
PHP equivalent to jsp:include

PHP has include and require_once which are equivalent to JSP's include directive(<%@ include ..%>) JSP also has a jsp:include which only includes the output from the included file, keeping the included file in a servlet of its own. I am looking for something similar in PHP, so that the main page's variables and other content don't mess w...

require wp-load.php 3 directories back

I'm trying to include a file (/wp-load.php) at the beginning of the /html/ directory. I'm trying to include it from /wp-content/themes/pw-steel-orange/index-load.php, but I always get the error message Warning: require_once(../wp-load.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/1...

Included PHP scripts can't access $_POST when output buffering?

I have an HTML form POSTing to the following index.php: <?php require_once("/home/full/path/to/included/file.php"); ?> And in file.php, I am trying to access $_POST: ob_start(); session_start(); var_dump($_POST); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $contents; But var_dump($_POST) returns an empty array. Moving the ...

PHP include outside class only Once

I'm a new guy in PHP OOP concepts. One of the first things that caught my eye that I can't include a php script to multiple classes just by writing it once at the begining of the script. I mean <?php include 'var.php'; class userSession{ /* all the code */ public function getVariables(){ /* use of variables which are inside var.p...

Check that no variables have been passed

I have one file index.php, I am trying to include splash.php when no variable is passed and display.php when any variable is passed. This is what i have so far but i want to make it universal for all variables instead of just "query". if (!isset($_REQUEST['query'])) { include("splash.php"); } else { include("display.php"); } ...

javascript: how to include file depending on subdirectory

Hi everyone, I need your help. I need to include external files (menu) on a template depending on the current sub directory. For ie; I have two sub directories: and each sub directory has own menu file. How to create this conditional script on JavaSc...

Identify which file has included some particular header file

Sometimes with a complex header structure it happens some header is included, but it is hard to tell where from. Is there some tool (depedency viewer?) or a method how to find the "inclusion stack" (which source / which header / which header / ...) is including one particular header file? If the header file is included multiple times, ...

Avoiding including abstract class in a general 'bootstrap' file

In my project, say I am instantiating a class named SubClass, which extends an abstract class named AbstractClass. At the top of my files I include a file named, which includes AbstractClass in every file. Then, when I need it, I include SubClass which does not contain an include to AbstractClass. If I include AbstractClas...

How can I recursively check an array of file include dependencies for other dependencies?

To explain my question, let me first point to this array: <?php $_depends = array( '/Scripting/jquery.hyponiqs/jquery.dropdown.js' => array( "/Scripting/jquery.externals/jquery.resize.js", "/Scripting/jquery.externals/jquery.topzindex.js", "/Scripting/jquery.externals/jquery.timers.js", "/Scripting/jq...

Including header file defined by macro

I need to provide configuration file, which will describe which STL header files to include. I have found that usually it is done by defining a lot of HAVE_XXX_HEADER macros. I wonder if there's something wrong with explicitly providing header name in a macro. Then instead of testing each variant: #if defined(HAVE_TR1_UNORDERED_MAP_HEAD...

Visual C++ includes directories

I want to read some library files and I went to Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>VC++ directories and I found the following : $VSInstalldir/... $VSInstalldir/... $FrameworkSDKdir/ $WindowsSDKdir/... $PATH $SystemRoot/Syswow64/.... And I could locate only files inside $VSInstalldir . Where are $FrameworkSDKdir, $WindowsSDKdir, $PAT...

CakePHP, including entire jquery plugin folder (with css, etc)?

I need to use some fairly complex Jquery plugins that aren't just a single .js file, but rather need an entire folder that contains css, images, etc.. I am not understanding how to include this using cakephp, I suppose I could do it from the layout in a traditional HTML manner, but it would be nicer to just do it the Cakephp way, the jqu...

Using PHP function include() to include a png image.

Ok people, despite the best-known-practices, today I decided to do this: <img src='<? include("dir/dir/img.png"); ?>'> With 6 diferent .png images. Sadly, only 2 of the 6 were nicely visible on the browser. Why only 2 of the 6 images were shown? Maybe there were data losses bits on the way? Thank you for your time :] ...

secure include files

Hi everyone. I'd like to know the BEST solution to secure includes files. For now my solution is this : in the index file : define('KEY','security'); include('s.php'; s.php : if(KEY!='security') exit; ...

how to force to include all classes in a folder in yii framework

I can force to inlcude one model by Yii::import("application.models.modelName", true); What should I do to include all models from models directory? Line: Yii::import("application.models.*", true); doesn't work becouse yii import only when there is need to use it. ...

Eclipse C++ include error: no such file or directory

I've loaded a C++ project into Eclipse (Europa) and I'm familiarizing myself with the CDT interface. There is one particularly annoying error message for the following line: #include "somedir/somefile.h" somedir/somefile.h: No such file or directory The include file exists in "/opt/local/project/include/somedir/somefile.h". Under P...

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory

I think I did all the necessary configuration but I am still getting this: Error 1 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory File:c:\documents and settings\administrator\my documents\visual studio 2008\libs\boost_1_43_0\boost\smart_ptr\shared_ptr.hpp Line:17 Here are screenshots of s...

Secuity considerations when including files

Hello I am preparing to setup a request routing system in php based on the $_GET array. For example, for the url ?r=login I'd use include myfiles/".$_GET['r'].".php"; Which would point automatically to myfiles/login.php I know I need to sanitise the get input, but I'm concerned as it is possible to maliciously redirect the include. Ca...

PHP include chain not working

Here's the folder structure of my project: /ping --/Controller ----Ping_Conntroller_Main.php ----Ping_Conntroller_Db.php --/Model ----dbCredentials.php --/View ----output.html.php 'ping' is the folder that contains my project and it sits inside the 'xampp/htdocs/' directory on my computer (C:/xampplite/htdocs/) Here is the initia...

jsp:include not working with Expression Language (JSP version 2.5, EL enabled)

I've read: but it's slightly different. Using EL for referencing file works fine like the one below. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/global.css"/> However when try to use JSP include tag with EL e...