
iPhone consumable product is behaving like a non-consumable product (already purchased...)

Our app has a list of locked products that share the same consumable product id (i.e. one consumable product id for many products). Our server provides me with a list of products and the product id associated with them: item name="itemA" iphoneProductId="consumable.test.1" item name="itemB" iphoneProductId="consumable.test.1" item nam...

Knowing when user has pressed cancel buttons during In-App purchase

I am writing code for in-app purchases and using a "Processing..." view with an activity indicator to block the "Buy Now" button once a purchase is initiated. However, how can you tell when the user hits a "Cancel" button since those alert views are coming from the Is there a delegate method that gets called when those ...

SKProductsRequestDelegate failure

The SKProductsRequestDelegate has one single method: - (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response Usually, I find these sorts of delegates will have several methods for handling multiple cases, rather than just success. For example: -(void) connection:(NSURLConnection *)connec...

problem in creating - Provisioning Portal.

i'm trying to create an In-App purchase. but i'm facing a problem in creating - Provisioning Portal. After creating an APP ID, On the “Configure App ID” screen, i'm unable to get that option “Enable In App Purchase”. what could be the possible error i'm making in the procedure ? ...

Creating a magazine issue model to sell via in-app purchase

We have developed a magazine style app for a client. Even though we're pretty happy about it we want to migrate to a in-app purchase version ASAP. The idea is to have an app much like Wired or Popular Science where you can purchase issues on a monthly basis. We have read the in-app purchase programming guide, but the problem we're havi...

Iphone reload tableview after a purchase has finished gives odd error. " error: expected ':' before '.' token"

Guys I'm using the code below. Xcode refuses to compile the last line. I get: "error: expected ':' before '.' token" on the last line. Can't figure out what is wrong... - (void) failedTransaction: (SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction { if (transaction.error.code != SKErrorPaymentCancelled) { // Optional...

Question about version numbers and in app purchases?

I am finishing up an app for a client that uses in app purchases and i am getting ready to create the app in itunes connect so i can add products. My question is do i have to enter in all the final info such as name, description, icons, screenshots, version, etc.., that i will be using to release the app with or can i just create a stu...

iPad In App Purchase fails with SKErrorPaymentCancelled and "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

Possible Duplicate: iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working. Hi. I updated today to version 3.2.2 of the iPad iOS and I noticed that my In App Purchase testing was not working. I am using a test account and everyhing was working until now (our app is already live since june and the real in app purchase works), but today I wan...

Does an In App Purchase's Product ID have to begin with a Reverse-DNS?

Does an In App Purchase's Product ID have to begin with a Reverse-DNS like com.mycompany.My_Awesome_Game.Level_Pack_1 or can it just be standalone like Level_Pack_1? ...

invalid Product Id's in In App Purchases iPhone application??

i just created In App Purchases for my new application and checked Cleared for Sale option. But when i test my application after 2 days its still giving me invalid product id's.. I didnt Approve them earlier. Do i need to approve the App Purchases too before testing them...Will that affect my application when i upload my final binary and...

iPhone app activated before associated in-app-purchase activated?

I recently submitted my iPhone app for review. I also approved the in-app-purchase for my app (and provided the in-app-purchase screenshot). It's a few days later and the app status has been updated from "waiting for review" to "in review"... while the in-app-purchase status is still "waiting for review". Could the app go live in the ...

Can I test my In App Purchase in the sandbox when the App is in the App Store?

My app is already in the App Store but there seems to be a bug with the In App Purchase. I want to debug it but I cannot get into the sandbox environment with my iPhone and XCode. Is there anything special I have to do to work in the sandbox again? Thanks ...

Convert existing iOS paid app to freemium model with in-app purchase

Hi, I currently have a paid app in the store. Apple have not allowed a 'lite' version to be submitted as well, so I have no choice but to update the current paid version to a freemium (with in app purchase) model. I have the problem of not loosing functionality for v1 users that have purchased the app the first time round. Is there an...

iphone: in-App Purchase Error

Hi, I am developing an application and using in-app purchases in it. i have created in-app products in iTunes Connect. till yesterday everything was working fine. but today. it started giving this error. "Error: Payment requests are restricted to products returned as valid via Store Kit's didRecieveResponse method." i have no idea wha...

Testing in-app purchase before going live

So here is the scenario: You have already tested your in-app purchase code in the sandbox environment and everything went perfectly. Your app is now "Ready for Sale" and you want to make sure in-app purchases work flawlessly prior to actually letting your app hit the app store. To try this, I downloaded a "pre-release" version from...

InApp Purchase, help needed!

Hey, i just got rejected on my Free app from appstore. I uploaded 3 apps, HD(iPad), PayedIphone and freeiphone. In the free-version i had a link to the fullversion. Appearently i need inAppPurchase in the free-version rather than linking to the fullversion. How should i implement this in the easiest way? All i want is a button that say...

In App Purchase problem for non consumable products

Hi I am developing an application in which user can purchase any image he likes. For this i have implemented the in app purchase functionality as consumable products. That means if user purchase the same image again, he has to pay for that again. But apple rejected this application by saying that the product should be non-consumable in ...

iPhone Lite to Paid App

Hi All, I have a lite iPhone app that has a link for the Paid app on the app Store. On the following question it was mentioned that the app was rejected because of the same behavior and in order to apply this I have to use In app purchase instead. I have seen Lite and Paid apps on the store. I wanted to know how I can handle the link b...

in-app purchase Server Product Model Implementation problem

Hi, i'm trying to implement an in-app purchase Server Product model. I read the Apple documentation and i unterstand what i have to do, but i'm doing something wrong somewhere. I premise that i don't know anything about PHP :( , so i'm trying to understand something only now, but i searched also in this forum and i found a lot of interes...

iOS - In-App Purchase & applicationDidBecomeActive

Hey there, I'm working on an app for 4.0 using the background methods. I'm updating the user defaults with a number that is incremented each time the app is launched. Looks like in 4.0 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions doesn't fire each time the app is launched, only the first time it's launched if it's not already in the background. So ...