I am generating a graphviz DOT file in a Java program (here is a example of what one looks like: http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/cluster.html). I want to automatically indent this file based on the braces. Is there an easy way to do this in Java? Thanks!
Is there any tool available to just format (remove whitespace and indent correctly) an *.html.ep file?
Its a template file of a perl app.
How can I set up cperl mode in Emacs so that the indentation after brackets, e.g.
has 'name' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
(default indentation) becomes more like that seen in, for example, the Moose manual, e.g.
has 'password' => (
I'm looking for a way in emacs to shift text to the right or to the left by n spaces. A similar functionality that it in vim << or >>. It should work on a region or if no region is selected on a current line and not move the cursor from its current location.
The solution from EmacsWiki does not work very well as the M-x indent-rigi...
In emacs 21:
namespace Abc { namespace Def {
class X;
namespace Ghi {
class Y;
} }
But now in emacs 22.2.1:
namespace Abc { namespace Def {
class X;
namespace Ghi {
class Y;
} }
How do I get the old behaviour back? Note that I don't want a fixed column for indentation...
I am sure that this must be a dup, but I can't find the right keywords to search for. So I am posting.
Right now my latex paragraphs look like this:
The paragraph does not start out with
an indent. But when you make a new
paragraph there is an indent.
This is a new paragraph. Can
you see the indent?
This is another...
Is it possible to use "tabs"(indenting) in textarea using javascript. When tab button is clicked, the next form element is focused. But, i need to indent the text in textarea.
I am currently working in a project and any code with javascript or jquery will help me.
Some projects I work in uses tab key settings that equate to 3 or 4 spaces and another wants actual tabs. Another mixes the two depending on directory.
Is there some way to set these settings per project, or even better, per file?
If not, does someone have a clever way of dealing with this? (besides "just remember which setting you s...
I have a folder containing hundreds of TTL (TeraTermLanguage) files.
Now I wanted indent all these files.
I have created teraterm.vim for indentation and I open a file using VIM and do "gg=G" and whole file gets indented properly.
But is there any way, where I can indent all the files in folder.
I wanted to do with help of Shell. ...
Here is a sample program from RWH book. I'm wondering why the first works great but the second can't even compile? The only difference is the first one uses 2 tabs after where mainWith func = do whereas the second uses only 1. Not sure what difference does that mean? Why the second fails to compile? And also why do construct can be empt...
I'm trying to get VIM to indent Javascript with the '=' and related commands. When I try to auto indent the following, for example:
new function($) {
$.fn.setCursorPosition = function(pos) {
if ($(this).setSelectionRange) {
$(this).setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
} else if ($(this).createTextRange) {
I want to indent from the second line.
I want to write in LaTeX something like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eu tempor velit. Fusce accumsan ultrices fringilla. Praesent sed odio mi. Mauris non ligula turpis. Duis posuere lacus nec diam interdum dictum suscipit magna molestie. Vestibulum nibh dol...
I'm playing with Python and Google App Engine for the first time but am unable to define a string within my function (mytest2), I get an indentation error on the line after the declaration. I can define one in the parameters that works (test) but can't see why I wouldn't be able to do it in the function aswell.
I've read a few tuto...
When I try to fix the indentation of an HTML file with gg=G, each line looses its indentation and becomes left-justified. Does anybody know what could be going on here?
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Indent test</title>
Is there any tool to do for JSP files what checkstyle does for Java files?
The ideal would be to include JSP checking on checkstyle, but as far as I can see, this isn't possible.
I would like for example to check JSP files for :
Indentation style
Right placements of certain constructs
Tab / space check
Check for use of scriplets
Hi, all.
I'm developing a VXML IVR application in Eclipse, and it's chock full of messy JSPs. Some of my (inherited!) source looks like this:
<%if (useLegacy) {%>
<form id="getLegacy">
<if cond="gblFirstRunThroughFlag=='true'">
<%--Use special "extra info" menu to retrieve the legacy ID--%>
<goto next="getLegacyInfoFirst.jsp"/...
I'm using Eclipse to edit JavaScript files and I guess I'm "doing it wrong". Given the following code, where
» represents a tab,
· represents a space, and
| represents the cursor:
» var·baz·=·[|
If I hit enter at this point, I get
» var·baz·=·[
» ···········|
Yuck. I would much rather g...
I have written function (actually a macro, but whatever) that works similarly to progn. How can I tell emacs that this function should be indented in the same way as progn?
GHC 6.12.1
Mac OS X 10.6.4 x64
MacBook Pro
I'm having trouble using let syntax. The following code refuses to compile:
module Main where
main = let x = 1
y = 2
z = 3
in putStrLn $ "X = " ++ show x ++ "\nY = " ++ show y ++ "\nZ = " ++ show z
I tried tabbing in y = 2 and z = 3 even more. No dice.
I'm currently fighting with Vim, I can't seem to make the indentation options do what I want.
Here are my settings, I put them at the bottom of .vimrc to make sure they take precedence. As you can see I'm going a little crazy, so I tried turning off almost everything:
set cindent
set cinkeys=o,O
set cinoptions=
set cinwords=
set indent...