
Different ways to implement 'dirty'-flag functionality

Almost every programmer did it once in his life: setting some flag if a variable's value changed. There's always lots of properties and you want to keep track if something changed in any property in a specific property or in some set of properties I'm interested in different ways to implement the "dirty-flag" functionality for the a...

Access a SharePoint website fom a java Application with Kerberos authentication

I am trying to access a SharePont website fom a java Application. The SharePoint server prefers Kerberos authentication. Can you please provide an example for just the implementation of Kerberos authentication? ...

Alternatives to Web-Application?

Suppose you've got a customer who wants an application that has its data centralized stored and maintained, users can connect to it (but can also have data locally stored) and work with it and not using a browser to view and modify the data. Furthermore the application itself should also be centralized maintained. So no traditional web-...

FindControl implementation

While debugging a problem I'm having on a DetailsView finding a control in one of the templates I encountered something strange. I have implemented a recursive FindControl Extension, and it where finding a control with an id completely different from the one I where searching for. the implementation is basically calling Findcontrol on th...

Is there a Perl implementation in Java?

Hi, I am looking for Perl implementation in Java. Something like Jython is for Python. I found PLJava but it needs both JVM and Perl compiler installed. I need something which does not need a Perl compiler. I need to run some Perl code in a Java class. UPDATE: I figured out that PLJAVA is what I need. Does anybody know some tutorial?...

how does array[100] = {0} set the entire array to 0?

How does the compiler fill values in char array[100] = {0};? What's the magic behind it? I wanted to know how internally compiler initializes. Thanks in advances. Looking more such sorts of tricks. ...

How to use queue with two threads-- one for consumer and one for producer

Hi, I am using a application where lower level application always invokes a callback RecData(char *buf) when it receives the data. Now in the call back i am creating two threads and pass the consumer and producer function to these created threads respectively. My code looks like as below: void RecData (char * buf) { CreateThread(NULL,...

How can one implement a Compact Directed Acyclic Word Graph (CDAWG) in C?

How would one implement this data structure in C. It is a structure similar to the DAWG, that is more efficient than the trie which only compresses prefixes. The CDAWG is a data structure twice as space efficient as the DAWG. ...

Suggestions for implementing visual link analysis into web app

I'm looking for some suggestions on how to implement visual link analysis into a web application. I'm hoping for something that will compare to i2's Analysis Notebook without all the cost. I have found ThinkMap SDK (built on Java) and JuiceKit (built on Adobe Flex), but I would prefer something that would reside within C# .Net since th...

Fast implementation of Rolling hash

I need a Rolling hash to search for patterns in a file. (I am trying to use the rabin-Karp string search algorithm). I understand how a good hash works and how a good rolling hash should work but I am unable to figure out how to efficiently implement the 'divide' (or inverse multiplication) when rolling the hash. I also read rsync uses ...

What is the significance for Ruby programmers of SAP's new implementation of Ruby?

SAP announced Blue Ruby, a version of Ruby that runs inside the ABAP Virtual Machine. This seems to lend additional credibility to the Ruby language but, except for SAP developers, does this have any applicability to the rest of the Ruby community? I'm just wondering what other significance this may have. Additional job opportunities,...

Is Ruby really an interpreted language if all of its implementations are compiled into bytecode?

In the chosen answer for this question about Blue Ruby, Chuck says: All of the current Ruby implementations are compiled to bytecode. Contrary to SAP's claims, as of Ruby 1.9, MRI itself includes a bytecode compiler, though the ability to save the compiled bytecode to disk disappeared somewhere in the process of merging...

suggestions for setting up authenticating users based on questions

I am in the process of setting up a little module where if the user loggin in last logged in at a certain date then he has to answer 10 options questions before being authenticated. 10 questions will be options and multiple choice. Wondering If i can get some advice in setting this up. I want to store the 10 questions and answers for...

How to create custom JVM ?

I was reading item #6.10 on and I began wondering how the big players go about creating their own implementation of a JVM. Would an experimental something or another be possible (and feasible) for one guy? ...

Implementing a matrix, which is more efficient - using an Array of Arrays (2D) or a 1D array?

Hey everyone, When implementing a Matrix construct using arrays, which would be more efficient? Using a 1D array, or an array of arrays (2D)? I would think a 2D is more efficient as you already have the X and Y coordinates of an element, where in a 1D implementation you have to calculate the index. Any thoughts? Thank you Edit: it ...

How is setTimeout implemented in the javascript interpreters or timers in general?

How is a function called after a time has passed implemented in javascript or any other interpreted language? In other words, is there a loop behind in the javascript interpreter that checks all the time a list of timers, or is there any particular way that the operating systems handle this? Thanks ...

What are the problems associated with retrieving email using CURL?

A new feature I wish to add to our local network is the ability to retrieve email from free email services such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail using PHP. There are services we can pay for but I would rather hack it up myself! I find that Google only has an API but the rest do not. What are the problems associated then with me just retrievi...

Windows Scheme/Lisp Implementation

With the thousands of implementations of LISP and Scheme available I'm having a very hard time finding just the right one to use for Windows development. I learned these languages in school and found them to be very elegant, however, I don't seem to be able to find an implementation that would be suitable for developing code other than ...

High Profile ASP.NET websites

About twice a month I get asked to justify the reason "Why are we using ASP.NET and not PHP or Java, or buzz-word-of-the-month-here, etc". 100% of the time the questions come from people that do not understand anything about technology. People that would not know the difference between FTP and HTTP. The best approach I found (so far) ...

Partial Method Inside Abstract Class (C#)

I'm creating an abstract class that can be inherited in a partial class of a LINQ to SQL class. The LINQ to SQL class contains a bunch of built-in partial methods. Is there a way that I can implement one or more of the partial methods in the abstract class? I know that partial methods can only be contained within partial classes or struc...