




I have a java class.

it.eng.ancona.view.RuoliView$TabElaborazioneFattureValidazione$ ElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione$RigaElencoDettaglioElaborazioneFattureValidazione

(i break the line for better readable)

Is so long for multiple inner class.

If i use 1.4.2_07-b05 on Eclipse and i call this class, all go fine.

If i use 1.4.2_07-b05 on Tomcat 5.0 it throw NoClassDefFoundError.

I try to cut the class name and after this all work fine.

I search on internet and i find that the max length for a class name is > 65000, so the length should be ok. And on eclipse all work.

The OS is Vista.

Someone know if it's a bug o anything else?


ps.Sorry for my bad english :\

[EDIT] It's a OS problem, i move the tomcat directory one level up and the long class was found.

Thanks all

+2  A: 

This could be caused by the maximum path length of Windows. Try moving your Tomcat server to something like C:\TC to see if you still have a problem. Also check if the jar that this class should be in, actually does have it.

This exact situation happened to me.
Heath Borders

isn't this more a Classpath problem?

Within Eclipse it is fairly easy to get a correct classpath, since it manages its own build directory.

Is the class in your WAR (or autodeploy-folder, or whatever you use to deploy to Tomcat)?