
Rails initializer for development and production

I have the following code in /config/initializers/chargify.rb Chargify.configure do |c| c.subdomain = 'example' c.api_key = '123xyz' end But I have different settings for development and production. So, how would I have a different set of variables values based on environment? ...

Rails 3: config/initializers errors for gem configuration

I'm trying to setup this plugin (Crumble), and the docs say I need to add a configuration file for the plugin in config/initializers/ like this (breadcrumb.rb): Breadcrumb.configure do ... end I add in my directives in that block, and reloaded the page, and I'm immediately greeted with a Passenger error: uninitialized constant Bre...

Stop daemon with server in Ruby on Rails

I have a daemon that I'm starting along with the server using an initializer file. I want to stop this daemon once the server stops, but I'm not sure where to put a script that would run when the server stops. Initializers get automatically loaded when the server starts. Is there a similar "destroyers" folder? Where would I put code tha...

scala foreach und map initializers

Just seen an interesting possibility to initialize code blocks in Scala for high order functions such as foreach or map: (1 to 3) map { val t = 5 i => i * 5 } (1 to 3) foreach { val line = Console.readLine i => println(line) } Is this some documented feature or should i better avoid such constructs? I could imagine, ...

How can I use an array-initializer syntax for a custom vector class?

I have a class roughly designed as such: class Vector3 { float X; float Y; float Z; public Vector3(float x, float y, float z) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z; } } I have other classes implementing it as properties, for example: class Entity { Vector3 Position { get; set; } } ...

C# initialiser conditional assignment

In a c# initialiser, I want to not set a property if a condition is false. Something like this: ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection() { ServerInstance = server, LoginSecure = windowsAuthentication, if (!windowsAuthentication) { Login = user, Password = password } }; ...

PHP Static class initializer

I have an helper class with some static functions. all the functions in the class requires a 'heavy' initialization function to run once ( like it was a constructor.. ). is there a good practice ? the only thing i thought of is calling 'init' function , and breaking it's flow if it already run once (using static $initialized var). pro...

Format(line wrapping) constructor initializer list in Eclipse CDT

I tried to find a solution for now ~30min and couldn't find any. I am trying to set up the code style in CDT so it gives me: MyClass::MyClass() : var1(1), var2(2), var3(3){ } instead of MyClass::MyClass() : var1(1), var2(2), var3(3){ } but I couldn't find an option to do so. The only 'initializer list' option I could f...

Invalid initializer, CGPoint

i have this code and on the second line it gives me an error that says invalid initialzer this is the code: -(void)setPlayerPosition:(CGPoint)position { CGPoint tileCoord = [self tileCoordForPosition:position]; int tileGid = [_meta tileGIDAt:tileCoord]; if (tileGid) { NSDictionary *properties = [_tileMap propertiesForGID:tileGid]; ...

Unable to use I18n.t call in an initializer file

I would like to use I18n.t call in an initializer file. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Rails returns the usual "translation missing:" message. It seems that the I18n files haven't been loaded yet when the call is made. Are there any workarounds ? Thanks ...

Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional?

It seems that the C# 3.0 object initializer syntax allows one to exclude the open/close pair of parentheses in the constructor when there is a parameterless constructor existing. Example: var x = new XTypeName { PropA = value, PropB = value }; As opposed to: var x = new XTypeName() { PropA = value, PropB = value }; I'm curious why ...

Spring DataSourceInitializer splits trigger ins sql by ; delimiter

We use org.springframework.batch.test.DataSourceInitializer class in order to init DB on basis of .sql scripts. Init was failed,after trigger had been added to .sql. After debugging,the cause of error while was found here: try { scripts = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(stripComments(IOUtils.readLines(scriptResource.getInputStr...

Simple Singleton instantiation problem

I must be doing something very silly, but I'm getting a ExceptionInInitializerError when I try to instantiate an object in my Singleton: class MySingleton { private static MySingleton instance = null; private OtherObject obj; // Do I instantiate obj here??? private MySingleton() { //obj = new OtherObject(); } // Or he...

Basic C++: How do I initialize a struct member of a class?

Hi all. I've looked all over the place, but haven't found an answer to this. I have a C++ class with these protected members: struct tm _creationDate; struct tm _expirationDate; struct tm _lockDate; I want to initialize them at instantiation time. If I put this in the constructor: _creationDate = {0}; _expirationDate = {0}...