = cc1.newInstance(); Unfortunately on second line it crashes with java.lang.ClassNotFoundEx...

Pre-registering an ATL window class

I am using a combination of the ATL and WTL for a project and have derived my own class from CWindowImpl, which looks something like this: class CMyControl : public CWindowImpl<CMyControl> { public: DECLARE_WND_CLASS(_T("MyClassName")) ... BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CMyControl) ... END_MSG_MAP() }; This is all good, and if ...

Can C++ method names be qualified by the class name, in the header?

Hi. Simple question, is this valid C++: class Foo { void Foo::doSomething(); }; The point of the question: is that repeated use of the class name and double colon before the method name valid inside the class declaration? I'm having issues compiling code that does this using g++ 4.2.3. I would love to see a reference to somethin...

Appending text to class names

Hi, Is there a way in Subsonic to append text to a generated class name? I know the appendWith property can be used in cases where the property name conflicts with type names, but is there a way to do it for every table regardless of the name? I've tried using the regular expression match and replace but that also appends the text to th...

IE6/7 And ClassName (JS/HTML)

Hi, I am trying to change the class of an element using javascript. So far I'm doing : var link = document.getElementById("play_link"); link.className = "play_button"; edit: here is the actual code that replace the classname In the HTML : <a href="#play_link_<%=i%>" id="play_link_<%=i%>"onclick="changeCurrentTo(<%=i%>);return fals...

Classnames for Common Application Buildingblocks

Are you tired of the alway old Manager and Handler classes? Used all ...Thing, ...Dingus, Doodad, ...Entity, ...Gizmo or ...Object Suffixes? I certainly am and did. So here I want to collect usefull Classnames. I think this Article described it best: Do not use “Manager” or “Helper” or other null words in a type name. If you...

How Do I Retrieve The Class Name From Hibernate?

If there's already a question that addresses this, then could I please get a link as I cannot find one. I'm looking to obtain the stored class name of an object stored in my Hibernate database. When I look at the database externally I see the strings stored that have the classname. How can I retrieve the class name without constructing ...

What are the C# namespace and class/sub-class naming conventions when the top namespace contains the base class and inner namespaces contain sub-classes?

I'm trying to design a class library for a particular engineering application and I'm trying to ensure that my class & namespace naming conventions make sense. I have the following situation: namespace Vehicle{ class Wheel{...} //base class for Wheel objects class Engine{...} //base class for Engine objects ... namesp...

How to represent class names in LaTeX?

Hi, what do you see as best way of presenting class names in LaTeX documents (writing about a piece of software). I'm currently using \texttt (monospaced typewrite font) which otherwise works fine but my class names end up goind "over" the margins. So, I'm asking for either an alternative (good-looking) way of representing the class...

Java - Name for money class

What should I name my class that stores costs/prices/amounts of money in CAD/USD as separate longs for dollars and cents? I has "PriceInDollars", but I don't really like that, and I always forget it. Any ideas? EDIT: Apparently I should use BigDecimal, not reinvent the wheel. I guess I'll just use that. I did learn a lot trying to make ...

IE6 performance issues with adding className on multiple elements (jQuery tableHover plugin)

In an application I write that uses a large HTML table of numbers the design requires that the row and column of the hovered cell will be highlighted. I develop all the JS for this project using jQuery 1.3.x, and I found the tableHover plugin that does exactly what I need. But: on IE6 the performance of this plugin drops down as the n...

Get Namespace, classname from a dll in C# 2.0

Hi, I will get dll's dynamically. I need to load the dll and get the namespace, classname to invoke a method (the method name is static it will be always "OnStart()"). Basically I need to run a method by loading the dll. Can somebody help!!!. ...

Ideal class name for static class for misc functionalities

Whats is the ideal class name for my static class which has some static methods to handle General/Common functionalities iike taking backup,saving recent items etxc.. (Infact Misc items ) in C#. I would like to have Manager as suffix of the class name (ex: SaleManager(to handle sales related functionalities),ContatManager(to handle conta...

How to convert the current class name of usercontrols to string on c#?

So I have tried GetType() but for some reason, It does include the namespace... Does C# not have a property for a class specifying its name? For example: public class Parent : System.Web.UI.UserControl { public someFunction(){ Child child = new Child(); Console.WriteLine(child.ThePropertyThatContainsTheName); } }...

Is there a common name in use for an object that gets data from a database?

I'm developing an API for use by one of our vendors to access data in our databases and I need to name my classes. I'm thinking about names such as Retriever, Accessor, and Controller (eg. TimesRetriever, TimesAccessor, TimesController, etc). These classes will provide read only access to data (that I'll be summarizing) in our database...

jQuery className woes.

I'm trying to get the name of a class that matched a regex of a checked input. If I have this: <input type="radio" class="toggle toggle-1" /> <input type="radio" class="toggle toggle-2" checked="checked" /> <input type="radio" class="toggle toggle-3" /> I want to find out that 'toggle-2' is the checked class. $('.toggle:checked'...