
How do I create a WPF Image control that sources its data from a JPEG I've read into memory?

For the images in my application, I have been setting the source property of my image to a JPEG file on disk but, as part of my next iteration, I want to test keeping them in memory for speed. How do I tell the WPF Image control to get its information from an in-memory source rather than from a file? ...

Convert BMP to PNG in memory for Clipboard pasting in .Net

This similar question's answers all require the file to be saved. However, I'm trying to convert the file and then copy it to the clipboard. How can I convert a Bitmap (or any image) to a PNG without saving it to the file system? Update: I'm trying to paste the image into an application (in this case Evernote). When you copy an image i...

In Memory Caching of Dataset

I am planning to do some in memory caching of my data for operations in my web service. This data would be basically lookup values which do not change frequently. I was planning to get all that data in datasets (multiple tables) and store them till the data does not change on DB side. This is so because some of my data never changes, whe...

Is there a good in-memory database that would act like DB2

I am currently using DB2 to do unit tests, but it is sometime quite slow. I would need a good in-memory database that would include all the feature of DB2. Does this type of in-memory database exist, or do they only allow standard SQL feature? Thank you. EDIT The DB2 Database is on a remote server, so I would need a solution to replica...

Looking for distributed, in-memory Graph DB

Is there a database which will satisfy all (or at least most) of this requirements? Graph oriented - optimized for storing graphs and traversal(e.g HyperGraphDB, Neo4j) Running in memory, but having a persisted storage (e.g. Redis) Distributed (e.g. membase) Had .NET adapter (TCP/IP, not HTTP REST) Or am I asking too much? Thanks in...

Is there in-memory SQL database supporting replication/clustering?

Free and stable is the winner. My plan is quite trivial - just put all the data in memory and use the cluster without changing the application code. Then, for persistence, I could just dump the data from nodes in a regular disk-access database. The only thing is, that since I demand in-memory storage, there is no possibility of full da...